Monday, November 9, 2009

11/9 Council Meeting - I made a public comment

Tonight was a would-be contested, hot, emotional meeting. However, it came and went with a whimper. No controversial action was taken. There was talk of Layoffs, but Mr. Mctigue recommended against action today. A special session will happen soon, accompanied by 3 readings of Council. This should shine some light on the deliberate actions and give them more credibility.

My comments: I followed a lady from Montgomery suggesting we support having chickens in the Village. I'm gonna LOVE this job! :)

I spoke about the pending layoffs (which didn't happen). I asked that Council consider waiting until the New Year to implement for 3 reasons:
-Budget Deficit clearer and better! Actions still needed?
-New Council would love to weigh in and be part of the solution.
-Waiting until after the Holidays would be nice.

Rationale - I really struggled with whether or not to speak. I do understand both sides (high level), and frankly a smaller Deficit would selfishly help me as a Councilman. But the need to speak in support of waiting won out. Complicating this is I don't belive any Department is without waste or without need to cut. After my due diligence, I may come up with the same proposed action.

No idea if Council will entertain the idea, but I wanted to at least say something. Did I burn "political capital" (do I have any)? Did I do the right thing? Not sure, but I feel good having done so.



  1. Cortney here - had a converation with a Citizen who attended the Council Meeting. He supported my comments. I hope others do as well.

  2. Hey Cortney,do you always talk to yourself? Do you answer?
    You are on target to discuss long-range sustainability issues... oh sure, chickens, why not? Vegetables good stuff, ditto solar dryers... but hard to picture parts of Mariemont with sheets blowing on the line...
    Completing a sidewalk network in what was meant to be a 'walkable' Village, as you mentioned, should move up the priority list. It will take some MINOR capital improvement dollars that, with some information, residents would likely support.
    In contrast, the school district is talking about mortgaging our future to the tune of $75 to $80 million (including bond interest) to reconstruct school buildiings that are nowhere near the end of their useful lives. Maybe we should think about finishing our 'sidewalks to nowhere' for tens of thousands before we think about $75 million? Isn't that a 'no brainer'?
