Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My views on the Partnering Oppty with Columbia Township (aka "JEDZ")

I'm a big believer in partnership with neighboring communities.  A good "Foreign Policy" can make all our lives better.  In this case, a Joint Economic Development Zone (JEDZ) partnership with Columbia Township can be a real money maker for the Village and at the same time start to build a foundation of trust so we can move forward together on bigger and more substantial projects.  Maybe we agree on a stopsign (just happened w Fairfax).  Maybe we share a piece of equipment.  Maybe we build a bike path.  Maybe we join forces on some big service contract.  Who knows, but this can be a springboard for good things for Mariemont.

The following is a one page "editorial" I'm sharing with folks to educate.


In a world of shrinking budgets and rising expenses, the Village has an opportunity to receive $50,000 of new Revenue annually by Partnering with Columbia Township (sharing Mariemont’s Tax Office + agreeing to no Annexation).  This agreement is called a Joint Economic Development Zone or JEDZ.  Even with committed efforts by Joe Miller and Joe Stelzer on Council over many months, negotiations are unfortunately stalled, and we have only days before losing this opportunity (a neighboring community could become their Partner).

Council should meet right away to discuss the opportunity and advance a proposal, but there is no Special Meeting planned.  Council’s next scheduled meeting on 7/8 will likely be too late.

Many will say a deal isn’t possible/isn’t right for the Village.  You may hear some of the following comments (counter points included as well):

1) Columbia Township owes Mariemont a proposal---Any Partnership is a two way street.  Can't we initiate?  Are we motivated?
2) The Township isn’t serious about partnering---The Township has engaged Mariemont for years on portions of this proposal.
3) The Township won't accept our offer---It’s true we have no way of knowing if the Township will accept an offer to partner; this Revenue is not guaranteed.
4) We will generate more Revenue by instead Annexing Wooster Pike businesses---After a JEDZ is in place with another Partner, tax rates are cumulative and businesses will likely not allow annexation.  And, Newtown, for instance, has incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in Annexation fees so far.
5) The Township’s only motivation is new apartments that will hurt Mariemont---there is no plan for apartments, and our recent rejection of the $2,000,000 grant can't stop the Township from developing what/where they want. That said, a Partnership does give us the ability to influence Development.
6) ”We don't need the money”---One of Council’s important jobs is to reduce Expenses and find Revenue, even if difficult.  As a taxpayer, I’d like to see every dollar chased.
7) $50,000 isn’t the real number---This is a conservative estimate, definitely achievable.
8) We won’t make any money after expenses---The Township will pay for nearly all Mariemont's additional administrative and equipment costs.
9) The amount is much lower than earlier estimates, it’s not worth it---The value of the partnership is much lower since we’ve said no to Murray 6-way intersection improvements.  How much is too little, if expenses are paid by the Township?

Please press Mariemont Council and the Mayor to 1) meet this month and 2) put forth a proposal right away.  Time is running out on this great opportunity for Partnership and for Revenue for our Village.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mayor's Bulletin Trash Survey

At the end of the Mayor's Bulletin is a survey on Recycling.  This is a topic near and dear to my heart.  I believe we have 2 additional options not covered by the Survey
-purchase a subsidized container from the Village (some bulk discount oppty)
-purchase a non-subsidized container on your own

Original Survey Qs:
-Using the open 18-gallon bins that are collected from behind the house
-Using a 65-gallon recycling cart on wheels with lid that would be emptied from behind the house but would result in an increase in the annual waste collection fee of approximately $25 per household
-Using a 65-gallon recycling cart on wheels with lid that would be collected at the curb but would allow the annual waste collection fee to remain the same

We are a leader in the County and would like to see that continue.  Bigger volume cans is a great start - its a psychological phenomenon called Abundance Mentality.  And it works!  More recycling results.

I'm looking fwd to working with Mary Ann who will likely own the Trash contract in 2014.  I chatted with her briefly, and her perspective from the Historic District will be very valuable as well.


6/6 Safety Committee

I attended Safety on 6/6 and here's what I saw.

Belmont Stop sign.  While leery of the proliferation of Stop Signs (and signs in general) about the Village, I can't disagree with the need for this one.

Dog/Cat leash law.  I don't understand the impetus for this.  I know of no issue with leash law violations re Dogs, and I'm not sure Council climbing into the private lives of residents is right.  If your dog is under your control, with or without a leash, then what's the issue?  I also dislike writing laws that say dog off leash ok here and here, but not ok there and there (and corresponding signs that will surely pop up).  The conversation evolved to Cats, a very different situation.  No safety issue, but a nuisance one.  Again, why are we acting?  What is the real need?  I committed to do sensing with Residents to see what we should do.  The Committee agreed to reconvene in a month.


Council 6/10

I attended Council, and here's what I saw.

Belmont Stop Sign.  I dislike the aesthetic hit this will cause the street/neighborhood (my comment did not make the official Minutes), but the residents there are supportive, and the hill make for a dangerous situation.  A stop sign is a reasonable solution

Haines Stop Sign.  Many street intersections in the Village do not have a Stop sign, and I'm not sure Stop Signs sprouting up all over the Village is necessarily the right answer.

No Exec Session for JEDZ.  I'm very disappointed we again are not discussing the opportunity to partner.  That said, we need to follow the law and heed the advice of our Solicitor.  I am concerned our response will be only a letter from the Mayor.  I believe we should make a bigger, bolder statement.  We need to reach out in a genuine way.

JEDZ, cont.  I love the idea of partnering with other Communities via a Joint Economic Development Zone.  A JEDZ will pay us to not Annex, which I believe is huge risk and headache avoidance.  Newtown has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to Annex on Wooster Pike, and I don't care for the first responder & support responsibilities we pickup post Annexation.  This is a great opportunity for the Village, and we need to chase this.  Let's build into the Region and partner with Columbia Township.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes, as all were procedural in nature.  Exceptions - appointments to boards, where I will happily support volunteerism.


5/28 Council Absent

I missed rescheduled Council on 5/28 due to Business Travel.  Here are my observations after reading the Minutes.

Police Officer volunteer labor.  A big thanks to our Employees who pitch in with other above-and-beyond jobs that save the Village money.

Dump Truck purchase.  Previous trucks had two factors which limited their life:  non stainless beds (Salt corrosion) and no indoor storage (remedied with the new Maint garage).  The new truck will last longer, and the existing truck is past its useful life.  I support this purchase.


5/27 Memorial Day Parade

I attended the Memorial Day parade with my daughter Ally.  Memorial Day is a good reminder of the sacrifice of our brave men and women - I'm always struck by the ceremony.  Great job to my daughter Anna, for her award winning Kiwanis award.  A proud dad today.


5/13 Council

I attended Council on 5/13, and here's what I saw.

Stronger Finances.  It's nice to see the Village's health return after a few really tough years (saw firsthand 2010, 2011, 2012).  Joe S's right - lots of great work by employees + smart cutting by Dan and Council.  We're in a position of strength, and our opportunity is to double down and continue to root out waste and search out revenue opportunities.

Stronger Finances part 2.  2014 will be the final draw down of state revenue reductions which began in 2012.  We're nearly there, but we need to remain vigilant.

Federal Review of Eastern Corridor plan.  I think this is good news, and it shines a flashlight into what appears is an incomplete, flawed process.  Joe S and Dan continue to do good work on the part of the Village.

Denise last meeting.  I wish Denise all the best.  I enjoyed working with her and am sad to see her go.

Mary Ann first meeting.  Welcome to Mary Ann.  I look forward to partnering on projects this year.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes, since all were procedural in nature.  Exception:  2014 budget.  While we don't spend enough time on this line by line, the % growth projections provided by Tony were reasonable.  And with the Financial tail wind as described above, it makes sense to support.
