Thursday, February 3, 2011

1/24 Council recap

I attended 1/24 Council Meeting and here's what I saw:

Dumpster trash & unsightliness. MarieElders' complaints are valid in my opinion. I think we ought to do more and require commercial trash cans to be shielded and kept out of view (just like residents).

Fear of losing Estate Tax income. Paul T confirmed we on average get about 8% of our budget from this generous source. If Gov Kasich and the legislature eliminate, we'll have to plug that hole in a painful way: less services for more $$$.

West Street Parking. I appreciate Dan calling and giving me a heads up ahead of Council. After lots of thought (no data yet), I have real concerns about this. Why should government intervene when neighbors don't get along. Last time that happened, we lost a heritage tree south of Wooster Pike. Why should we spend $100,000 (estimate) of money better spent on real improvement. The Village should control LESS property, not more. Sidewalks will be lost since some of them will touch the adjacent buildings. These spaces aren't close enough to the Square to do any good. More parking/more backing means safety concerns. Why design for 3-5 days a year when the school is full of visitors? We will lose all 15 trees (most >18" Diameter). This change is a HUGE departure from Nolen's plan. And, it'll be unsightly. Unless I'm presented with compelling data to the contrary, I don't see the need for Council to get involved.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes. All were procedural in nature except for the salary ordinance. Increases seem reasonable, and position us to better retain employees ahead of the predicted economic recovery in 2011.

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