Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Attended Council 8/9/2010

I attended regular Council on 8/9

Erosion: I don't think we're taking this seriously enough. Cutting fallen trees is a good first step, but we need a specialized engineering eye above and beyond Chris Ertel's solid experience to figure out cause. Further we need to put a plan in place that stabilizes and partially restores the hillside.

Single Sided Council Packets: John S. did a nice thing by printing on both sides, cutting down paper usage by 50%. I'd like to see all Committee heads go to black and white, double sided.

Homewood Speed Humps: I think Stopsigns are a good 1st step but are not sufficient to fix the problem. I reco an objective measurement program to decide who gets speed humps. Factors like these should be considered: amt of traffic, propensity to speed, distance between intersections, through streets, and streets willing to pay a portion of the cost out of pocket (brainstorming here)

Roundabout: Dan and Dennis both committed to Council and Residents to put the Roundabout invitation into Committee of the Whole. However, I was asked to provide prework, which I am happy to do. I am an unwitting champion of this idea - I believe it's a fairness/courtesy issue, and I believe it deserves to be discussed. That said, I don't know enough about this to say I'll support it to the end. From what I know, I think it's a good idea worth exploring further.

Voting: I voted in the affirmative on all except an abstain on Minutes (missed last meeting). Ambulance Vote might be controversial, but I feel better knowing the previous one was 12 years old and a drain on General Fund. I voted to approve the Safety Committee's reco of Stopsigns on Homewood, only when guaranteed more Committee Meetings to further refine and discuss.


link to meeting

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