Monday, August 10, 2009

Council Meeting 8/10/09

Sat through tonight's Council Meeting. Jotted down a few things.

Looking fwd to checking out Nixel (sp?). Its now up and running in the Village. Sounds like Twitter for Municipalities. Think it's a great way to be proactive in communicating before an event/vote/meeting. This technology makes my Transparency Platform that much easier!

Mayor's Court for property condition issues. This is an exciting "stick" if carrots don't work. I'm excited to learn more about it and how it can be an even more useful tool.

A citizen made public comments re open and transparent government. Bravo!! We need to tell people BEFORE, not after, what's going on. I agree completely. Maybe a Nixel oppty? She also poked at "Substandard" definition. I think Council is guilty (no proof) of legitimizing this term, and using it in passing. This sounds like Rookwood in Norwood. Call it Blighted and then tear it down. This word is meaningless and shouldn't be used.

Suzy Weinland's email generated a lot of "trash talking" among council. I've since read it, and it's NOT that controversial. Suzy's good people and I'm sure there's facts to back up her claims. Very insightful, though on how ill equipped council is to handle dissent. Dissent hones democracy!! I hate it too, but it leads to better laws, statutes, results.

We need an Arborist! Heard that Randy of Davey retired (actually heard he was fired by Mayor). We need this role on staff even if part time to be the tie-breaker in Flintpoint situations. Is it safe, or isnt it?

Flintpoint cost $2000 for the tree alone, when it was estimated at $800 at last Meeting. And how much for a new apron. This is a poor time to be paying for unnecessary improvements to properties.

Toby Acheson had a great idea: set up a fund, hopefully non-profit, that would allow citizens to help plant bigger, more trees. We are in tree crisis, I believe, even though you don't notice on first blush. This would help ease that. Kim Sullivan suggested a Sidewalk review along with Street review each year. Great idea! The Mayor likes sidewalk bridges to keep roots intact. Me too.

We agreed to pay $2000+ more for insurance from our existing supplier (Ohio Plan) vs new supplier (Pillar). I would scrutinize EVERY dime right now. I think insurance is how much you pay vs what you get, and customer service, live telephone support, shiny trucks, and slick branding are nonsense. We need safety for low cost. I think we could have put a dent in the Deficit today.

A member of Council spoke for 10 minutes about Res D Vote. It was a very uncomfortable dynamic, as he/she slayed 2 Citizens in the room without looking at either of them. Anti Progress, he/she called it. I found it unprofessional and an unfair fight, as public comment was closed by this point.

Other council members spoke with a similar theme although less stinging.

This brings me to the low point of the evening, and of my foray into politics so far. After the meeting, a member of Council came up to me and introduced him/herself. But then he/she pushed me pretty hard on my signing of the Red D Petition. While I started out calm and data based (know the facts, felt 45' too tall, proved it can be done in <37', compromise on 40'), our conversation quickly got heated and I said some unproductive things. Dale Carnegie would not have been impressed! I violated my own principles of "Citizen is Boss". Shame on me. So I sent an email to him/her this evening and apologized. It's a fantastic lesson, though. How would I handle discourse in the moment. Differently now!! Sorry, again and thanks for the teachable moment.


1 comment:

  1. I made a change from feedback from a couple folks - remove names. It's valid feedback, and this blog is about me. I have no right to drag others into it (unless complimenting)
