Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rules and Law Minutes discussing Code Enforcement

Joe Miller, Dennis Malone, and a citizen met after Council approx 8:50PM Monday 4/12. We met for 15 minutes adjorning around 9:05 pm. Dennis W was absent.

We discussed 3 phases of the work for Code Enforcement: Finalize Rules, Enforcement, Help for Prop Owners.

Enforcement: we decided to leave it alone and not amend.

Help for Prop Owners: a worthy topic but to move this forward, we decided to leave on the table for now. We can take up this idea again at a future date.

Finalize Rules: we decided to take the draft shared by Dennis M. in Jan, and have Dennis M. add worthy components from both Kingsport TN and Shaker Heights OH. This will become our report and draft of our resolution.

Dennis will provide us the final reco, and we'll present this to Council.


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