Monday, August 24, 2009

great conversation with Village FInance insider

This blog is an attempt at honest, transparent communication with Mariemont's Citizens, with a goal of an educated, informed vote on 11/3.

Had a great, informative conversation with someone in Village, very familiar with its Finances. He provided some great perspective on the Budget "really reallys", and the dire consequences of the Levy not passing. Drastically cutting of services, layoffs, etc. Not pretty. And a failure of the Levy will fall squarely on NEXT Council. This Council won't take it up this hot potato (which makes sense once you think about it).

The other thing he shared was the education he received in terms of working with the Citizens. He said to prepare for intermittent involvement, mostly at the end. This will be interesting to see how my vision of involvement lines up (or doesn't) with reality. I'm going to really try and encourage full involvement while being patient of Citizens' who jump in towards the end. I must look quite naive to the veterans :)



  1. Cortney, greetings. Scott Nicholson here. I have been following your blog since you started it and informed everyone of your doing so. For the most part, I have agreed with everything you have said as far as your personal thoughts are concerned. But this recent blog prompts me to chime in on the overall candor of the person you speak to that is familiar with the finances within the Village.

    To lump the entire Village population into one pot that has “intermittent involvement, mostly at the end” is, I feel, a gross overstatement of the trust that the Village residents as a whole place in the hands of Village council. To me, Village residents should not need to oversee what takes place at every council meeting, watching their every move to make sure that the decisions that council makes truly have the best interest of the entire Village in mind. If council really wants to sum up the thoughts of the Village, then the responses they receive from the citizens as a whole, be it via an expression during Town Meeting, a comment made during a council meeting, or via a ballet vote, should be enough for council to undertake it and process it as necessary. If council, though, chooses to conduct business as they see fit, without the request of involvement of the community, then I do not know how they can expect any involvement from the community as a whole except “mostly at the end”.

    Cortney, your blog is greatly appreciated. Dennis Wolter is my current District 1 representative and not once have I, personally, been asked by him my thoughts of ways or means to improve this great community in which we live. Your blog is the closest thing there is to keeping current within the Village of Mariemont. You are at the top of my list when it comes time to vote this November. It is my hope that other council members, be it current members or those aspiring to join council, take note of the path that you have carved and follow in your footsteps. An open, honest, and forthright channel of communication is the only way that the Village will continue to prosper and grow.

    Most respectfully,
    Scott Nicholson

  2. Hi Scott, thanks for writing. Looking forward to seeing you more regularly at Indian Princesses this Fall!

    Totally agree with your statement: "...should not need to oversee what takes place at every council meeting, watching their every move...." Assuming we open up further avenues of communication between Council and Citizens, I think success looks like attendance DECLINING at council meetings, which to me means folks are comfortable with the direction and effectiveness of the body. I will bend over backwards to hear what Citizens are telling me. We won't always agree, but my positions/decisions will not be made in a vacuum. Well said Scott.

