Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finance Committee Mtg Monday

I attended the Finance Committee Meeting (not a member of this Committee). Such an important job this year that I'd like to attend this Committee when possible.

Services was talked. Trash was a big conversation topic. I still don't understand Finance vs Public Works' (I'm on this) responsibility. I asked for an idea to be investigated vs simply ratifying a Finance plan. For instance, I would like some latitude to decide how we pay for Trash. I like stickers, even though they're a bit of a headache. And I believe the $100K deficit we run on Trash ought to be paid for 100% by fees. 50 weeks per year x 1800 households = $1 increase per sticker cost (Sum $2). We have to get compliance up for sure for this to work. May end up being a annual fee increase + sticker increase. Again though, I'd like a target of savings from Finance, vs a blueprint of the plan....

Another topic was the principle of every service either costs more or delivers less. I think this is acceptable, but we have to be careful of the "marque" services that define our Village. Leaf pickup, I'm surprised to learn, is one of those services. However, maybe it's as simple as one less pickup each season. Andy's in the drivers seat on this, deciding how to deflate the balloon is on him. I know he'll do a good job.

We also talked about real estate. Lots of good discussion. Here's where I netted out. I'm sure that doc storage is cheaper than office space. Why not clear out the basement of the Admin. Bldg (used to hold Mayor's Court there) and bring Tax Office back in house. $12000 savings annually.


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