Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Phil Buress voter guide

I received an election/voter guide from Phil Buress, of the very conservative Citizens for Community Values group. It's essentially a "you're with us or you're against us" questionaire. I'm not sure what to do with it. On one hand, I could fill it out and risk being smeared later (some of my views are not aligned with CCV), or I could choose not to and stifle conversation.

Struggling with this, but am leaning towards filling it in.



  1. It's Cortney. I did it! Just submitted, and I made the choice to take positions on issues relevant to Mariemont like Regulating Adult Business but not a position on those not relevant like Federal Cap and Trade. Transparency continues!

  2. I'm disappointed you responded to him on any issue. This only empowers him. His agenda contributes to the area's reputation of continuing to fight the culture wars which are, for the most, part over.

  3. Hi, Cortney here. Appreciate you taking the time to write. I struggled with this - like you, I disagree with him and question his motives. But I didn't want to ignore any request. "Transparent Communication" is so important, and to me, this means dialoguing with everyone. And I need to lead by example. We'll see if this pains me later on. Thanks again.

