Sunday, September 13, 2009

budget scenarios

I heard today that the new official millage required to close our budget deficit may be less than originally requested. This is great news. I don't think it should change an individual's vote, whatever side you happen to fall on. This is found money, so what to do with it?

If the levy passes in November, I have energy to continue down the "scarcity mindset" path and draw down spending. And if we're successful, I'd like to see us end the levy ahead of schedule. Maybe it's a balance of return & invest the savings. Am I naive, yes. But I don't see why we couldn't return some money to the Taxpayers (in this case property owners).



  1. Nice post. It is always good to see people expressing themselves in different ways.

    Since you seem to be associated with Management, I would like to suggest you a new magazine - PEOPLE MATTERS started by an ISB Alumni, which was suggested to me by a friend and which I have found very useful.

    It deals with various important aspects of management, especially those related to Leadership & People Management.

    It's also relatively cheap. I guess its annual subscription is about Rs. 400 (US$ 8 approx) which is even less than the cost of a standard Pizza.

    Their last issue had an enlightening article by Robert Kaplan (the co-founder of Balanced Scorecard method, if you remember) where he talks about how organisations can create opportunities out of current economic downturn.

    I got its subscription online through their website:

    If you like the magazine, kindly refer it to your friends or colleagues in the organization you work. They may be interested in subscribing to it.


  2. Cortney--

    Dina said you did a good job tonight. I am glad to hear it! Thoughts for you for raising revenues for the village. Some of these may already be in place but I don't know for sure.

    1) A transfer tax on the sale of a home. In Pennsylvania my mother just sold her house and paid a 1.25% transfer tax at the time it was sold.

    2) Estate tax--not very popular but if it meant possibly freezing certain individuals property taxes so that they can stay in the village, perhaps it would be more pallatable. If there is one in place now for Mariemont, maybe an increase for this purpose would be a good option.

    3)Homestead exemption--freezing property tax increases for certain individuals but recouping lost revenue with the first two ideas.

    Good luck next week!

