Sunday, October 2, 2011

Council 9/26

I attended Council on 9/26 and here's what I saw

Lighting. I like the idea of investing however the cost seems severe. I would like us to revisit during annual Permanent Improvement appropriation.

Recycling award. We are awesome as a Village. Our recycling rate is something we can be proud of.

MPF Vision Plan. This work is outstanding. We lack planning on Council, and MPF delivered just that. I think we should use as a lens next year during Perm Improvement appropriation: If it's not in the doc, we don't do it. Case in point - a wasteful addition to the Admin bldg. This does nothing but give us more room for boxes to pile up. The challenge will be to activate this doc. It can very easily collect dust (in a box in the Admin bldg). We must will it into being.

Employee uniforms. I was surprised to learn we pay for uniforms for the Service Dpt. No disrepect to this hard working group, but why don't we mandate a uniform, pay a $75/year to every employee and provide a fluorescent vest only? We have lots of 1940's norms still in place. We should look at these types of expenses and make an intentional decision (either way is fine). But we should be talking about these kinds of things.

Warrior Mile. I am glad for Dennis' support and believe Fairfax's concerns are reasonable. We need to plan for the long term, not next year. I believe in this idea.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes. All were procedural except insurance premiums. I voted yes as it seemed reasonable.



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