Monday, October 24, 2011

Health & Rec & Pub Works Comm Meeting 10/3

I attended both Committee Meetings and heres what I saw

Tennis Courts upgrade. I support repaving the practice court since it's an eyesore, and since the membership makes an attempt to pay for the upkeep. It's kind of an expectation in my opinion.

Renting facilities. I'd like us to reserve and charge for these facilities for non residents. I also would like to explore allowing open container in a safe, controlled way. We do it at the pool and it's been well received from what I can tell. A superbowl party, for instance, could happen in the village, keeping our residents here. If liability is in anyway unmanageable, then it would not make sense to proceed.

Trash. We need very consistent, deliberate standards for what's trash, what's yard waste, what's recycling, what's allowed vs not, etc. Inconsistent enforcement by the Rumpke guys is causing cost to the Village and frustration by residents. We should get really clear on what's allowed. I don't think this should be a point of contention for the Service renewal for 2012. But I do think it's an ongoing need for education and awareness on both sides....


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