Sunday, February 28, 2010

Big Savings via Health Care "Pool"

I've been working with the Center for Local Government, a non profit that helps municipalities in SW Ohio by sharing data, pooling resources for better cost control, and training. We are not a member today, and dues annually is $2000. I believe we should be members. Here's an example:

Nov 09 Business Courier Article stated 10 communities bound together and saved an average of 18% on Health Care costs:

I worked with the folks at C4LG to see what our savings might be if we joined. Including dues, our savings was quoted as $42000 annually (18% of budget deficit without a reduction in services)! This will be shared in part among employees I would guess. Still, it's a huge number. I'm super excited about it.

Not bad for the new guy :)


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rules and law Committee Mtg. Recap

This is a recap of the rules and law committee held monday 2/22 at 9:00pm in council chambers. We discussed how to strengthen code enforcement. Attending were cortney, dennis w joe, dennis m, dan.

Dennis shared the newest code enforcement guidelines, republished in 2009. He shared several examples of addenda that would tighten up very general guidelines. Dennis will bring a compiled list to next meeting.

Shaker heights oh has. 61 page code enforcement book, and I will send 20 pages each to dennis and joe. We will all share the best of what we find at next meeting.

I will contact 1-2 communities before next meeting to decide what else may be reapplicable.

We will not specifically address enforcement (mayors court/fine) portion of process. Overall it was deemed effective.

Our next meeting will be after next council and we will collate all the content.


Zoning Change email to Council

Letter I sent to Council after Monday's meeting to clarify my Zoning Change position.



Wanted to clarify my comments last night re 9 Steps for a Zoning Change. Unfortunately, I didn't do a good job explaining myself - sorry for my clumsy delivery.

A 9 step Zoning Change process is like an Airplane with 9 Emergency Doors. Somebody at some time decided 9 was right, and the plane was built that way. By waiving any real requirement of Mr. Spinneweber, we're welding 4 of those doors shut, leaving 5 emergency exits. While I have confidence in Mr. Spinneweber as the pilot, we have fewer opportunities to bail out. I'm glad 5 remain, and I hope they're sufficient.

No action necessary, just wanted everyone to understand my position/concern.


Mariemont Village Council

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mon 2/22 council

Interesting evening. Lots happened on lots of topics

Zoning. I tried but failed to clearly articulate my concern re waiving 4 of the 9 steps for a zoning change. I did a better job in a followup email to counci on tues. Pls see under separate cover. Waiving steps for a solid developer is a bad idea. If steps 1-4 aren't helpful, change w legislation.

One concern about the idea, pre any plans: a parking lot across from Paul Wright on Thorndike is extending the business district into a thriving residential area. It's a real concern for me and for District 4. My objections may go away if an attractive 5' brick wall were built around the entire of Thorndike/Parking intersection. And Paul agreed too. More to come on this.

Costs. Excited to bring a potentially large savings to the Village, without feeling incremental pain! 10 local communities bound together and saved 18% on their insurance costs. Even a few % would be a savings after cost of $2000 annual Center For Local Govt dues.

Podium. Very contentious issue, but I think it essentially goes away with ICRC requirements of a Mic. Don't like how it was handled, but I like the resolution.

I voted in the affirmative on all legislation, as all were mostly routine. The only potential Y vote that may be scrutinized is Chief Hines $12K salary if he becomes Fire Chief. I'm ok with this number if he is approved, so a yes vote is appropriate.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Council learnings

I've learned a lot in a short time. Much of it's not revolutionary but noteworthy.

1)Big issues show up quickly, but thankfully don't need to be / can't be resolved quickly. This is a good thing. Beaurocratic setup of govt is actually a plus.
2)I need to be choiceful on where I spend my time. Genuine opptys will pass me by. I couldn't capitalize on everything if full time, let alone part time.
3)Its not up to me. I will state my opinion, work to influence others, but at the end of the day, it's not solely up to me.
4)Change is hard, inertia is strong.
5)Its a marathon, not a sprint. I need to pace myself. And what's been nice are some cheers along the marathon route (louder than the few boos thank goodness)


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spinneweber Zoning Meeting

I attended the 1st half of the Zoning Meeting last evening (not on this Committee). Since it uniquely and intimately affects Dist 4, I wanted to hear more about it.

Plan is to rezone the remaining 2 4 families adjacent to Mios as Business. Mr. Spinneweber owns the Madisonville property and has plans to own the Thorndike property.

Mr. Spinneweber wants to revitalize West of the Quarter through the 4 families, including the Parking Lot. No details yet, but it could be as extreme as levelling La Rosas building, Mios Building, both 4 families, rerouting traffic, flattening/improving parking, and I'm sure adding to parking. I think it's bold, and exciting.

I have 2 concerns that we'll have to work through once a plan solidifies.
1)tearing down historic structures. Mio's isn't historic, nor is it that attractive, so I am ok with a new, better building there. 4 families are not historic either. Extending downtown another 1/4 block is exciting! La Rosa's, though is historic, I believe. I'd rather see a 2nd storey added there (balanced like the other side of the Theater). Then a new building from the driveway northward.
2)additional surface parking. I have stated before and firmly believe that increased surface parking is not a good thing. Mr. Spinneweber mentioned that decks don't work for suburban retail, and I'll take him at his word. He knows more than me. However he also gushed about how well the Starbucks parking works. 15 minute turnover makes it very "productive". Let's increase the productivity of the Lot behind the theater by charging for it. We did this when I volunteered with DCI downtown, helping shape the Fountain Square Garage rates back in the 90's. First 3 hours were $1, then the price jumped. We want you to come, but we don't want you to loiter.... How many spots would that really free up. Other ideas: more efficient spots on existing surface parking, Meters on the streets, Employees banned from the Lot, expanded diagonal street parking on West bound Wooster between East and Miami.

As I told Mr. Spinneweber, I am a closet architect. I love buildings, love design and construction. I know we can figure out a great plan together.

Unfortunately, I had to leave early to attend a school levy meeting, so I don't know how it ended.


Finance Committee Mtg Monday

I attended the Finance Committee Meeting (not a member of this Committee). Such an important job this year that I'd like to attend this Committee when possible.

Services was talked. Trash was a big conversation topic. I still don't understand Finance vs Public Works' (I'm on this) responsibility. I asked for an idea to be investigated vs simply ratifying a Finance plan. For instance, I would like some latitude to decide how we pay for Trash. I like stickers, even though they're a bit of a headache. And I believe the $100K deficit we run on Trash ought to be paid for 100% by fees. 50 weeks per year x 1800 households = $1 increase per sticker cost (Sum $2). We have to get compliance up for sure for this to work. May end up being a annual fee increase + sticker increase. Again though, I'd like a target of savings from Finance, vs a blueprint of the plan....

Another topic was the principle of every service either costs more or delivers less. I think this is acceptable, but we have to be careful of the "marque" services that define our Village. Leaf pickup, I'm surprised to learn, is one of those services. However, maybe it's as simple as one less pickup each season. Andy's in the drivers seat on this, deciding how to deflate the balloon is on him. I know he'll do a good job.

We also talked about real estate. Lots of good discussion. Here's where I netted out. I'm sure that doc storage is cheaper than office space. Why not clear out the basement of the Admin. Bldg (used to hold Mayor's Court there) and bring Tax Office back in house. $12000 savings annually.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

poke by Citizen

I got an email from a citizen, calling me out for alleged flip flopping (ouch) on Residence D. It's a fair push, but after considering it, I don't ultimately see it as a reversal. a 45' proposed building on the west side of Madisonville is an easier Yes than those on the east side (up against a small residential block). 1-1/2 storey bungalows are 2 ft foundation + 9 ft 1st floor + 9 ft 2nd floor + 2 ft chimney = 22', less than 1/2 the height of 45' allowed.

I include transcript below. Names are omitted to protect the innocent :)


Thanks for the note - your poke is fair. Thanks also for reading my comments; they're fodder for important conversations like this one. I can't claim to be perfect, just honest with how I'm feeling at the time. For the issue below, I guess it comes down to the word 'appropriate'. As I've shared with you and many others, 45' isn't appropriate for buildings abutting 1-1/2 storey residential blocks/neighborhoods.

As you know, supporting constituents, staying true to yourself, and doing good is a very delicate dance.

I appreciate you taking the time to write. Any other perspective on this (and other issues) would be welcome.

- - - - - - - - -
Dear Cortney,

Your Position in October, 2009 as posted on your blog (when you were campaigning to be elected):
I'm confident D will be approved on 11/3, and I will respect the Voters' decision and support appropriate D projects. Rick's designs are attractive and of quality, and I will work with him to find common ground. Further, I'd like to see a Residence E that allows Multi use. If I can get traction, I'll try to introduce it.


Your Position in February, 2010 as posted on your blog (post election):
"First reading on Res Zone D final approval for Nolen Park and Emery Park. I so appreciate Rick's exceeding requirements for Parking, setbacks, density, but I campaigned against the 45' height (unchanged), so I will most probably vote No. Not a pound my fist no, but a no nonetheless. I hope those that disagree with me will at least appreciate my consistency.


I notice a definite ‘flip-flop’ so early in your tenure. (I do not see any “consistency” in these two positions.)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reaching out to owner of 2 orphaned apartment bldgs

I found out from the Building Dpt that the owner of the 2 4 families next to Mios has applied for a Zoning Change. From Residential to Business. Possible Plan is to "revitalize the overal Town Center from Mios around to the theater as a result of potential influx or relatively affluent condo owners from the Greiwe developments". I love the idea of development, and a nice new retail store front opposite Mio's alley would be great. I do want to make sure we don't proliferate surface parking. I've reached out to the owner to understand more about the plan. Can't wait to get behind replacing those 4 families with something better, more keeping with Mariemont.


2/8/10 Council Meeting

Attended Council this past Monday. Very routine meeting. Of interest, Dan tightened up public comments rules. I would be a little more lenient, but I do appreciate the new podium and the rules explained beforehand.

I voted in the affirmative on everything. All were non-controversial procedural votes.

A citizen expressed interest in more services, not less. I asked him/her whether in light of a big school levy, would there be room for another small tax increase. She said yes.

First reading on Res Zone D final approval for Nolen Park and Emery Park. I so appreciate Rick's exceeding requirements for Parking, setbacks, density, but I campaigned against the 45' height (unchanged), so I will most probably vote No. Not a pound my fist no, but a no nonetheless. I hope those that disagree with me will at least appreciate my consistency.

Rules and Law will meet in 2 weeks to discuss how to get our hands on other Municipality's building code enforcement standards.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Finance Committee efforts

I attended last week's Fin Committee Meeting. While not a member, this work is our most important task in 2010.

Meeting was quick, more about process than ideas. I offered up some ideas that were viewed as somewhat controversial:
-no overtime for Police. Use part time help only
-no extra hours for Joanee/Sue. Record our own meetings, Transcribe only during 40 hour week
-budget deployed to department heads with no overages allowed. They're best to decide how to spend/cut
-Trash services review

I think we need a process to decide how we'll prioritize, where we'll chase savings. My reco (will share with Andy):
-every service needs to be dialed back a certain amount, at the discretion of the Committee/Council. More for less critical, less for basic Safety
-every departments budget needs to be dialed back a certain amount
-services that can be need to be self funding, or nearly so
-overtime is for Windstorms and other disasters
-we should seriously consider Melissa Schmit's roadmap from 2009 (see below)
-we should enroll the citizens and I'll fwd the list we created in the Fall


A proposal to cover the baseline deficit for 2010
( $315,000 )
The Village of Mariemont

This is a broad base set of interventions that shares the sacrifice fairly,
across all departments and all residents.

1). Maintain lower department spending…………….in base

2). Keep police role vacant………………………… base

3). Keep reduced hours building inspector………… base

4). Zero salary increase for 2010…………………….in base

5). Layoff one maintenance employee……………….55, 000 Re: largest group with non-emergency responsibilities.

6).Furlough all employees 10 days in 2010…………...60,000

7). Trash fully funded…………………………………110,000
*stickers $1 to $2
*annual household $55 to $90/Rental $35 to $60
Trash numbers may change. Waiting on estimate of savings on curbside pick-up.

8). New properly tax proposed at .75 mills……… …...100.000
($68 per 300K home) ___________