Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Met new asst fire chief

I met jeff travers, the newly appointed asst fire chief monday. I was impressed! I really appreciated his energy and his ideas (continuing ed during shifts). I also like that he's acceptable to dennis dan and rick while at the same time an "inside" guy w institutional knowledge.

One concern I'll raise is incomplete shifts. W fewer full time, we seem to be having trouble on occasion filling the roster. 4 men/women on is vital to our safety and must be maintained.

The other subject I'd like to broach 6 month from now is moving to the matt morgan model of no asst chief. This would be an easy transition from todays probationary model. Jeff as chief? I like separation of power (decentralize power and influence) and sep leaders feels right to me. No disrespect whatsoever to rick hines.

I look fwd to the end of our "civil war" and this feels like a step in that direction. Welcome jeff - looking fwd to working w you.


Cortney Scheeser
Senior Analyst, Global Home Care & PGP
Phone: 513-983-0463
Mobile: 479-221-1752
Email, IM: scheeser.cm@pg.com

Please consider the Environment before printing this email


  1. Cortney,
    I agree with you. It feels good that the new Assistant is an "inside" guy and brings both practical and teaching experience to the position. My interactions with Jeff have always been positive.
    Since he is employed full time at Great Oaks when will he be available to Mariemont? Will his schedule as Assistant Fire Chief be tailored to fit his commitment to Great Oaks or is he resigning from that job? I do think it's important, since our Fire Chief is strictly providing administrative support, that the Assistant Chief be 100% available to command scenes.

  2. Hi Cortney here. I talked with Jeff re this concern and he believes both jobs are doable at full time. He plans to work across mult Village shifts to better know and mentor and train all the Fire Guys. I trust Jeff and feel like it's right to try. We'll evaluate and adjust accordingly. Thanks for the comment Jenny.
