Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jeff Andrews - wow, amazing marketing

I happened across Jeff Andrews web marketings. Man, he's set the bar high! I love the use of Social Media (Twitter) as a way to open up new ways of communication.

update: here's his address

And turns out we believe a lot of the same things:
-Ensure safety and education is a top priority. CHECK.
-Preserve our historic community. CHECK. CHECK.
-Ensure we're efficient and effective with village finances. CHECK CHECK.
-Encourage appropriate economic development to maintain premiere neighborhoods, support our local businesses and create new sources of revenue. CHECK
-Foster open, candid and respectful communication. CHECK CHECK

Great job Jeff. Looking fwd to a fun fall campaign.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post Cortney! Here's the link to my site for those interested...
