Tuesday, July 30, 2013

7/18 Safety Meeting

I had to miss the Safety Meeting due to my daughters' swim final race, but here's the note I shared with Dennis and Joe re my views on the topics.

Restricted parking - we need to reign in the visual clutter which has drastically increased over the past 4 years.  There are signs everywhere, and the addition of each slowly chips away at our quality of life.  We need a plan C vs the current options:  A) paint curbs or B) place signs every few yards.

Stop signs.  Once there has been an accident, we need to act.  Stop signs are the most necessary form of signage.


I will not be able to attend tonight due to my daughter's swim final - I'm sorry for the late notice.  My views on the two topics (my views can't be included in the report, but I figured I'd let you know where my head's at):
-I support 1 side parking on all narrow streets for Fire egress
-I think we should paint the horizontal asphalt with red and/or white fire lane striping vs bold yellow on historic curbs or tall signage.  Here's an example of what I mean http://ericstow.com/services.html
-I don't love the Haines stop sign but understand the need.  I support one sign at the sw corner of the intersection.
Related, ***a resident*** asked me how paint vs sign vs both is decided.  If you could let him and me know the "rules", I'd appreciate it.
Again sorry for the late cancellation - pls call w questions.

Annual Budget 7/8

I attended the Budget Meeting on 7/8, and here's what I saw.

Surprise windfall from Estate Tax.  The $300,000 surprise income to the Village is welcome.  It goes a long way to stem the tide of slow deficits projected in the out years.  That said, we can't count on these surprises and need to uncover meaningful savings and revenue every year to remain financially healthy.

Curbside recycling savings.  It is premature to plan for this. I believe there are many other ways to structure Trash that will avoid major changes to service and still deliver a savings.

Time. I wish we would delve deeper and spend longer than 40 min to discuss the master plan budget for the Village.


Public records request

I was asked by Lisa Wakeland from the Enquirer for all correspondence pertaining to the Joint Economic Development Zone topic.  I consider myself a bit player who came to the party very late (while others worked on the Village's behalf), so my content is a bit thin.  I collected the info and complied with her request.
