Friday, August 14, 2009

Whats the point of Blogging?

Why am I doing this? So far I've ruffled some feathers which could mean less support. This blog is a grand experiment! An experiment that I always thought every elected official should commit to. The purpose of this blog is 3 fold:
1) to lay bare what I believe and what I do (will do)
2) to eventually hold me accountable
3) if I win, it's a perfect communication vehicle of whats going on when
4) to hopefully along the way build a fan base

I’m trying to not sugar coat, certainly not trying to be critical, but rather model the transparency I believe is needed in Mariemont Government. I want Citizens to know me through this content. I want to give Voters the information needed to make an educated decision on 11/3. If I win a vote because of this, great, but if I lose in November, that's ok too. If I'm not right for Village Government, I shouldn't win. So at the end of the day, I think the risk is worthwhile, and I stand by my putting it all out here.

I hope Voters and Citizens can get to know me and make the right decision in Nov.


1 comment:

  1. made a couple changes to original post, streamlining a bit, as well as wordsmithing.
