Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Attended council 6/14

I attended council on 6/14. Here's what I heard and did.

Still need clarity on lawsuit insurance. Don't quite understand what is covered and what is not. I will prob ask dan for a budget report each month, since it won't show up in the packet per se.

I will take up ice cream vendors via rules and law. I don't have a problem w it in concept.

Speed humps not bumps on homewood is a great idea. I support using hw as our test case.

I support the piano on the square - very fun idea.

No mention of roundabout. We will take up in committee if no action by the comm of whole soon.

I voted in the affirmative on all. This included the new police cruiser. I felt I laid out a compelling alternative w the impala but decided not to go against the grain. I do believe however we left $$$ on the table in terms of fuel savings.

Cortney Scheeser
Senior Analyst, Global Home Care & PGP
Phone: 513-983-0463
Mobile: 479-221-1752
Email, IM: scheeser.cm@pg.com

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Met new asst fire chief

I met jeff travers, the newly appointed asst fire chief monday. I was impressed! I really appreciated his energy and his ideas (continuing ed during shifts). I also like that he's acceptable to dennis dan and rick while at the same time an "inside" guy w institutional knowledge.

One concern I'll raise is incomplete shifts. W fewer full time, we seem to be having trouble on occasion filling the roster. 4 men/women on is vital to our safety and must be maintained.

The other subject I'd like to broach 6 month from now is moving to the matt morgan model of no asst chief. This would be an easy transition from todays probationary model. Jeff as chief? I like separation of power (decentralize power and influence) and sep leaders feels right to me. No disrespect whatsoever to rick hines.

I look fwd to the end of our "civil war" and this feels like a step in that direction. Welcome jeff - looking fwd to working w you.


Cortney Scheeser
Senior Analyst, Global Home Care & PGP
Phone: 513-983-0463
Mobile: 479-221-1752
Email, IM: scheeser.cm@pg.com

Please consider the Environment before printing this email

Monday, June 21, 2010

Attended Health and Rec 6/14

I attended the Health and Rec Committee Meeting this past Monday, where we discussed Trash Contract process as well as Pool improvements

We agreed to expand the concrete slab near the concession stand but asked the Pool commission to tighten up their estimate for playground equipment. As long as we research opptys to save by bundling with ABB Park, I'm supportive.

We started to layout how we'll do the Trash contract. I think smaller Fee increase + bigger sticker increase is the right way to go, but I don't think the resting financial stability on Trash fees is fair. Knowing what little I know about the program, here's where my head's at: 25%ish increase in fees and maybe go to one fee schedule vs 2 today. and make stickers $1.50 or $2. I would also like to see community education to offset some of the increase. I would like to see a date set well in advance for folks to buy stickers at low price. I would like to crank up our recycling as well, though not sure how to do it. I'm looking fwd to digging into this important topic.


Attended 6/14 Public Works Committee

I attended Public Works this past Monday to discuss playground equipment at Ann Buntin Becker Park (NW side of town). I agree to pay for the 1st of multiple modular sections, bark/mulch for a couple additional parks, and swing and slide safety mats. While we're in tough economic shape in the General Fund (think checking account), our Permanent Improvement Fund (savings account) is pretty healthy. This investment makes sense to me so I support it.

Opportunity for us however is to bundle vendor and or labor with Pool equipment planned purchase. I plan to followup with John & Ed to see if this is doable.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Attended Mem Day parade

I attended the Memorial Day parade Monday. I brought me daughters with me. A nice event. General Short is a worthy if not overdue recipient of Citizen of the Year. Well don, General!


attended Police Appreciation Dinner

I attended the Civic Association 10th annual Police Appreciation Dinner last week. It was a great reminder of the sacrifice and risk our law enforcement officers endure for us. Congratulations to Officer Lay for receiving Officer of the Year award this year.

Now that Chief Hines presides over the Fire Dpt too, I'd love to see a similar recognition of our Fire fighters and paramedics next year. I put a note in my calendar for next Jan to bring it up.
