Friday, July 31, 2009

Residence Zone D

Saw an email distributed by Frank Raeon, Martin Koepke, Mark Bruggeman urging support of Residence D, and urging voters not to sign the petition to put the Zoning Change on the ballot. Here's how I responded to the email (to these three gentlemen)



My wife Amy shared with me your email. I too am a proponent of updated zoning that would allow our historic buildings to be built in 2009! Frankly, I’m surprised the Village didn’t address this “miss” years ago. What gets me even more excited is Mixed Use, so that we could truly replicate buildings like on the Old Town Square.

I’m forwarding an exhibit I created for the Planning Committee and Village Council, showing a buildable, attractive, alternative to the 45’ height allowed in Residence D. Would love your thoughts on my idea, as well as D in general.
But at the end of the day, 45 feet is out of balance with the 1-1/2 storey bungalows and cape cods in the neighborhood. I'm willing to concede parking, density, setbacks, etc for the good of the Village, but I can't support the height. We've learned what 47' looks like a la Jordan Park, so lets adjust (more than -2 feet). I'd be uncomfortable with 40' to the top of the peak, but I'd go along with it, as a goodwill compromise.
While I'm not a professional builder, I do have architectural design + residential and commercial construction experience, and I believe 3 storeys can be worked into 36.5' height (see exhibit).

Tobey Acheson stopped by Thursday, and Amy and I both signed the petition. I love the idea of improving our Zoning, but it has to be more sensitive to the neighborhood.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hamilton County BOE 58 names!

After a productive evening getting 18 additional signatures at the Mariemont Police Night Out, I'm now over the 50 signatures required to get onto the November Ballot! This is a major milestone for me, and I'm proud of the fact that I'm one step closer. Of note, I got the Mayor to sign my petition! He wants to meet to discuss how to market all of the Town Meeting candidates, and I'm very interested in the help. We'll see where it goes.

Now, it's on to "Marketing Mix". I'd like to explore some combination of the following
-handouts, likely
-bumper stickers
-yard signs, likely
-billboards, not likely
-banner from a plane, not likely :)

Obviously, I need to be smart about the spend. One, to set a good example of fiscal responsibility/scarcity mindset, two to show I'm serious about the position, and three to avoid under/over investing.

The next few months will be very interesting.




Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Citizen is Boss"

At P&G our Chairman coined the phrase "Consumer is Boss". It's become a core component of how P&G goes to market. It seems to me that "Citizen is Boss" in Mariemont. Not necessarily Voter, although that's an effective approach too.

We need to hear, respect, appreciate, consult, design around the Citizen. And I don't think we're quite there. I hear a subtle disdain when Council reacts to a Citizen comment at Meetings. This is unacceptable. This citizen decided to hit the pause button on his/her life and come to a not fun, not fast, not convenient meeting. We need to appreciate them, hear them. Too often I see us looking down our nose at them, unless they're delivering a "Thank you".

We work for the Citizen. The Citizen is Boss!


Monday 7/27 Council Meeting

I attended the Council Meeting last evening. It was business as usual - paying the bills, reading of resolutions, etc. The Mariemont Rec Director came asking for $3000 for improvements. While I feel for him and support (and participate) in the cause, the $3000 was handed over too easily. Could it have been $2500? $2000? Not saying what the number should be, however there was no discussion.

What I found interesting was discussion on the Village's decision to take down the Flintpoint "Heritage" Oak against the majority of Citizens' wishes. Looks like there will be legal action. I support the Citizens - this tree coming down could be a disasterous precendent for the "Tree City USA" Village. How many trees are on the driveway. I bet 100 - do we take them all down at Taxpayer expense? I do, however, feel for the Homeowner. He attended and I'm sure felt surrounded. But, if we can address the safety issue, then I'm guessing he won't have concern re leaving the tree.

The other interesting development is the Referendum on Residence Zone D. Council seemed annoyed by it, but I think it's a clever move to make sure the Will of the People is considered. I'll sign the petition if/when it comes my way. I think I would support 40 feet to the peak - not that I like it, but that I feel its a compromise; both sides will feel pain.... Density is ok as is, parking is not what I want but again in the spirit of compromise, I won't object.

Finally, I had a nice conversation with Tobey Acheson and a few other supporters of the Referendum. I like their "Don't give up the ship" attitude. Tobey is showing he has the where-with-all to derail an idea, so I'll make sure I understand his position on every controversial issue!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Zoning Residence D on the ballot in Nov?

Heard last night that the overly aggressive "Residence D" zoning approval will be challenged on the November Ballot. I think it's a good thing. No one questions the need for a change, however it's over reaching, and it's too development-sided. I signed the earlier petition to bring down the height max. We'll see what happens.

Putting every little thing on the ballot is not a good idea (ie Smitherman's Cincinnati Rail initiative on the ballot is VERY dangerous), but in this case, I support it.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hamilton County BOE Signatures 55!

I've spent the last couple days getting Hamilton County Board of Elections Signatures. Recall Town Meeting isn't recognized by Hamilton County, so the process essentially begins all over again. Tonight I received 56, 55 of which I'll submit, 5 more than needed. The County offers early checking, so hopefully the list will pass muster and I'll be all set!

I continue to receive so much support, and its very humbling.

3 requests I received:
-recycling bins in parks. Love the idea! Have to figure out how to pay for bins + pickup
-saving the Ash trees by treating vs tearing down. I fully support this, and I think payout is a savings for the Village
-beer at Belltower Park Softball games. 2 out of 3 ain't bad!

I did mention to a small group of folks my idea of a Fall Festival down near the Community Garden on the Little Miami Flood plain. $5 cover per family, bonfire, beer sold, food, hayrides, pumpkins, music would be so much fun, and it would be a great fundraiser for some group in the Village. Plus, the railroad tunnel is the perfect entry point. Who's with me!?!?


Monday, July 20, 2009

How the Nov 3 Vote will Work

Here's a note I sent to a friend who asked about the process going fwd:

Because Town Meeting isn’t recognized by Hamilton County Board of Elections (BOE), the November race is At Large (I think this is the name). Said another way, BOE doesn’t care that we have Districts, that we have a Caucus, that I was chosen. Top vote getters (whether involved in Town Meeting or not) get seats. For instance, John Altman is running outside of Town Meeting, directly with BOE. He’ll be on the ballot, and if he’s the #1, #2, #3 or #4 vote getter, he gets a seat. Hamilton County views both of our candidacies equally.

So the campaign really starts today, I just happened to pick up a strong endorsement, so to speak….


Clarification - turns out I DID have help on Sunday!

Wanted to set the record straight. Melissa Schmit was a huge help, I'm learning. She called a number of folks on my behalf and drove voter turnout. So I can't claim "I did it alone" like I originally thought.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Observations in Chicago

Chicago is fantastic. I always enjoy my time there. What's their secret? I'm not sure, but I think it is healthy city + tourism. Tourism, I think, fuels their development. To get tourists, you have to have something worth visiting. And foundational to "worth" is a place that locals are proud of. I notice a distinct self loathing of Cincinnati. And it's a shame. I really love Cincinnati and think it offers much. But read the Enquirer comments at the bottom of every story and you'll see what I mean. We've got to love ourselves, scars and blemishes too, before anyone else will. Enough of my pontificating.

Now, the purpose of the post. 1)Parking has changed dramatically there:

Might there be a way to charge for parking in the Village? And without all the meters to install/maintain? We could pay for the hardware via revenue, or we could do what Chicago does and accept fixed payment "lease", and let a 3rd party manage the system and take in all profits.

Don't love the idea of paid parking, but I like deficits less.

2)Parking is really expensive in Chicago. $30-$40/day! They don't want you to park there, and they charge accordingly. We ought to not encourage driving/parking by making it free. There should be a cost. Don't prohibit, just add a little healthy tension....


Step One: Victory!

I'm very excited to learn that I won the District 4 "Primary". I'm now the endorsed "Town Meeting" candidate which will help in November. It was close, but my personal door to door strategy paid off. What's more, I'm proud of the fact that I did it completely on my own, while my competitor Carl Stich had administrative/endorsement help from Councilman Dennis Wolter and the Mayor. Further, we were in Chicago for the weekend, so my last minute push didn't even happen.

So "yeah" for me!! I'm going to spend the next 2 minutes enjoying this important win, then it's back to campaign stuff. Next step is 50 Registered Voters turned into Hamilton County by 8/20.

Today was a good day.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caucus questions

I received some additioanl questions at Caucus
-what organizations are you involved with. Facilities Committee for School plan
-how long have you lived in the village. A little over a year
-Fire Department stay or go? I voted against merger, believe its an extreme, unnecessary option
-what to do if levy fails. balance spending cuts w revenue increases. ask community how to fix
-Zoning done too soon ahead of MPF Vision Plan? Yes, the Zoning should have come later after foundation set
-City Manager a good idea? Good idea if it paid out, good ROI, ie bring business to Village = larger tax base. I would support if worthy investment

Did I miss any?


Caucus a success!

I'm really pleased at how well things went tonight. I was pretty prepared, and I think my views came across in a positive way. I'm not the best public speaker, but good enough!

Ironically, Dennis Wolter tiptoed into the yard and put a flyer in my door 15 min after the event. Hopefully all my work over the past 2+ weeks will pay off on Sunday.

Here's a transcript of my remarks (although I didn't cover it all):

District 4 Caucus
July 16, 2009
• My name is
• I’m very excited to be here today to speak with you all
• Background
• Why I’m a good choice
• If time, we can chat a couple issues
• Q&A
• Sound good?
• First, how I got here
– I’ve been pretty active on a couple issues
• Zoning
• School Facilities
– And I’ve actively followed a couple more
• Mining
• Fire Department merger
– Melissa and I continued to run into each other at meetings and events
– About 2 months ago, she approached me and asked me to run for her seat – I was really flattered
– I had an interest in doing this at some point, so it was fate
– Thank you Melissa for your support and your service. And, you better vote for me
• I’m 37 Years old
• I’m married to Amy
• I have 3 daughters all at MM Elem
– 8 yr old 3rd
– Twins going into 1st who turn 6 on Monday
• Have lived in Cincinnati for 19 Years, with the exception of 3 years in Ark for work
Background, cont.
• I’ve worked for P&G for 14 years
– By day, I’m an Analyst at P&G-that means study data to solve tough business problems
– Prior to Analytics, I was an IT Guy-that means building systems to solve tough business problems
– Today I have 3 Managers who report to me, soon to be 5 or 6
– I manage $3.5 MM budget
• When not at work or at kids’ activities, I spend time Running (which is a great way to experience the Village btw), Woodworking, Painting
• I’m a historic preservation nut and love old houses
• I also try to set a good example for my kids by being a steward of the environment
Why am I a Good Choice?
• 14 years of Business experience can help the Village operate more efficiently
• P&G forces us each year to do more with less
• I’ve learned to work effectively with all types of people
• Fresh Perspective
– The Village is experiencing some difficulty – fresh ideas are needed!
– Healthy Tension of differing viewpoints seems to be missing = opportunity to hone and improve ideas
• Plugged in, thanks to my Kids
– When I’m at Swim practice, I talk to people
– When I’m at a Soccer game, I talk to people
– When I’m at PTO, I talk to people
– When I’m at School Facilities Committee meetings, I talk to people
– When I’m at the Track Meet, I talk to people
– When I’m at Indian Guides, I talk to people
• I am passionate about Mariemont and will work tirelessly for its Citizens

• Budget Shortfall
– Council has had 2 ideas:
• Eliminate Fire Department which I voted against
• Increase Property Taxes by 4.75 mils, which feels like a last resort
– Why not explore the vast middle
• Tax Office Rent?
• 2% raises?
• Involve the Community, Employees
– As I understand it today, Employees aren’t allowed to talk with Council. And that’s a missed opportunity
• Zoning
– I want to encourage development in the Village
• Need to be sensitive to the surroundings
– 1 ½ storey cape cods vs 45’ rooflines
• Need to be sensitive to Renters
– Key component of Mary Emery’s vision, and we shouldn’t squeeze out this important group
– If there are upkeep issues lets address them, not throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak
Issues, cont
• Govt Transparency
– There is an “opacity” I find concerning
– We should notify everyone well in advance of all Meetings
– Every meeting should be open to the public
• I’m leading by example here – I have a political blog I’m writing
– I commit to open and honest sharing of my views as well as what’s going on

Mariemont Village District 4 Caucus Tonight!

Tonight's the big night - our Caucus for District 4! I'm very excited and a bit nervous. This is the beginning of an exciting journey, and I hope it leads to Village Council on 11/3.

In preparation for tonight, I've talked with a number of my neighbors, and have heard many great ideas (and concerns) about the Village. Knocking on doors is a bit hard for this introvert, but I always head home glad I did.

I've worked out my speech and will post it after the caucus.

Wish me luck.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday's Village Council Meeting part 2

I attended the 7:30 Village Council Meeting and was surprised by a number of things. A couple examples:
1)Homogenous Behavior. All votes were 6-0 and were in the affirmative. I expected discussion, I expected discourse, I expected dissent. There was little to no debate on anything. I think a healthy tension in the room will lead to better decisions. We owe it to our Village to have uncomfortable discussions with the goal being the best possible outcome.

2)Lack of Budget Ideas. I expected a rich discussion on closing the half million dollar budget gap, but there was none. Mrs Judd told Council that revenue was meeting the forecast, which was a pleasant surprise, so I'm unclear as to why the gap exists. 2% raises were handed out to a number of employees. In this economic environment + Village deficit, why weren't these lowered 1%, 0.5%, or even 0%?

I would challenge each department head and each Council Member to bring a $1000 savings idea ($83/Month) to each Council Meeting. Call it a "Cover Charge". You may not enter Chambers without it.

Here's a cost saving idea that I came up with in 15 mins of research. We pay approx $1050/mo in rent for the Tax Office. Why not move to one of the many Old Town Square vacancies at approx $500/mo in rent, saving $400 x 12 = $4800 annually? This is simplistic and I'm sure doesn't take into account all issues, but I bet there's savings to be had. We need to turn over every rock and address the deficit before asking for a tax increase.

3)"Emergency" Declaration. I was dismayed by this procedural maneuver to fast track legislation, eliminating public comment/input. Reading 3 times in one sitting looks silly, not to mention improper. "Emergency" to me means H1N1, a fire, a flood, an EMERGENCY. Activating this stifles democracy and should be used as a last resort.

While the meeting was very efficient, ended early, and was comfortable, I don't believe it was in the best interest of the Village. We can do better.


Monday's Village Council Meeting part 1

I attended both the Committee Meeting to hammer out the Zoning Residence D and the Village Council Meeting this past Monday. First the Committee Meeting.

I was surprised by the ratio of support vs concern. A lot more folks showed up in favor than have at any other public hearing. The process seems flawed to me, in that a singular Developer has any more voice than a typical participant. Each of these meetings has become Mr. Griewe's meeting, and whether or not it's improper, it looks that way. I regret not speaking last night, however all that i've put into this issue hasn't been heard - minds have been made up for months/years.

If rental conditions are the issue, then shouldn't we address it at the source? I've heard time and again of the unfair burden on rental owners. If this is the case (haven't done much investigation), then why not eliminate this burden, ratchet up requirements for upkeep, and polish our rental stock?

At the end of the day, I love the idea of mixed use, of higher density condos, of replacement of sad, architecturally unimportant buildings. But, massing and height, as well as parking are a big deal. And I believe we lost a little bit of what Mariemont is by not requiring more.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mariemont's District 4 Council Woman, Melissa Schmitt, is not seeking reelection this Fall. To replace her, our Village has a primary-like process called Town Meeting. Town Meeting will reconvene on Thursday July 16 to introduce the two candidates vying to replace Melissa, Carl Stich and me (7PM at the Resthaven Barn). Sunday, July 19 is the vote (11AM-5PM Resthaven Barn). The top vote getter becomes "Town Meeting Candidate", an unofficial endorsement. I'm hoping to be the Town Meeting Candidate, so to provide a little oomph as we head into the traditional Fall Campaign.

Loser (or any other interested candidate) has the opportunity to run "outside of Town Meeting" by registering directly with the County Board of Elections. If this happens, the Top vote getters will get candidate seats.

I was delighted that Melissa would approach me and suggest I run for her seat. I have had thoughts of running at some point but did not want to challenge Melissa, whom I feel has worked hard for our District and Village.

I'm excited about the challenge and look forward to this week! Lots will happen!!
