Friday, September 3, 2010


I asked to add a topic to the next Pub Works Committe Mtg and Dan told me no. He replied back that the Mayor controls trees via Chapter 97. So I followed up with the following note. I'll bring up verbally at next Council if I don't hear back.

Hi Dan,

Got Joanee's message yesterday re Code of Ordinances spelling out Tree
management as the Mayor's responsibility. This is super news - I'm so glad the
Village thought to put such an emphasis on Trees! Few Villages have this asset,
and I'm glad we're setup to manage them effectively. Further, I know Trees are
important to you so this is doubly good news.

Can you share with me your typical approach? Over email is fine, or I can bring
up officially during next Council. Either's completely fine. For example:
-try to plant X trees during the spring dormant period, Y during fall dormant
-try to plant Z trees throughout the year as we lose them. Maybe 1 in 1 out?
-how do you execute the heritage tree plan of plant 2 for every one lost?
-how do you keep tabs on citizens who remove trees? Public space, private
-how do you factor in budget? Recall we allocated more $$$ for trees this
Spring, above and beyond Ash replacement. How are you thinking about this?
-when do you buy vs harvest from the few in the tree farm? What do you plant
-any consideration to the ratio planted by Nolen? To keep the feel similar?
-Millard gave me a detailed list from 1920 + a redo from the 1950's. Do you use
these blueprints in your decision making?
-how does community tree program fold in? Toby Acheson came to me before he
left and said the program is a good start but only 1/2 complete
-what role does John play in planning? Does his team usually plant all trees?

These are just a few questions I'd like to better understand. I think we need a
regimented, vigorous tree planting schedule, headed up by you. And I would like
to help. As I've stated on lots of previous occasions, we are in a precarious
position, and we don't have enough "bench strength" (few young trees) when our
"veterans" (many many many old trees) disappear.

Please let me know your thoughts.

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