Saturday, February 2, 2013

1/25 Council - absent

I missed Council on 1/25 due to a work commitment.  After reviewing the Minutes, here are my comments.

Hiring Brian Hoffman as our newest police officer.  I happily welcome Officer Hoffman, and I look forward to meeting him.  I'm sure he'll do a good job protecting all of us.  I believe more police protection is never a bad thing.

However, this is yet another example of unilateral decision making by the Mayor.  Council, FULL COUNCIL decided 9 was right back in 2009, yet the Mayor took it upon himself to undermine that decision.  Legal, yes, appropriate, NO.  Now Council is on the defensive - with few options.  Is there any possibility Council will vote to not approve Officer Hoffman at the end of his probationary period?  The decision was not the Mayor's to make.  Council may very well have come to this decision; again safety is a big deal.  "Council" is the operative term here.

Again, Officer Hoffman should feel welcome and valued by the Council and the Community.  The issue again is with the Mayor.


1 comment:

  1. Cortney here. I want to clarify my comment: "COUNCIL decided 9 was right back in 2009". I understand this has been misunderstood. What I should have said: "In 2009, Council made the tough, painful decision that 9 full time officers would have to suffice". It wasn't an easy decision and these new comments reflect this.
