Restricted parking - we need to reign in the visual clutter which has drastically increased over the past 4 years. There are signs everywhere, and the addition of each slowly chips away at our quality of life. We need a plan C vs the current options: A) paint curbs or B) place signs every few yards.
Stop signs. Once there has been an accident, we need to act. Stop signs are the most necessary form of signage.
I will not be able to attend tonight due to my daughter's swim final - I'm sorry for the late notice. My views on the two topics (my views can't be included in the report, but I figured I'd let you know where my head's at):
-I support 1 side parking on all narrow streets for Fire egress
-I think we should paint the horizontal asphalt with red and/or white fire lane striping vs bold yellow on historic curbs or tall signage. Here's an example of what I mean
-I don't love the Haines stop sign but understand the need. I support one sign at the sw corner of the intersection.
Related, ***a resident*** asked me how paint vs sign vs both is decided. If you could let him and me know the "rules", I'd appreciate it.
Again sorry for the late cancellation - pls call w questions.