Sunday, November 28, 2010
Chain of Command in the Police/Fire Departments
For my part, I committed to Rick to respect COC among his organzation, and I'll bring anything I hear to him (or Dennis on Safety) first.
This conversation came after an email directive (haven't personally seen) that stated that Employees talking with Council or the Media faced discipline if they didn't obey Chain of Command. While I'm very supportive of working issues through COC (this keeps small stuff off of Council's to-do list), there are some issues that I fear won't be brought to light for fear of penalty. For instance, if the issue is with the 1 up it's an uncomfortable conversation. If it's with 1 and 2 up it's very dangerous. And if it's 1 & 2 up, Dan's close relationship with Rick (a great thing) means 3 bosses could be on the opposite side. A real world example: recent headlines in Bell, California where the Chief, Administrator and the Mayor each quietly made 6 digit salaries. Not an issue in Mariemont, for sure, but it illustrates the conundrum a whistle blower faces: how to work this issue through COC?
I believe there needs to be a safe outlet for issues that can't be brought up via COC. Until we have a rock solid Ombudsman process, we risk not hearing about real issues that may affect our Village. I don't have the clout or authority to request this change, but I believe strongly in transparency and an ombudsman person or panel can bring issues to light absolving the the complaint's originator.
Council Meeting 11/22/2010
Routine, quick meeting, and it was typical of 2nd meeting of the month.
Schools update was helpful. I feel the Schools are doing a nice job during design, trying to work with the Business Community. We're all in this together - none of us can exist on our own.
Recycling Award. I attended a County awards banquest where Mariemont was honored for best in class recycling - well done Mariemont Residents!! We were 2nd highest tonnage of any Village/City in Hamilton County, highest among small Villages less than 10K people. And we did it with old-school small bins, compared to Montgomery's large bins. I learned that large bins nearly guarantee an increased participation due to a psychological "abundance mentality". So, I think there's upside for next year! Keep in mind Hamilton County PAYS US to recycle, so there's even more reason to get on board.
Boy Scouts Tree sale. I support the sale and think it's an asset to the Village. I do think the neighborhood complaints are worth consideration. Meeting in the middle on lighting and parking seems like a win-win. I hope the concerns can be managed.
I voted in the affirmative on all issues as nearly all were routine.
Meeting Video:
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Special Council Meeting 11/4
I believe strongly that we should tap into the monies available via grants. Others on Council aren't in this place. Encouraging further pedestrianism is a big idea and am on board for every year. Paul Imhoff committed help to submit each year.
I voted in the affirmative for the one vote.
Met with local developer
My takeaway is I'm not an expert here, and I would benefit greatly from having those that are as consultants.
Hunting in Lower 80
Also, per Dennis Wolter's report in the most recent Town Crier, I'm concerned that hunters are taking more than just deer. A coyote was taken as well. Not sure our ordinance is written to allow for this. More to come as I educate myself.
Composting Recycling Class a success
We had 10 in attendance, and I learned a bunch. A big thanks to John Duke and Anne Gray for investing part of their Saturday with us. Also, thanks to those who attended.
Video of the class to be posted shortly on the website!
Council Meeting 11/8
Flood Plain. I believe we have an asset in the lower 80 acres. This is not a widely accepted belief on Council. Regardless of FEMA designation, we should develop portions in a flood-friendly way. The designation will probably limit us to a minor degree, however I like our increased Grant chances that this designation gets us. I support the ordinance.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes. All except Flood Plain were routine.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Employee Survey Idea - not going to happen now
I could see a 2x annually survey of all Village employees, using a Survey Monkey/Zoomerang internet tool. We'd make it confidential and mask all results lower than 3ish respondents to protect anonymity. It's not the source of info for managers, but it is one. And knowing how tour employees really feel is important to me.
I brought this idea up and to be fair didn't position it well. I ruffled some feathers but wasnt my intent. Since then I've gotten feedback that it's a bad idea. I disagree but don't want to be accused of an end around so I will let it go for now.
I still believe in the concept and hope to resurrect it at some point.
Public Works Committee Meeting 10/25
Lighting. Dan got me thinking about other options for increasing lighting in the Hist Dist. I think we ought to try all three approaches on a test and learn basis
-new fixtures
-new higher lumen LED bulbs (still will be lower wattage=less costs and no addl stress on the 100 year old infrastructure)
-cutting back tree canopy
Trash. Accept 3% increase from Rumpke but demand more service. They should be compliance helpers.
Hist Dist improvements. I think a survey of this District would be a smart idea, maybe dovetailed off of MPF vision plan components.
Council recap 10/25
Fire Chief Vote. Concentration of power is a bad thing in government. Jeff Andrews and Andy Black have both said: get the structure right, then find the right people. Concentrating power influence and control is structurally a bad thing, so I can't get past step 1 to move on to step 2. More detail on this in a previous blog post.
Bills. I noticed Dan's cell phone bill is up significantly vs previous months. I didn't bring it up since only a 1x anomaly, but I will keep an eye on it.
Mayor's Bulletin. I appreciated Kim Sullivan's questioning of Dan on the Mayor's Bulletin comments on the now resolved Roundabout issue. Dedicating 1/4 of the real estate to beating a dead horse seemed odd. And it does not foster an environment where we might collaborate on projects.
Econ Development. We have a bit of a mess to sort out here. We desparately need ED to be a focus. Attracting new business & development, and supporting our Industrial Park are vital. And we've historically been too reactionary. The "What" is pretty clear. However, the "How" is the mess. We have many different, and I think conflicting, opinions on how to bring this to life. Dan's got a Commission idea made up of primarily non-Council. Jeff Andrews wants to make it a Council Committee (I like this). MPF has published a road map that could help either of these (I like this too). We need a Jeff to "declare" what this is, what it isn't and converge on a structure.
I think if I could set it up, it would look like:
-Council Committee
-Commission of the Citizens, Business People, chartered by this Committee
-Commission reports to the Committee
-MPF Vision Plan adopted as Committees road map.
As an aside, I thought Jeff masterfully drove his point home. Very impressive. His style is much better aligned to this job than mine. And I can learn from it. well done Jeff.
New Village Judge. As of today, I will support Judge White.
I voted in the affirmative on everything except confirming Rick H as Fire Chief. Rationale is previous post.
To watch the meeting, go to
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Rationale behind 'no' fire chief vote
This is a bit of the email I sent Rick Monday am giving him an early heads up.
...successfully done the job Dan asked you to do. The improvements within the Fire Department are your making. If the vote were only about your results over the past 6 months, I would vote 'yes'. My dilemma, though is the vote is really 2 things:
#1)your performance
#2)ok'ing big structural change
On the Structural side, I remain uncomfortable. I think on principle, we should not concentrate authority and budget control across Departments. I have NO DOUBT you'll do right by both of these. But on paper, it's a setup that causes me concern. And because I can't vote for just #1, I am leaning towards a No vote....
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Feedback request
-sharing only w me and not others
-unconfirmed soundbites, aka issues but no proof
Here's my request. Pls continue to call! I am a safe haven and willing ear. However I will ask for two things before jumping in: a cc to the village leader involved and/or real tangible proof of the situation.
This will help me engage appropriately and more quickly. Thx for the help on this.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Council Meeting 10/11
Dave Zack (my neighbor) did a nice job clarifying the background and focus of the Vision Plan. I applaud their vision and foresight. If Nolen were alive today, he would be tweaking our plan and making it relevant for today. MPF is doing just that.
Economic Development Committee
2 schools of thought on this: Committee of Citizens with Council or Committe of Council with Citizens. I favor the latter. Jeff Andrews has been talking this for months, and he's right on. We need to make this a focus of Council, not a bolt on, but a structural element to our jobs. Probably would involve combining 2 committees into 1 and adding Econ Development as the 6th. We need to do this to prop up our financial position via tax base
Zoning Change Exception
I have grave concerns about any exceptions to a process. In this case, we're approving a zoning change before we get even a rendering of what is planned for the space. Many will say "still room for the Village to pull out if it's bad". While this may be true, it eliminates much of the flexibility built into the process, tying our hands. We have a process in place for a reason. If it doesn't work, change the process. Mr. Spinneweber is a proven developer and an honorable guy. However I don't think anyone deserves an exception. It only opens us up to accusations of unfair behavior.
New Fire Gear
I heard in Safety Committee that safe gear means more interest in working for the Fire Dpt. This is a good spend.
I voted in the affirmative on all the votes since they were more ceremonial in nature, Fire gear was more substantive, and I voted Yes. However I voted No on one: Zoning change, for reasons above.
Fire Dpt Org Health Survey
I'm sure there are some that would say I'm not objective, but I think I could execute a fair survey and report back results.
Plan is subject to change but is: share ideas with Rick/Jeff/Dennis in the next couple weeks and field a survey by end of Oct.
Matter of fact, all employees ought to fill this out. It would be a good 6mo/12mo baseline to see how we're trending as a Village.
Safety Committee Meeting 10/11
From all accounts shared, he's doing a great job. I continue to be a fan of his style, experience, and rigor.
I have concerns shared in a previous blog posting, but I found the meeting informative.
Fire Department Leadership Probationary Period Thoughts
Background: I have heard from 4 different people concerns about status of the Fire Department over the past few months. I've heard some good feedback as well. However, I feel I need to engage when I hear about problems. I believe that much of what I'm hearing is natural in the face of change, big change: don't like the direction it's headed, "everybody" is unhappy, etc. But other issues could be early signs of real issues, ones that will need to be addressed.
More Background: I got to meet the Asst Chief on the night his probationary period began. I was a fan from the start. He's experienced, has a background in education, and he exudes leadership. However, he informed me that he wouldn't give up his full time job at Scarlet Oaks, and would take this full time job on too. I think 1 leader with 2 full time jobs isn't a sustainable setup for the Village. Rick Hines, similarly, shouldn't be expected to do 2 full time jobs.
I would like Jeff to be confirmed as Asst Fire Chief. I think he is an asset and a rare find. He's an inspiring guy. However, I want the Village to be his primary job. With as decentralized as we've setup leadership in the Dpt, I don't think it's unreasonable to request this focus. I shared this in a note to Jeff on Monday. I've taken much heat for sharing my views. I, however, think it's appropriate for me to share context before a possible 'no' vote.
One other area I've shared an opinion -my 6/22 blog specifically, is to hopefully one day recombine Chief into the Fire Department. Again, no disrespect to Rick Hines, he's presiding over the Fire Department and making strides. Many good things are happening. But as Jeff Andrews has so eloquently shared, we must design structure first, then think about the people to fill roles. Structurally, I want the healthy tension of two different leaders competing for resources, funds, etc. With no Asst Chief, cost savings are maintained. Jeff could be this guy one day - I like him and what he brings. Rick is a valuable player on the Police side - he should be Police Chief. I shared this in my note to Jeff, as well. This re-combine opinion re-shared this week has also brought much heat. It's not new, though, and I've not hidden this viewpoint.
In terms of a pending vote, I have concerns about confirming either Rick or Jeff for these 2 different reasons. If the vote were today, I would approve both only if the issues I continue to hear of show signs of improvement.
Related, I've shared the Dpt issues in question with Dennis Wolter, head of the Safety Committee. He's the right guy to address, and I should have enrolled him sooner.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Trash Service feedback from a citizen
I do not know how things stand in regards to the size of acceptable trash containers. In speaking with Rumpke employees about the matter, needless to say, they do NOT like the current size can/limit of what gets used here in the Village. They ultimately must wheel one of their 95-gallon totes down each person's driveway, take that trash and dump it into their tote and then wheel their own tote out to the curb. Or, if the resident's trash is already at the curb, they much empty and lift each individual trash container, which as you might imagine gets quite heavy and cumbersome for them.
I don't know if the Village could realize any potential savings if we were to switch over and permit the 95-gallon totes that most other Rumpke customers use, but is it something that we could look into?? That is, instead of wasting additional Rumpke labor hours on individual containers, if each household had a tote, it would make everyone's--literally, everyone's--lives a lot simpler. One container, on wheels, with a secure, strong lid that could easily be maneuvered by the residents. And one stop, one pick-up for the Rumpke employee that would simply need to wheel the tote onto the mechanical arm that would dump the trash for them. The hours saved on labor through Rumpke could be something to consider.
To me, it would also be a cleaner, more unified and more simplistic approach to trash pick-up in the Village. My street (East) has residents that have all kinds of different colored and sized trash receptacles. To me, it looks like everything is trash when the residents haul everything out to the curb each Monday night. A clean, sleek, uniform-sized tote for trash to accompany the uniform-looking red recycling bins is ultimately what the Village needs in regards to trash pick-up. It is the same reason there is verbiage in the Mariemont by-laws ordering that trash NOT be placed at the curb but instead at the rear of the household: To keep things clean. To keep things neat.
The 45-50 gallon size containers being discussed currently in council chambers are not typically of the build quality of the 95-gallon tote that Rumpke offers. I have lived here 6 years and have had to replace my trash cans once already. The bottoms get worn through from having to drag them across my driveway and from Rumpke at times dragging them down the driveway. At the cost of 2 new 40-gallon-ish sized trash cans, I could have almost purchased a heavy duty, sturdy, lid-locking, 95-gallon tote through Rumpke.
If a 95-gallon tote through the Village/Rumpke relationship is out of the question, I may still pursue getting my own 95-gallon tote. If I need to slap 2 stickers on it, then so be it. I know that the Rumpke employees would greatly appreciate it. Their backs would appreciate it. I also know that I wouldn't have to bungee cord my trash cans all together or have duct tape holding my lids together because I would have a product that made sense for everyone involved -- the consumer (me) and the company providing the service (Rumpke). I cannot tell you how many times I have had to clean up after the raccoons and that's AFTER doing everything I just mentioned a couple of lines above. A 95-gallon tote with a locking lid makes ALL of those problems go away.
traffic problems due to new Wooster turn lane
I support this change. That said, we have an issue for sure right now due to the restriping and new signal hardware (installed next week), but I don't think we should pass judgement until:
signage changes (this should have been done, but plans are in place to correct)
light is installed
lane is restriped (more turn lane cars)
people get used to it
Then it's time to reevaluate. Heres why I'm optimistic. We had a one lane pinch-point at the curve so logic says a few more blocks of that same pinch won't materially impact flow long term. If there are more systemic issues, then we should and will take action.
9/23 Pub Works Committee Meeting
Lighting in Historic District. I agree we have dark spots in the Hist District and those lead to safety concerns. Fixing them is foundational to an improved neighborhood. I support new street lights where necessary. I support the historically accurate ones, knowing there is a price premium. I plan to reach out to the Emery Foundation to see if any money may be available, as was the case in 1985
Trash Contract. We have the choice to re-up with Rumpke in 2011 and 2012 without rebid. Max 3% increase per year. We are satisfied with the service we receive. After good discussion, there is not additional savings with the contract we have (rear yard). We'll keep this in place in 2011. One potential savings oppty. Lock in for 2 years with Rumpke at +3% then +0%. I like this idea.
Council Meeting 10/02/10
Leaf Pickup - I think we'll have major issues in mid October with Leaf Pickup, however we have no plans to begin picking up until Nov 1. We need to discontinue watering our new trees earlier than planned (prob ok since without leaves) and start up leaf pickup sooner. Don't extend the season, just shift it forward.
Zoning Change - Paul Wright followed up on his wife Peggy's letter to Council to call out concerns of the change. I support Paul & Peggy, and really feel for their home's impact by the change. I'll put aside my serious concerns of expanded surface parking and will focus on the exception we're making. I do not like exceptions, ever. Allowing one owner to skip important steps in the rezoning process means either all comers should be granted the exception, or we run the risk of litigation. If Mary Emery herself were to come to Council asking for an exception, I would not grant it. It's a dangerous, slippery slope, and I will vote no.
Executive Session - I confirm we stayed on track and talked only about the Lawsuit.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes, all of which were procedural.
Video of Meeting
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Trash Class update
-Village Council Chambers on 11/6 10AM
-3 topics: quick trash update, composting 101, recycling 101
-rsvp to
Trash email - leading from the front
Dan, Thx for the poke last evening re can size. I was inspired and found an old yard waste can and am now in compliance!! (at least I think I am because neither can has a volume stamped on it) Feel free to make another walk-by inspection next time you're in the neighborhood ;) Seriously, it's important to "lead from the front" (p tontillo) Thx again.
Committee of Whole Meeting 9/20
It was a learning experience to say the least. I was pleased to see this meeting get set. It took multiple years which is a problem, but having the meeting was a small breakthrough. Kudos to Dennis for seeing it through.
Now the unfortunate part. I saw firsthand the way heavy-handed politics run our Village: "Ram it Home". Nearly 40 people were lined up, all on message: roundabouts are bad. It was like some unknown force convinced them to attend and speak up. It's really a shame because the approx 1% of the Village population who showed up did not represent the views of the Village. I could easily line up 15 people at each of the next 10 Council meetings and have them say just about anything. Result: slow but real opinion shift by Council. No one's immune to messaging impressions (P&G sells a lot of soap employing the tactic). But I have and will continue to choose the high road. But I may eventually call individuals out on it.
Issues with the meeting
-Columbia Township was excluded. The information that was required to meet in the first place was directly omitted from the meeting
-misinformation. Rotaries are not Roundabouts. Accidents do not uniquely define safety. Grants could easily lower the costs further than estimated. Police Officer funding (General Fund) is different than Police Cruiser funding (Permanent Improvement Fund) and these pots of money don't mix unless it's an emergency (new learning that it's even possible to mix).
-Missing the point of the renderings. It called out what is possible, and nothing more. No engineering was done. No land was purchased, no commitments were made. It was an idea
-getting Mocked. While quiet, it was noticeable hard to bear. And I was and am still bothered by it. Thick skin be damned, I don't have any interest in changing to be that guy who can brush it off.
-regardless of Dan's promise of Grant Writing in the Village, meaningful large scale grants will never be written in the Village until/if we hire that skillset
Back to the good
-Citizens fair points. Among them: pedestrian safety and high speed vs low speed intersections situatinos.
-Andy had a nice idea of a counter proposal to engage Col Twp on a lower cost red of that intersection. Not sure if they would be interested.
-there is Citizen energy for revamping the hist district. I don't know where that time and energy will come from, but I sincerely appreciate the initial engagement. I hope to partner on some meaningful change in our most important neighborhood.
In the end, I was outvoted 5-1 which I absolutely respect. We will not engage on the Roundabout. More importantly, though, we've got to operate better. Last night was not the way Mariemont ought to run.
Deep breath. Now back to trying to improve my Village.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
draft of Trash Communication
Trash and Recycling Services
In May, residents will receive an invoice for the annual trash fee. The annual trash fee is due by July 1 and can be mailed or paid in the Tax Office. Penalties are added for late payments.
The annual fee for residents occupying a house or townhouse is $55.00. The annual fee for tenants of an apartment building that has multiple units that are served at a common collection point for garbage and trash is $35.00.
Trash/Garbage is picked up once per week. For a trash can to be emptied, a trash sticker must be a affixed to the can. Trash stickers can be purchased at the local Kroger. Recycling is picked up once per week, as are large items, yard waste and brush. Trash cans will be picked up from the rear of the house/building. DO NOT place cans at curb. Recycling, large items, yard waste and brush may be set out after 6:00pm the day prior to scheduled pick up. All trash, recycling, large items, yard waste and brush to be picked up MUST BE SET OUT BY 7:00am the day of pick up.
Guidelines for Waste and Recycling Pick-ups
Trash (Household waste, food, non-recyclable items, etc.) must be placed in cans, no larger than 32 gallons, with tight-fitting lids. On those occasions when you have more trash than cans, nonfood items may be placed in a sturdy plastic bag with a trash sticker attached.
All cans AND BAGS to be emptied must have a clearly visible trash sticker attached. Trash is collected from the back or side of resdient lots (Note: Rumpke will not enter garages to pick up cans or recycling).
Recycling (mixed paper, newspaper, aluminum cans, metal cans, #1 and #2 plastics, glass, corrugated cardboard) is collected once per week (Monday for Zone 1, Thursday for Zone 2 and Friday for Zone 3). Items should be placed in recycling bins and set out after 6:00pm the day prior to pick up or by 7:00am the day of pick up. Recycling is collected from the back or side of resdient lots (Note: Rumpke will not enter garages to pick up cans or recycling). Cardboard boxes that will not fit in the bin must be broken down, bundled and placed next to or under recycling bin.
Yard Waste
(Grass clippings, weeds, pliable cuttings, Spring cleanup waste, leaves or other yard waste too small to be stacked or bundled)
* Collected once per week
* Collected in clear plastic bag or 30-gallon lawn/leaf paper bag (While either bag is acceptable, paper is encouraged due to its environmental and labor-saving benefits)
* See Maintenance Dept. Section regarding Fall leaf collection
(Branches, brush and trimmings larger than 24” long)
* Collected once per week
* Stacked in bundles not to exceed 5 ft. in length or 50 lbs.
* Do not place in boxes or cans
Large Items
(Items which cannot reasonably be broken down to fit into 32 gallon can or 30 gallon black trash bag, including large and/or bulky household items such as appliances, furniture, carpeting)
Collected once per week. Placed at the curb after 6:00 PM the day prior to pick up or by 7:00 AM the day of pick up.
NOTE: It is suggested that, whenever possible, residents have the company delivering a new appliance, furniture or carpeting, remove the old items or donate usable items to a charity that will remove them for you. This will save you the inconvenience of setting items out on pick up days.
CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS created during construction and/or remodeling, such as small pieces of drywall, lumber, bricks, broken asphalt roofing shingles, etc., should be removed by the contractor. When construction is done by the homeowner, please call the Rumpke at 242-4401 for instructions & pickup schedules.
Household Hazardous Waste Items such as car batteries, used oil, unused gasoline or other fuels, oil-based paint, paint thinners, pool chemicals, etc., are considered to be Household Hazardous Waste and cannot be picked up by Rumpke or the Maintenance Department. For a complete list of Household Hazardous Waste and/or for information about disposal of such materials, please stop by the Village office for a pamphlet or call the Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District at 946-7734 or 946-7777.
Christmas Trees Beginning December 26th and continuing through February, Christmas trees left at the curb will be picked up by the Village and ground into mulch.
Please Read Several years ago, the Village of Mariemont passed an ordinance requiring all trash be kept in cans with tight-fitting lids. We also ask that all bottles, cans and other items for recycling be rinsed out to remove any food or liquids. One reason for this legislation was to discourage wildlife such as raccoons, rodents and possum from coming into our yards and green spaces. Another reason was to avoid unsightly trash, such as in the picture on the right above, which would detract from the uniqueness and beauty that makes us proud to call the Village of Mariemont our home. If trash is set out in bags or in cans without lids, violators of the ordinance will receive one warning. If the problem is not corrected, violators will then be issued a citation which could result in a fine of as much as $100. To insure you are in compliance, please follow the examples below and the guidelines on the reverse side of this notice.
Trash Schedule
Trash Pick-Up
Trash Pick-Up
Yard Waste
Yard Waste
Large Items
Large Items
Albert Place
Bramble Hill Drive
Beech Street
Cambridge Avenue
Belmont Avenue
Crystal Springs Road
Cachepit Way
East Street
Center Street
Grace Avenue
Center Street East
Grove Avenue
Center Street West
Haines Place
Chestnut Street
Hiawatha Avenue
Denny Place
Indianview Avenue
Elm Street
Joan Place
Emery Lane
Lytle Woods Place
Fieldhouse Way
Madisonville Road
Flintpoint Way
Miami Road (3908-4012)
Hammerstone Way
Murray Avenue (6903-6998)
Harvard Acres
Nolen Circle
Homewood Road
Petoskey Avenue (3809-3930)
Linden Place
Pocahontas Avenue (3810-3923)
Maple Street
Rembold Avenue
Mariemont Avenue
Rowan Hill Drive
Miami Bluff Drive
Sheldon Close
Miami Road (3800-3845)
Spring Hill Drive
Mound Way
Spring Knoll Drive
Mount Vernon Avenue
Thorndike Road
Murray Avenue (6601-6763)
West Street (3810-3940)
Oak Street
Wooster Pike (6807-7109)
Park Lane
Petoskey Avenue (3702-3750)
Plainville Road
Pleasant Street
Pocahontas Avenue (3700-3765)
Settle Road
West Street (3731-3750)
Wooster Pike (6515-6767)
Recycling and Composting Class
Tentative date: 11/6 10am at Mariemont Elementary
Council 9/13
Fire equipment out of date and needs replaced. This is unfortunate, but I'm pleased Matt M designated most of the money ($70K of $75K) so it's not a surprise.
Apology to Dennis. I am convinced the "What" of re-assigning committees is a great tool, however "How" I delivered it was insensitive. And I said so. Bringing the "tow chain" to council to pull a stuck idea out of the ditch is a good idea, only after I've informed those involved I'm bringing it. Dennis accepted my apology which was appreciated.
Trash Fees. I don't love taking fees up, but we made the call to take up both fixed and variable fees. Variable fee increases are higher too, which I think sends the right message. And we decided to maintain the 32Gal capacity. Dan told me my can was out of compliance which I think is true. We inherited that can from the Roberts in 2008, and shame on me for not checking its capacity. Good news, though is I have an old 32 gallon can (I think it's 32G) for yard waste, so I've made the change. Like Paul Tontillo says, we must "lead from the front".
After Council, I spent a few mins with Rick Hines to learn about overtime tracking & adding a 10th man in 2011. A big thank you to Rick for the helpful demo and explanation.
Many components of OT are required and necessary. For instance, staying late on a shift to process a late arrest or a court appearance often trigger OT. This makes sense. Rick does a really nice job tracking the details of this program. I would like to investigate how to eliminate OT as part of the STEP program, however. It's a cash flow positive program which is great (speeding tickets > OT Salary costs), but it doesn't exempt it from the same financial scrutiny we apply everywhere else. We can eliminate more of the budget deficit by hiring more part time officers and paying them the lower hourly rate.
10th Officer in 2011
I think replacing the full time position left open in 2009 is a worthy consideration in 2011 as the economy improves and our income increases. However, I think it's appropriate to staff as a part time guy/girl. This is a great "probationary" period for a younger officer trying to come on. And it saves much of the costs vs the full time equivalent.
Link to meeting video
Tree Meeting w John Scherpenberg
All the tree work removals, trimming and planting has come from the general fund. This puts a major strain on the tree program when the funds are not available.
>> In 1992 the village was faced to lay employees off and cut the tree program for 4 years. In 1996/97 they started the tree program again only working on the emergency trimming and removing but still quallifying for the Tree City USA Program.
>> Every year the program changes based on need and general fund monies. Council did try to set up a budget several times to give $ 50,000 for tree work and planting.
>> Our cost are @ $80,000 for most years.
>> This year the clerk was using monies from the Capital Improvement and the Lanscape fund set up by the previous Clerk. If the weather continues we will use up the funds faster. We still need to remove the Ash trees that are still showing stress. The Borer should not be fying and laying eggs after this month.
>> I have Davey Tree Service working on several lists. There was several more items added to their list because of wind, drought damage on Chestnut St., Settle Rd. Mt Vernon. and Miami Bluff.
>> The Service Department started trying to do work in house to help keep the cost down. This helped a little unless we get a major storm like Hurrican Ike.
>> On time the village did follow the Eleanor Christie plan of 1956. The problem we came across is budget dealing with the electric companies and right of way space.
>> Some of the trees are to tall for the area or will grow to large. We have to make sure they are planted 15 to 20 feet from driveways, some cases we go to 10 feet.
>> We also listen to the resident's, some only like certain trees ion thier front yard.
>> As you know the drought, ice storms, hurricanes and disease such as Dutch Elm and now the Emerald Ash Borer, have play a large factor in the program.
>> Many Urban Foresters will tell you ist is best to plant all the same species on one street incase of disease. This will cut cost of removal and planting by keeping everything closer and not jumping from one street to another.
>> The roll of thumb is for every tree removed you should plant two incase one dies. We do have the Mayors Tree Farm with several digfferent species. We would like them to get 2'' before we plant them in the village.
>> Several years ago we did start planting younger trees near trees we would remove in the future along Mariemont Ave. One problem is it raises the cost of removal because they have to be carefull not to damage the younger treee.
>> The tree program is run by the Mayor, the Park Advisory Board and myself.
>> I would like to meet or talk with you any time to answer any other questions and show you how the Tree City USA program works.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hi Dan,
Got Joanee's message yesterday re Code of Ordinances spelling out Tree
management as the Mayor's responsibility. This is super news - I'm so glad the
Village thought to put such an emphasis on Trees! Few Villages have this asset,
and I'm glad we're setup to manage them effectively. Further, I know Trees are
important to you so this is doubly good news.
Can you share with me your typical approach? Over email is fine, or I can bring
up officially during next Council. Either's completely fine. For example:
-try to plant X trees during the spring dormant period, Y during fall dormant
-try to plant Z trees throughout the year as we lose them. Maybe 1 in 1 out?
-how do you execute the heritage tree plan of plant 2 for every one lost?
-how do you keep tabs on citizens who remove trees? Public space, private
-how do you factor in budget? Recall we allocated more $$$ for trees this
Spring, above and beyond Ash replacement. How are you thinking about this?
-when do you buy vs harvest from the few in the tree farm? What do you plant
-any consideration to the ratio planted by Nolen? To keep the feel similar?
-Millard gave me a detailed list from 1920 + a redo from the 1950's. Do you use
these blueprints in your decision making?
-how does community tree program fold in? Toby Acheson came to me before he
left and said the program is a good start but only 1/2 complete
-what role does John play in planning? Does his team usually plant all trees?
These are just a few questions I'd like to better understand. I think we need a
regimented, vigorous tree planting schedule, headed up by you. And I would like
to help. As I've stated on lots of previous occasions, we are in a precarious
position, and we don't have enough "bench strength" (few young trees) when our
"veterans" (many many many old trees) disappear.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Attended Health and Rec Committee Mtg 090210
Trash Fee Marketing
We're retooling the documents describing the rules so that they're simple and consistent (web = flyer). We're going to have a class on Composting and Recycling, as well as general rules. Will happen end of Oct/begin Nov. We're going to have the media help spread the word. This feels good to me, where the left hand and right hand of government will hurt and help at the same time....
Exceptions to Trash Fee
We allowed an exception for Jordan Park when the Condos were new. We all agree no exceptions for residential units. All must pay annual fee, stickers are at residents' discretion.
8/23-8/24 Roundabout fallout
At the end of the day, I need to be sensitive to the "How" but I believe the "What" has real merit and will absolutely use again. I believe intertia is a bit of a dangerous thing, since time=legitimacy even if not based on rules. The Mayor's assignment to Committee is one of those examples. The maneuver was uncomfortable/painful - it's important restore equilibrium in Mariemont Government. And this can help accomplish that end.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Council recap 8/23
Homewood speeding. Committee is putting together objective criteria to qualify streets. Should be done in next 60 days. Prob frustrating for homewood but it feels like progress. In the short term stop zigns will help.
Roundabout. I delivered 8 emails of general and specific content to dennis but was told there would be another delay. I expected this so I felt out Kim/Jeff to see if they would consider meeting as a Pub Works committee as Plan B. Meeting will happen in Pub Works, regardless of Comm of Whole progress. This is somewhat controversial, as it tests the role of the Mayor in assigning Committees.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes. All were procedural, none controversial.
Here's the link to the Meeting
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
many emails re speed humps
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Attended Council 8/9/2010
Erosion: I don't think we're taking this seriously enough. Cutting fallen trees is a good first step, but we need a specialized engineering eye above and beyond Chris Ertel's solid experience to figure out cause. Further we need to put a plan in place that stabilizes and partially restores the hillside.
Single Sided Council Packets: John S. did a nice thing by printing on both sides, cutting down paper usage by 50%. I'd like to see all Committee heads go to black and white, double sided.
Homewood Speed Humps: I think Stopsigns are a good 1st step but are not sufficient to fix the problem. I reco an objective measurement program to decide who gets speed humps. Factors like these should be considered: amt of traffic, propensity to speed, distance between intersections, through streets, and streets willing to pay a portion of the cost out of pocket (brainstorming here)
Roundabout: Dan and Dennis both committed to Council and Residents to put the Roundabout invitation into Committee of the Whole. However, I was asked to provide prework, which I am happy to do. I am an unwitting champion of this idea - I believe it's a fairness/courtesy issue, and I believe it deserves to be discussed. That said, I don't know enough about this to say I'll support it to the end. From what I know, I think it's a good idea worth exploring further.
Voting: I voted in the affirmative on all except an abstain on Minutes (missed last meeting). Ambulance Vote might be controversial, but I feel better knowing the previous one was 12 years old and a drain on General Fund. I voted to approve the Safety Committee's reco of Stopsigns on Homewood, only when guaranteed more Committee Meetings to further refine and discuss.
link to meeting
Monday, August 9, 2010
Long time away, Council meets again tonight
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Attended Health & Rec/Pub Works Mtgs on 7/10/10
-playground equip for the pool. We were presented with $10K $15K $20K options. $10 is pretty basic, so we talked about Village funds paying the 1st 10, and fundraising potentially adding to this. I like a quasi "match" idea. I would also like to see a modular type like we're installing at ABB Park, so to invest over mult years
-dog park at Ann Buntin Becker Park. I like the idea and support it. Concern is the location. I would explore ABB personally, but am fine to consider other alternative locations.
-Trash Contract. We decided to increase both annual fee (lesser amt) and sticker fees (greater amt). This is hard to swallow I know, but we need to raise revenue where we can. And more on the consumption side of the equation means we're 1)giving choice so not actually a tax and 2)paying to play; more trash = more cost. I'd like to see us offer classes in both Composting and Recyling to offset need for same number of stickers per residence. I also like the 2 tiered annual fee structure based on "Attached" and "Detached" residences. Detached means no hauler efficiency and a higher cost. I also want to see NO resident exceptions to the annual fee. All should pay.
Friday, July 9, 2010
will be absent for 6/12 council
Friday, July 2, 2010
Rules and Law Committee Minutes 6/28
We talked about requirements for being allowed to sell in the Village. We brainstormed and came up with these
-$50 annual fee good for the Calendar Year
-Proof of Commercial Drivers License
-Background check done by Police Chief
-Proof of Hamilton County Board of Health Certificate
-Rules, operate 9AM-9PM, don't tie up traffic, no stopping in intersections, have certificate at the ready at all times
Rick will take ownership of what level of criminal activity would be allowed. For instance, a misdemeanor 5 years ago would be allowed.
We decided to have a 2 1/2 page docs. One for Village File, one for the Driver. New drivers need their own certification.
We decided to limit this effort to Mobile Ice Cream Vendors only.
I will work back with Sue to lock down the doc and process.
Council 6/28
Economic Development
I like Jeff's thoughts on this. Council + Community engaging our current and future businesses, industrial as well as retail. This may be worth an financial investment on our end to prop up our sagging store fronts
A citizen brought forth the Roundabout idea, having experienced personally in WI and IN. It got the ball rolling again and we're on for Committee of Whole! This is a great advancement. I am excited to learn more about this and what it could mean for the Village. COW should meet in August.
Duke Exclusivity
I am comfortable "Selling Out" if it doesn't appear as a blight to the Village aesthetic and if there is real money to be saved by the Village. A +3% savings for Residents is very nice, but we need to take care of the Village's bottom line first and foremost. I'm looking fwd to learning more, but I'm ok with the exclusivity idea as of today.
To be continued....
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Attended Budget Committee 6/28
I fear we'll need to take another run per department and wring out additional waste.
Jeff brought up a good point - need for economic development. We're squeezing out savings without driving more development into the Village. More tax base fixes many problems.
Village Composting Program?
I met with a citizen regarding village compost program. We agreed it’s a great idea for homeowners and was still worth looking at the municipal scale. He agreed to create a “power page” of links with everything you’d want to know about Muni composting, and he’d call Center for Local Government on behalf of the Village to reapply what’s working in other Communities. Goal is a recommendation to Council.
The key is to figure out logistics. Is it transported by Residents? Transported by Village Employees? Transported by 3rd Party?
I’m looking fwd to figuring out what makes sense for the Village.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Attended council 6/14
Still need clarity on lawsuit insurance. Don't quite understand what is covered and what is not. I will prob ask dan for a budget report each month, since it won't show up in the packet per se.
I will take up ice cream vendors via rules and law. I don't have a problem w it in concept.
Speed humps not bumps on homewood is a great idea. I support using hw as our test case.
I support the piano on the square - very fun idea.
No mention of roundabout. We will take up in committee if no action by the comm of whole soon.
I voted in the affirmative on all. This included the new police cruiser. I felt I laid out a compelling alternative w the impala but decided not to go against the grain. I do believe however we left $$$ on the table in terms of fuel savings.
Cortney Scheeser
Senior Analyst, Global Home Care & PGP
Phone: 513-983-0463
Mobile: 479-221-1752
Email, IM:
Please consider the Environment before printing this email
Met new asst fire chief
One concern I'll raise is incomplete shifts. W fewer full time, we seem to be having trouble on occasion filling the roster. 4 men/women on is vital to our safety and must be maintained.
The other subject I'd like to broach 6 month from now is moving to the matt morgan model of no asst chief. This would be an easy transition from todays probationary model. Jeff as chief? I like separation of power (decentralize power and influence) and sep leaders feels right to me. No disrespect whatsoever to rick hines.
I look fwd to the end of our "civil war" and this feels like a step in that direction. Welcome jeff - looking fwd to working w you.
Cortney Scheeser
Senior Analyst, Global Home Care & PGP
Phone: 513-983-0463
Mobile: 479-221-1752
Email, IM:
Please consider the Environment before printing this email
Monday, June 21, 2010
Attended Health and Rec 6/14
We agreed to expand the concrete slab near the concession stand but asked the Pool commission to tighten up their estimate for playground equipment. As long as we research opptys to save by bundling with ABB Park, I'm supportive.
We started to layout how we'll do the Trash contract. I think smaller Fee increase + bigger sticker increase is the right way to go, but I don't think the resting financial stability on Trash fees is fair. Knowing what little I know about the program, here's where my head's at: 25%ish increase in fees and maybe go to one fee schedule vs 2 today. and make stickers $1.50 or $2. I would also like to see community education to offset some of the increase. I would like to see a date set well in advance for folks to buy stickers at low price. I would like to crank up our recycling as well, though not sure how to do it. I'm looking fwd to digging into this important topic.
Attended 6/14 Public Works Committee
Opportunity for us however is to bundle vendor and or labor with Pool equipment planned purchase. I plan to followup with John & Ed to see if this is doable.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Attended Mem Day parade
attended Police Appreciation Dinner
Now that Chief Hines presides over the Fire Dpt too, I'd love to see a similar recognition of our Fire fighters and paramedics next year. I put a note in my calendar for next Jan to bring it up.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Police Cruiser additional data
Please take a look a the exhibit from the Truck Trend article (1st link you shared):
You'll notice the Impala is lower cost of ownership after 3-4 years on average. If we're keeping cars 5-6-7 years, then we'll save money by going with the Impala. And that doesn't account for $4 gas which we'll surely see during this new car's lifetime. That will swing the break even point even sooner. Impalas aren't ideal and are a little wimpy for sure, but they can save money.
At the end of the day, GM as a brand is a good choice. I look fwd to Ford's Interceptor and its stated efficiency to shake up this Best Of list!
I'm looking fwd to researching the other links you shared. Thx much.
----- Original Message ----
> Saw this email and thought about our conversation the other
> day.......check out the following link about Chevy Tahoe having the
> lowest operational costs......
> hoe_police_fleet/index.html
> Greg Hennecke
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Police Fleet Manager Magazine []
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:08 PM
> To: Greg Hennecke
> Subject: FleetSmart from Police Fleet Manager Magazine
> 2V6fAu9_27Sa-sjb7X2vbwGOOt-ndL3APhOrhjsuppuKepdIfCNs__CcaX6pEwtzlkQg1qFY
> Huq81s__Cq81Loqh-9Ew6Z8WaixVKvxYY1NJ4SyOrjvpuhKyyrzJdFDFqc>
> 2V6fAu9_27Sa-sjb7X2vbwGOOt-ndL3APhOrhjsuppuKepdIfCNs__CcaX6pEwtzlkQg1qFY
> Huq81s__Cq81Loqh-9Ew6Z8WaixVKvxYY1NJcSyOrjvpuhKyyr1YytBgbO>
> Want to be a Ford Police Interceptor "Insider"???
> * Mark Fields, President of the America's and Scott Tobin, Vehicle
> Line Director will expose the unique purpose-built characteristics of
> the Next-Generation Police Interceptor.
> * To see the live reveal webcast, please join us on Friday, March
> 12, 8:30am (PT)/11:30am (ET)
> o5Ocv8Yj-4fIlYUCmfS4-n1lBAXYKru79CzASyCUYOOZssOrovdyV__colScPh0X6GFEw2Rj
> VmYQg2V__cQg3uMQzYjh0dWhQkB3Ps_3VU3zr9J5ASC-OYzt54SuqyUs-roxv_> Click
> Here to check it out live!
> The webcast will also be available to view on demand within a few hours
> after the show.
> 1sz7Of4_x3X5ve9BzZxfBMlppe_bCTxOpEVdEFKfcILn7cCS7PoKv_P65tzcQgeNGGq80Jk-
> lLd40Kv_Pd40TId8_4Qg3uAt59gYTfM-u0USMrhpdFLIL8ThhdBhZh>
> 8MbAo-hUDY8voHVNcIvI9YK2Hb9TVsSYejd79J5dNVBBWUVASM-r5P_-oMHIpCy1Sdljh05G
> DOJVEw5P_-pEw6ZxF7UCy0rQzEFa7CV-7PM76TPqb9JdZBV6Wa9LUFXl9AV>
> Vincentric Study Says Chevrolet Tahoe has Lowest Police Fleet
> Lifecycle Cost
> The Chevrolet Tahoe has the lowest lifecycle cost among police fleets,
> according to Vincentric, a Michigan-based analysis firm that specializes
> in automobile data compilation and lifecycle costs.
> Read
> 2V6fAu9_27Sa-sjb7X2vbwGOOt-ndL3APhOrhjsuppuKepdIfCNs__CcaX6pEwtzlkQg1qFY
> Huq81s__Cq81Loqh-9Ew6Z8WaixVKvxYY1NJMSyOrjvpuhKyyr89fCSdK> More
> Quest for durability leads police to small SUV
> The Rapid City Police Department is test driving a new patrol vehicle
> that may change the department's image while saving taxpayers' money. A
> black and white 2009 Ford Escape joined the department's fleet this
> week. The small sports utility vehicle is fitted with police
> communication equipment, a light bar and will soon have a half-cage
> installed in the back seat for confining prisoners.
> Read
> 2V6fAu9_27Sa-sjb7X2vbwGOOt-ndL3APhOrhjsuppuKepdIfCNs__CcaX6pEwtzlkQg1qFY
> Huq81s__Cq81Loqh-9Ew6Z8WaixVKvxYY1NIsrhpdFLIL8ThhdAW_h9e6xU0Np> More
> 2010 Chicago Auto Show: The 2011 Chevrolet Caprice PPV
> The Chevrolet Caprice spent years as one of the key police vehicles in
> the United States but as General Motors shifted the bulk of their US
> market to front wheel drive, police departments began shifting to the
> also popular Ford Crown Victoria and more recently the Hemi-Powered
> Dodge Charger.
> Read
> 2V6fAu9_27Sa-sjb7X2vbwGOOt-ndL3APhOrhjsuppuKepdIfCNs__CcaX6pEwtzlkQg1qFY
> Huq81s__Cq81Loqh-9Ew6Z8WaixVKvxYY1NJUSyOrjvpuhKyyr9dq7FYg_> More
> State-of-the-art police van the 'bee's knees'
> Co-ordinating armed offenders squad callouts has been made easier by the
> addition of a state-of-the-art command vehicle to the Palmerston North
> fleet. The AOS command unit, a Volkswagen van, is equipped with
> computers, monitors, radios, lights and briefing equipment, and will
> also be used by police negotiators.The Central Police District, which
> includes Palmerston North, sold 25 vehicles last year as part of a
> money-saving plan aimed at cutting their fleet by 10 per cent.
> Read
> MbAo-hUDY8voHVNcIvI9YK2Hb9TVsSYejd79J5dNVBBWUVASM-r5P_-oMHIpCy1Sdljh05GD
> OJVEw5P_-pEw6ZxF7UCy0rQzEFa7CV-7PM76PhOrhpdFLIL8Thhd-X58l4_2oxT2> More
> 2010 Chicago Auto Show: The 2010 Subaru Impreza STi police cruiser
> The village of Itasca, Illinois is about 25 miles northwest of downtown
> Chicago. Like many towns around the country, Itasca uses a variety of
> brands of police cars in their fleet but the most interesting is their
> modified Subaru Impreza STi.
> Read
> 0KhzV7yvMxZyLD4ON-MDOUaIIDvBPrMVcQsCQkT7CmnHzCjr3VInf_Vz2KNCq87oRld40mGv
> aTCy0nf_VCy0rS6Avyq81LieyAEurDUvf0srhKrhpdFLIL8ThhdDAe1> More
> 2V6fAu9_27Sa-sjb7X2vbwGOOt-ndL3APhOrhjsuppuKepdIfCNs__CcaX6pEwtzlkQg1qFY
> Huq81s__Cq81Loqh-9Ew6Z8WaixVKvxYY1NJ54SyOrjvpuhKyyrpApq>
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> Deerfield Illinois 60015
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Roundabout data/info
Source: Carmel City-wide crash data from 2002-2006
% crashes with injury at ALL intersections (including roundabouts): 29%
% crashes with injury at ONLY single-lane roundabouts: 4%
% crashes with injury at ONLY multi-lane roundabouts: 7%
Average crash damage at a signal: $7,000 - $10,500
Average crash damage at a roundabout: $2,500
Here's another statistic regarding a roundabout in Valparaiso, Indiana (previously signalized):
Source: Valparaiso Magazine, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Spring 2010 (
# crashes in 2006, prior to roundabout: 29 (with 13 injuries)
# crashes in 2009, after roundabout: 22 (with two injuries)
Here are a few roundabout locations where before/after comparisons could be made:
116th/Spring Mill Road in Carmel, Indiana (previously all-way stop)
106th/Spring Mill Road in Carmel, Indiana (previously all-way stop)
Morse Road/SR 62, Franklin County, Ohio (previously a signal)
Per our discussion last night, here's some info on Indiana Roundabouts. From my contact at the consulting firm:
-Carmel Indian is the roundabout capital of the US. They have several along a roadway that is similar to Beechmont Ave
-We can make arrangements for you to meet with folks from the City of Carmel Ind. They can give you an idea about how roundabouts have worked for them. Carmel is so pleased with the roundabouts that they happily will tell everyone about it
-Ted Hubbard, County Engineer's office and Bill Brayshaw have both done the tour and thought it was great
I believe the Mayor was invited on a trip last year, but we could all make a trip up together. I'd be all for seeing it first hand.
more data from Wisconsin DOT
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Council Recap Mon 5/24
Dan and Dennis appear opposed to the idea. The majority of Council, however seems open to further exploration. Money will be a tough nut to crack, but I'm convinced understanding the "what" before the "how" is appropriate. I have provided Dennis and Rick Hines the locations of successful Roundabouts in Indiana: Valparaiso, Carmel, as well as Columbus Oh. Committee of the Whole for discussion seems like overkill to me, but if we're progressing, then I'll not object. Slow progress is still progress.
Firefighter turnover
We've lost >80 years of experience in about 150 days. We'll lose more once another fire fighter is called to Iraq for 1 year beginning in June. As I said at the meeting, some turnover is expected, however we've lost over 1/3 of our experience since January. We need a plan to rebuild that experience.
Mowing problems
I think Jerry Vianello's concerns about the Dale Park Ballfield and Tennis Court hill are valid. Very fixable, but valid. I will defer to the Mayor to intervene here. I'm concerned because I played a big role in Grass Cor being selected. If "change" as basic as this goes South, then I lose credibility when I bring bigger "change" ideas forward. This is resolvable, and I look forward to the Mayor's report next meeting.
I've reached out to Mr. Elkin, who wrote the letter suggesting we entertain. I look forward to connecting with him, learning about neighboring villages, and bringing a reco to Council.
Paving Grant
While we never get grants, we did receive $40K for Plainville paving. This is such great news, and it whets my appetite for what's possible with a part time Administrator/Grant Writer.
While costs will surely increase, we are 15% through our "Free" insurance coverage on litigation. I'll keep tabs on this, but if we remain below $10K in ligitation fees, the financial pain to the Village should be pretty low. Good news here.
Probationary Period for Rick Hines - this was not discussed, and I had hoped to hear a verbal report or even better an announcement of a Public Hearing. I will bring this up at next Council.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes, most procedural. Allowing FEMA flood zoning was the only semi-controversial vote. I voted in favor once I learned what we get for giving up our rights to develop: helping hand for future grants. I think makes it a worthy choice.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Attended Ham County Transportation Mtg
What I learned
Bramble Roundabout is approved and will receive Federal Funds. Murray's missed the 2010 deadline, but there is a chance it could still be submitted this year. Col Twp's share of the cost of this 1st project is $250K.
Cost is a springboard into an area totally new to me - Bonds, TIFs, and other civic financing. I have talked with other govt leaders and have been encouraged to differently about finance conventional wisdom at the Govt level. It's not the same as personal finance - saving to spend for instance. Bonds are cheaper than a savings acct for that new fire truck, project, etc. I'm still trying to 1)wrap my mind around this mental leap and 2)understand more about how these financing vehicles work and could help Mariemont.
I remain committed to learning more about the Murray Roundabout, however a lot will have to fall into place especially as it pertains to financing. I can't see writing a check for $250K out of the perm improvement fund. We'll have to leverage other sources: private, traditional govt financing, etc.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Council recap Mon 5/10
Police Cruiser. I think with the deficit in the General Fund and the surplus in the Perm Improvement fund, we should overinvest in the latter to save in the former. This means potentially more expensive cruisers (PIF) that are cheaper to maintain (GF). For instance, an Impala or the 2011 Ford Interceptor get 25% better mileage than our current fleet of Crown Vics. The Chief has concerns about performance, and I completely respect his opinion. However, in the spirit of turning over every rock, we should investigate all "Alternatives" - my new favorite word!
Speed Bumps. I would like to see them installed on any street where a majority of owners want them. I would also look at speed humps rather than bumps, as they're more permanent and more attractive. We have a projected surplus in the Streets fund and we should buy sidewalks and speed bumps/humps with them.
Wasted Water. John S. confirmed we're not watering any longer due to that broken controller. He assured me we won't water until June.
Mowing. A citizen has problems with the new provider. I am not ready for an intervention, however I expect all issues are being brought up to Grass Cor.
Roundabout. I think we should go on record and proactively declare our intentions. The Mayor has concerns and thats ok! This is precisely why we have Committee Meetings. Let's mix it up and look at Alternatives! Dan committed to meeting with Todd Portune, and I look forward to his report. I expect we'll go into Committee in parallel or soon after Dan's meeting. A majority of Council seems to support the idea: exploration. Interesting article that should be in next week's paper:
My Rules and Law Resolution to update property maintenance code had its first reading. Not revolutionary, and not perfect, but I'm pleased with my first bit of legislation. 2 more readings and then it will become law.
Tent "rental". I like us better using under-utilized assets, however renting the tent to employees may be problematic. Where do you say no? What happens when it's ripped? What happens when a spike/stake is lost? The more I think about it, the more concerns I have. More to come on this.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes, all of which were formality-type votes.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
New Police Cruiser research
Before I jump in - one disclaimer: I know the Finance Committee will make the right choice. I'm going to share what I know/have learned as input only.
I heard loud and clear that the Impala is a lesser vehicle from the Chief last night. He's more educated on this than I for sure! My question though is: if we can save real money year on year by converting to a fleet of all fuel efficient vehicles, would it be worth considering? What if we had all Impalas; no SUVs or 8cyl cars. We would save a min $500/year per vehicle. Just like mowing the grass less frequently or eliminating a full time Police Officer, it's a tough choice, but it's a worthy investigation.
3 Vehicles today + 2 new options next year?
-Crown Victoria
-2011 Ford Interceptor (Taurus)
-Carbon Motors E7 (company only makes cruisers)
2007 Motor Trend side by side
I think tapping into the Center for Local Government might also be helpful. I've reached out to them but haven't heard anything back.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
transcript of remarks at Council this week
Going against the grain is hard :)
No - Not Yet. Has nothing to do with Rick’s loyal service and his leadership within the Village
4 Reasons
1)We’re not ready
-We don’t have a job description. How will Tuesday morning be different than today?
-We haven’t had any Committee Meetings to learn about the pluses and minuses of this idea? I want to hear in a public forum from an Amberley Village, and a Mason
2)Process is lacking
-You decide on the What before you decide on the Who. Andy and Jeff both shared this concept with me back in Jan and it really resonated with me. However, we’ve mixed these two independent steps. This idea succeeds or fails around a person (a good person btw). But what happens when Rick gets an offer to be combined Chief in Milford for 25% more money? Then we’re stuck and will likely give back every dollar we’re saving.
-We’re not following the proven Decision Analysis process. Step 1 Identify the situation and understand objectives. Maybe permanent solution to leadership void. Cost savings. Improve morale. Etc. Step 2 Identify alternatives! How else can we accomplish said goals. We are not thinking big enough
3)Related, I have an alternative I believe is worth serious consideration: Eliminate Asst Fire Chief Position. Shouldn’t we vet out alternatives before concluding the 1st idea is the only or the best? Let me be clear up front, I’m taking Matt’s idea, but I am not declaring Matt is the guy. Dan chooses this, and if an outside guy was better, then so be it.
-savings same this year and potentially more money in the long term. I am willing to bet this job will be hard on Rick and he’ll come back to Council and ask for a strong Assistant Police Chief. I know I would. If this happens, we’ll unravel the economics
-protects the boundaries of departments setup in in the Code of Ord. I like the healthy tension of independent departments, in terms of fighting for budgets
-better for morale. This option was blessed as hard but doable by the Fire/EMS folks
Is this the best idea? I don’t know. But I believe it’s worth a little back and forth in Committee to talk about it. From where I’m sitting, Dan’s idea is good, Matt’s idea (with or without Matt) is great. And I will choose great every day of the week.
4)I want to get past this 2 year civil war. A clean break with an idea like Matt’s could get us there.
Again, this isn’t about Rick’s qualities as a leader and a loyal servant. Before moving forward, we should be ready with job descriptions, decide on the WHAT before the WHO & understand Alternatives including No Asst Fire Chief, and implement a solution that eases tensions. I think we should wait.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
request Fire/Police Job Description
Council recap 4/26
Fire/Police Chief
Lots of respected citizens spoke in favor of the Police Chief as Fire Chief. My detailed remarks will be posted separately, but I spoke on why I was voting no. Not ready, no process, better alternatives are avail, need a solution that quells the unrest. The vote passed 5-1. I congratulated Rick on his win after and tried to assure him my concerns were not re him. I am a fan and appreciate his leadership and service to the Village.
This finally came to a vote and was successful. I can't wait to open up our room to everyone interested but not able to attend in person. This is a big step fwd - something many of us campaigned on. Way to go Andy for driving this.
2% Wage Band Increase
While uncomfortable with a big 2% number, I support the increase. A few reasons: inflation or CPI is up 2.2-2.5% so far this year. Employees are partners in this. While modest from their POV, I want them to see it as an investment in efficiency. We need their help to continue to root out waste.
Too much Emergency Voting
Brian Vianello brought this up. Very fair point. I will try to back up our calendar to reduce the need for this. Emergency can look like we're ramming something through, and I know that's what I thought when I sat in the Gallery. Thanks Brian for bringing this up.
I voted in the affirmative on everything w the exception of police fire chief. ICRC is a good thing. 2% increase maximum is a fair thing. Committee Reports and Ordinances were all in order.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
R&L Report
We recommend Repealing Ordinance O-30-97, adopting the IPMC standard, and including a few additions and clarifications.
A big thank you to Dennis Malone for all his guidance and efforts throughout the process.
Respectfully submitted,
________________________Cortney Scheeser
________________________Joe Miller
________________________Dennis Wolter
copy of ordinance verbage:
Draft Language Proposed to Amend the Property Maintenance Code – 2006 Edition
21 April 2010
• Repeal Ordinance 0-30-97 (that adopted International Property Maintenance Code – 1993 Edition) and prepare replacement Ordinance (International Property Maintenance Code – 2009.
• PM - 107.2.4 Notices and Orders, which reads as follows: Include a correction order allowing a reasonable time to bring the dwelling unit or structure into compliance with the provisions of this code.
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
PM – 107.2.4 Notices and Orders: Include a correction order allowing 30 days for the property owner to respond to the correction order and establishment of a schedule of completion not to exceed 90 days from receipt of the correction order. In the event that climactic or financial conditions preclude completion within the 90-day time frame, the Building Official shall have the authority, at his/her discretion, to extend the deadline as may be required.
• PM- 111.2 Membership of Board (of Appeals) which reads as follows: The board of appeals shall consist of a minimum of three members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on mattress pertaining to property maintenance and who are not employees of the jurisdiction. The code official shall be ex-officio member but shall have no vote on any matter before the board. The board shall be appointed by the chief appointing authority, and shall service staggered and overlapping terms.
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
PM – 111.2 Membership of Board. The Board of Appeals shall be the Planning Commission of the Village of Mariemont.
• PM - 302.1 Sanitation. All exterior property and premises shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. The occupant shall keep that part of the exterior property which such occupant occupies or controls in a clean and sanitary condition.
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
PM – 302.1 Sanitation. All exterior property shall be keep clear of trash, weeds, dead or diseased vegetation, grass in excess of 8 inches in height, animal feces, lawn equipment, rusted furniture and dilapidated toys. All fencing shall be maintained in good repair.
• PM - 302.3 Sidewalks and driveways. All sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveway, parking spaces and similar areas shall be kept in a proper state of repair, and maintained free from hazardous conditions.
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
PM – 302.3 Sidewalks and driveways. All sidewalks shall be maintained such that adjoining blocks or portions thereof whose edges differ vertically by more that five eighths of an inch shall be deemed suitable to be condemned and replaced with correctly aligned walk surfaces within 60 days of notification of the misalignment. The cost of such replacement shall be borne by the adjoiningt property owner unless a tree located in the Village right-of-way has caused the misalignment, in which case the Village shall bear the cost of replacement.
• PM - 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstruction. Roof water shall bit be discharged in a manner that creates and public nuisance
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
PM - 304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from obstruction. All silt and vegetation growing in gutters shall be removed. Roof water shall not be discharged onto adjoining property but shall be conducted to street gutter or storm sewer.
• PM – 302.10 (New). No portion of any vegetation, hedge, landscaping or tree shall be allowed to overhang an adjacent property without the consent of the adjacent property owner. In the event the adjacent property owner does not give his/her consent, the material overhanging shall be removed at the vegetation owners expense within 30 days of notice of the violation. If the overhanging vegetation is deemed to create an immediate safety hazard, the Building Official shall have the authority to order such corrective measures as may seem appropriate and balanced and shall bill the vegetation owner with the cost of removal.
• PM – 302-11 (New). It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of a residential property, building or structure to utilize the premises of such residential property for the open storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, icebox, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish or similar items. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every such owner or occupant to keep the premises of such residential property clean and to remove from the premises all such abandoned item as listed in this section, including but not limited to weeds, dead trees, trash, garbage, etc upon notification of the building official.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Health and Rec Meeting 4/19/2010
expanding pool use by other orgs during non swim hours - I'm more of an "include" vs an "exclude" kind of guy. I think a principles we ought to follow: encourage MM kids to remain in the Village more of the time, use underutilized assets, make a bit of money doing so. As long as the group is insured, can pay our rounded up cost of use fee, and can park within the lot, and be comprised of more than 1/2 MM Village kids, it feels like a win win. Also, we'll do this as a test in 2010. If it goes well, we can do more, if not, we'll discontinue.
pool repair
we agreed to repairs reco'd by Ed, but we'll stagger them across vendors and pre vs post season. Painting and pool surface pre, Pool deck post. Expansion of concrete and Playset tabled. We went Cheapest/Best approach, and I feel great about our choices.
Public Works Mon 4/19/2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Rules and Law Minutes discussing Code Enforcement
We discussed 3 phases of the work for Code Enforcement: Finalize Rules, Enforcement, Help for Prop Owners.
Enforcement: we decided to leave it alone and not amend.
Help for Prop Owners: a worthy topic but to move this forward, we decided to leave on the table for now. We can take up this idea again at a future date.
Finalize Rules: we decided to take the draft shared by Dennis M. in Jan, and have Dennis M. add worthy components from both Kingsport TN and Shaker Heights OH. This will become our report and draft of our resolution.
Dennis will provide us the final reco, and we'll present this to Council.
Tree update
Center is cut, stumps to be ground and replanted with Sycamore-like Londonderry trees
Wooster is cut, stumps to be ground and replanted with Pioneer Elm. Work should be done by early May (Flying Pig)
Beech soon to be cut, stumps to be ground, and a variety of species planted.
4/12 Council Meeting
-ICRC made a good presentation re recording meetings. We'll vote next time
-Mr. Spinnenweber will pay to upgrade new trees on Wooster from 3" to 4.5". A very generous gift.
-turn lane light at library approved! State of Ohio reversed their decision. This is a great development. The only downside is we have to pay.
-Rumpke promptly paid for repair to Patriot's Park. This shows me they're serious about our Business.
-We decided on Grass Cor as lawn service this year. We added a cancel clause in case of poor performance. This is a tough decision, but it will save an additional $6K or $7K vs Lawnscapers. I look forward to working with Lawn Scapers in the future.
-I made a motion to support the Schools. And after review by Ed Mctigue our Solicitor, it was deemed appropriate to be voted on. It was unanimously approved. This is a great show of support for our schools.
I voted in the affirmative on all issues. Lawn contract is a cost issue in my opinion (John S certified their ability to perform). Schools' future is intertwined with the Village's. I voted in favor of the Levy.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mariemont Council unanimously supports School Levy
I think it's a great show of confidence for our great schools.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
MPF meeting to discuss my "Vision"
Vision: We are the premier example of a Planned Community/New Urbanism in the US. Within this:
-Sustainability-aware of our environnmental impact and working to reduce it
-Health and Well Being-encourage and celebrate pedestrians and cyclists
-Architecture/History-celebrate and protect our unique journey through today
We also talked about the Historic District. I would say the District today is no longer an asset, rather a neutral. No question there are beautiful homes and streets. But in total, we are at a crossroads. Over the next 4 years, it will become a negative without aggressive corrective action. The MPF folks I met with mentioned a non profit 3CDC type development group that could buy, improve and sell properties. Without profit (or even break even) requirements, the tough decisions aren't quite as tough. For example, take a 6 family and make it a 4 family with modern amenities and more room, allowing for higher rents. Then sell it. Use proceeds to buy another! Council could use a portion of the Perm Improvement Fund to invest in this group. Further, Council could focus disprportionate investment in beautification.
I look fwd to MPF's Vision Plan and hope to use it as a roadmap for Council.
Tree research
I've reached out to a couple folks in the community to learn more about previous work done (Nolen's original work, early 1950's plan). I'll be bringing up this important topic during Committee.
Monday, March 29, 2010
working on resolution of support for School Levy
Procedurally, I'm being told the Mayor requests this go through Committee of the Whole first. I'm not sure about proper procedure, so I've reached out to Dennis W to get scheduled. Obviously time is of the essence, so I hope to get the prework done asap. Goal is a vote before election day.
WHEREAS, Mariemont Schools have consistently ranked among the best schools in the State of Ohio; and
WHEREAS, our award-winning schools are one of the main reasons our property values remain among the highest in Hamilton County; and
WHEREAS, it is a combination of those strong property values and our highly rated schools that the Village of Mariemont has been named as one of the top communities in State and in our Nation; and
WHEREAS, the Mariemont City School District needs the additional funds from the Bond Issue and the Operating Levy to continue to provide our children with excellent education in facilities that provide an environment that encourages learning and offers the tools our schools and our students need to continue to succeed.
SECTION I. This Council hereby supports the Mariemont City School District combined Bond Issue and Operating Levy and encourages residents in the Village of Mariemont to do the same.
SECTION II. That this Resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the Village. The reason for the emergency is to make our support known prior to the May ballot.