Saturday, April 16, 2011

Council meeting on 4/11

I attended council in 4/11 and here's what I saw.

Executive authority. Jeff did a nice job questioning the authority of the mayor to make these changes. I disagree with West Street 'no parking' entirely. I disagree with how Center st was done but not necessarity with the decision. I also am concerned more than ever that there is no legal standing for it.

Stop signs sprouting up. I think about Rex Bevis' concern over his time on Council of too much signage detracting from the Village. I haven't voiced this yet, but we might be overdoing it....

Less mowing area. I would like to see us get additional services for free since the Dale Park grass is gone.

Steam Plant. The lease holder is not meeting expectations, and the Village may have the oppty to buy the property, tear down the plant, and subdivide and sell the plots. I think we should consider this, however the plan will intimately affect many. And we need to approach very carefully. Some thoughts: Hillside Trust may have a say? Extending "Arbyville" west would cross municipalities? Options for abutting homeowners to buy additional property? Build homes on south side of Mt Vernon in Bird Sanctuary? Lots to consider and Jeff's right: Econ Development should take this one up.

Street calming. I voted yes to accept the reco of the safety committee to break up Rembold and Hiawatha via Stop Signs. I would like to see us try other approaches besides Stop signs.

Levy - we need to continue to renew existing levys, especially now since both Inheritance Tax and Kasich's recent budget put huge uncertainty in our Revenue. Jeff's push though is a good one. We may be able to ELIMINATE a levy and save the taxpayers real money as we run a tighter and tighter ship. Post the state revenue decisions, I'd like to look closely at this.

I voted on the affirmative on everything. All were procedural except:
Street improvements which are needed and reasonable
Allowing Levy renewal is reasonable.
Street Calming on Hiawatha and Rembold is reasonable


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