Sunday, February 17, 2013

expanded Lunken service - email

There were 2 articles on proposed expansion of plane service at Lunken this past week, so I sent an email (below) to Council & the Mayor.

While I've been assured everything will be fine, I'm not ready to dismiss it.  I think we should remain close to this, since there are days (infrequent today) when my house shakes from a jet plane leaving the airport on one particular path.  If this were to happen daily, for instance, I would be concerned as a homeowner and resident.



This is the second headline in 2 days about expanded jet service to lunken. Dennis is the obvious expert here, but there are a couple flight paths that go right over the village. More noise would be a bad thing. Should council weigh in and take a position?

Cortney Scheeser

From: Cincinnati.Com []
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 9:57 PM
To: Scheeser, Cortney
Subject: EXCLUSIVE: Low-cost airline interested in Lunken

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News Alerts

ENQUIRER EXCLUSIVE: Low-cost airline interested in Lunken
February 11, 2013, 9:27 pm
ENQUIRER EXCLUSIVE: Low-cost airline interested in Lunken
Commercial air service could return to Lunken Airport for the first time in decades.
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Council 2/11

I attended Council on 2/11, and here's what I saw.

Chief Hines email.  This memo didn't paint a clear picture of the 10th officer discussion.  I haven't weighed in on the right number of officers, nor the need for part time.  As can be seen in my previous posting, my concern is SOLELY with the Mayor and "decision rights".  The Chief's concern about the word "right" is fair, but in the context of the whole paragraph, I believe it pretty clearly relays my opinion --- Decision Rights are broken in the Village of Mariemont.  The Mayor's unilateral decision making is wrong and our Village suffers each and every time it happens.

Further discussion on hiring the 10th officer.  Jeff's comment's were spot on - I couldn't agree more.  Council should have a say in big decisions.  As stated above, I believe strongly the Mayor's continued unilateral decisions are hurting the Village.  I've said this continually:  All of us will make a better decision than the smartest person in the room.  For my part, I will poke the Mayor EVERY TIME he jumps in inappropriately.

Eastern Corridor.  I'm sad we need to move forward with this big step to hire legal counsel.  But it's the right decision.  ODOT doesn't appear to be listening - this will up the volume of our voices.

No Parking Plan.  As previously stated, the "What" is spot on, the "How" is troubling.  I don't care for the unsightly changes to the Village this will cause.  And I think there are more sensitive ways (ie red street paint), even as a test only.  I will vote no on all of these reports and ordinances.

Executive Session to talk Legal Counsel.  I confirm we talked only about the Eastern Corridor and the need for Legal Counsel.  I am very supportive of this action.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes except:  no parking plan.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

1/25 Council - absent

I missed Council on 1/25 due to a work commitment.  After reviewing the Minutes, here are my comments.

Hiring Brian Hoffman as our newest police officer.  I happily welcome Officer Hoffman, and I look forward to meeting him.  I'm sure he'll do a good job protecting all of us.  I believe more police protection is never a bad thing.

However, this is yet another example of unilateral decision making by the Mayor.  Council, FULL COUNCIL decided 9 was right back in 2009, yet the Mayor took it upon himself to undermine that decision.  Legal, yes, appropriate, NO.  Now Council is on the defensive - with few options.  Is there any possibility Council will vote to not approve Officer Hoffman at the end of his probationary period?  The decision was not the Mayor's to make.  Council may very well have come to this decision; again safety is a big deal.  "Council" is the operative term here.

Again, Officer Hoffman should feel welcome and valued by the Council and the Community.  The issue again is with the Mayor.


1/24 Public Works Committee Minutes

I attended the Public Works Committee Meeting on 1/24 and here are the Minutes for the meeting.

There will be a Public Works and Services Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 24, 2013, in the Village Council Chambers, 6907 Wooster Pike, Mariemont, Ohio, to discuss the following agenda item: 1. 2013 Street Rehabilitation Project and Sidewalk Repairs

Meeting was called to order on 1/24/2013 at 7:00 PM.  In attendance were Cortney Scheeser, Jeff Andrews, Denise Mccarthy, Dennis Wolter, Dan Policastro, and Chris Ertel.  Chris explained the recommended repairs:
Cambridge Ave.  Jeff confirmed Mariemont controls only this one section of the Street.  Denise mentioned the importance of this project since the Art Barn draws so many out of town visitors.  Cost approx $26000
2 halves of Mariemont Ave (Industrial Park) on either side of the orpaned Railroad tracks.  Cortney mentioned it's important to support the businesses in the industrial park.  Chris mentioned the current pavement has lasted 29 years.  Cost $53000 + $32000
Mariemont Ave Railroad removal.  Chris believes it's an orphaned section of track not useful to anyone.  Cortney asked Dennis to confirm Cincinnati Steel Treating is supportive of this.  Cortney asked Dan to confirm Kellog is supportive of this.  Cost estimate was $6000-$8000.
Spring Hill Drive.  Chris explained the drain had settled and is in need of repair for approx $4000.
Maintenance Facility Driveway.  Cortney mentioned there may be efficiency savings since work on Mariemont Ave would be adjacent.  Cost $15000.

Committee decided to recommend all street projects, even though this would overspend our street revenues + balances.  If pressed, we would prioritize Mariemont 1st including RR track, then Cambridge, then Spring Hill, then Maintenance Facility.

On sidewalks, it was learned there are now 2 grant funding sources:  Safe Routes to School, State of Ohio Grants.  The following list was brainstormed:  North side of Chestnut where sunken sections contine to fill with mud.  New crosswalk aprons on Plainville, currently grass + rubber mat.  Painted Crosswalk lines across Wooster @ East.  South side of Murray from the green space block to Miami Rd.  South side of Wooster Pike near Harvard Acres/Park.  South side of Wooster Pike between East and Indianview.  Miami Rd north of new sidewalk from 2012.  Cortney mentioned this would need to be in concert with the resident as well as would need to involve a moved guard rail (sidewalk could be on either side).  Chris agreed to review each.  This list will be provided to Safety Committee to help fill out the request for Safe Routes to School in February 2013.  The Committee decided not to recommend any self funded sidewalk work until the grant process has been completed.

The meeting was adjourned 7:45PM

Cortney Scheeser

Council 1/14/2013

I attended Council on 1/14 and here's what I saw.

New police officer request.  I think a 10th police officer is a worthy topic for discussion.  I think we should tread slowly as a 1 year budget help isn't a guarantee for ongoing sufficiency, especially as Estate Tax revenue from the State dries up.

Soft bid for lawn care.  I like that we're now able to avoid the costly bid process.  I support awarding the contract to Grass Cor, the vendor with the contract in 2011.  I believe they will meet our expectations for Calendar Year 2013.

Joe Stelzer for Vice Mayor.  Joe works hard for the Village and will do well in the role.  Congrats to Joe.

No votes on restricted parking on Village streets.  I think Dennis has done a very thorough job and agree principly with his Committee's recommendations.  We must allow egress for Fire vehicles.  However, I think we must do it in a way that doesn't visually detract from the Village.  Why not try something like this:
This doesn't harm our historic granite curbs, and it doesn't involve another unsightly sign.  Until we come up with a more sensitive way to restrict parking, I will need to vote no.

Salary Ordinance.  I wonder how our finances will shake out with a new full time police officer + reduced revenue from state cuts.  These 2 will have a material impact on our ability to grant salary increases in 2013.

Committee Assignments.  I find it unfortunate that in each of my first 4 years on Council, I was never asked about my professional experience nor my interests/passion areas.  Instead, the Mayor unilaterally decided with no input.  Again, unfortunate.

I voted in the affirmative on all other votes as all were procedural in nature.
