Sunday, October 18, 2009

Debate Details + Time Change!

Time of Debate has changed to 7:00PM Tues 10/27

Rules from Town Crier (moderator) below. Wish me luck!


7:00 p.m. – 8:30pm: Candidate Forum
8:30 p.m. - 8:45 pm: Mingle with the candidates
It is our desire to allow voters an opportunity to meet and hear the candidates and their stands on current issues facing the community. To that end, we have developed the following procedures, based on a League of Women Voters format.
A member of the Town Crier newspaper will moderate the forum. Candidates will draw for the order of opening statements. The order will be changed for questions and closing statements.
Candidates will be seated in alphabetical order. Each candidate will have two minutes to make an opening statement, which should include his or her qualifications. We will then ask questions submitted by citizens of the community. The candidates will have one minute to respond to each question. Candidates may make a closing statement of one minute.
A timekeeper with a stopwatch and color-coded timing cards will keep candidates to the time limits. A green card means one minute left. Yellow indicates 30 seconds, and red means stop.
Following opening statements, the moderator will read the first question. Questions will be solicited from residents prior to the forum. Candidates will not have an opportunity to review the questions ahead of time. Each candidate will respond to the same question in turn. The first candidate to answer the first question will be the one seated last in the alphabetical seating plan. The candidate to the right of this person will answer the next question first. In this way, the same person will not be speaking first each time.
Questions will be gathered from citizens of Mariemont and reviewed by screeners from the Town Crier. Questions will be chosen for appropriateness and applicability to the office being sought and will be addressed to all candidates. Questions that are inappropriate for the branch of government involved in this forum will be set aside. For example, a question about school facilities would not be appropriate for Council candidates, but a question about joint use of school and Village facilities would be.

A table will be provided in the lobby for campaign literature. Candidates and their agents are prohibited from distributing materials by hand.

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