Thursday, September 10, 2009

Income Tax base reduced if Dale Park Jr High leaves

I learned of an unitended side effect of a 4 School District Plan where Dale Park would be retired. I verified with Darlene Judd, Village Tax Administrator, that income tax is collected at the location where you work. So that means that Dale Park Teachers, Custodians, Staff, even the School District folks who leave the Village to work in Fairfax, for instance, = lower revenues for Mariemont. For each $1,000,000 in salary, we lose $12,500 in Income Tax.

This is a big deal for the Village, facing the $500,000 deficit in 2011. Another reason to keep all 5 open.



  1. Based on the payroll out of that building this would amount to about $7,000 -- probably not a compelling enough number to sway the decision either way.

  2. Hi Jenny. Thanks for the feedback. This is a small number, smaller than I would have expected. Do you know if it includes Superindent's and staff's salaries. This I would guess would be a big contributor as a % of Ttl number. And Dale Park closing means we could see Imhoff's office move anywhere, really.

    To your point, though, it may be small to pursue. But where to draw the line? I struggle with this one. My gut says go after big and small simultaneously, but don't know of the practicality of this...

    Thanks again.

  3. Hi again Cortney.
    That number includes all the salaries that come out of that building. So, yes, it includes Superintendent's and staff's. Hope to see you tomorrow night at the Board of Education meeting.
