Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Correspondence on reworked east Wooster Pike Sign (@ Indianview)

Pls see correspondence between Dan and me re the Wooster Pike sign & signal rebuild.  Correspondence in reverse order, oldest first.  I surely hope we don't miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity for meaningful savings & aesthetic improvements.


Hi All,

With the bad accident at the Village Sign on Wooster @ East, we have an opportunity to enhance and improve this Village "gateway".  I personally loved the sign and hope it can be rebuilt in a similar way, but might we revisit the aesthetics, lighting, state requirements for a blinking light?  Might a village architect volunteer his time to render a new plan?  For instance, since don't have a blinking light @ Homewood, could we eliminate it?  If we must keep, can we use LED technology and smaller+fewer lights?  Could we upgrade the light pole, or possibly remove it?  Other landscape opportunities?  Improved sign?

Just thinking out loud at this point, but I'd like us to take advantage of this fresh start.....

See you all tonight.


Mariemont Village Council

(minutes from Council on 12/10)

Mr. Scheeser asked if this was an opportunity to enhance and improve the area and possibly redesign the entrance.  He questioned whether we needed the street light and the blinking lights or if something else could take its place.  Mayor Policastro said we first need to get a settlement.  The area is Park Boards territory.  Mr. Scheeser said we have a blank canvass and are starting over - are we going to make the same decisions or is there room for improvement.  Mayor Policastro said he would let the Park Board do their job.  The Police Department would be in charge of the blinking lights.  We should have some type of warning at that intersection.  Mr. Scheeser asked if we could have a light there but not as big and obnoxious.   Mr. Wolter said the first thing we need to establish is who owns the lights.  If they belong to Duke Energy then we are going to have to deal with their willingness to make a change.  When they lost a street light at the corner of East and Wooster it took a year and one half before Duke fixed the problem.  Mayor Policastro said if needed he will call Marvin Blade and get action.  We will also get estimates to replace the National Historic Landmark sign.  Mr. Scheeser asked to let him know when we find out who owns the lights.  


Hi Dan,

Per our conversation last evening, I'd like to followup with your Duke contact to see what flexibility we have to rework and improve portions of the island @ East.  I would like to come back to you and Council with some options (whatever might exist).  For instance, if we paid for any overages for a device that maintained safety and required less maintenance and was more aesthetically pleasing, might we consider it?

Enhancements may not be possible, but I would like to try.  When you get a reply from your contact, could you let me know?


Mariemont Village Council



Please be assured that I am working directly with Duke Energy in conjunction with John Scherpenberg to assess the situation of lighting on the Wooster Pike island at the east entrance to the Village.

My 35 years as an insurance adjuster provides me with a unique ability to handle these types of matters in the best interest of the Village.  That experience has also taught me that “too many cooks in the kitchen” proves to complicate and slow down the process.

Since the date of the accident, several residents have made a point of telling me they want the island, the sign, and the lighting to be replaced to look as much like it originally did as possible.  They don’t want to see it changed, especially since it provided the ‘gateway’ to our historic landmark community.  They think changing it would destroy that landmark everyone is accustomed to.

This does not mean that I am not open to upgrades in the type of flashing lights that can be used, as long as the appearance is close to the original.

Whatever information I get will, of course, be shared with Council before any repair work is done.  This will give everyone the opportunity for input.

Therefore, I see no reason for you to personally follow up with our representative from Duke Energy.  Additionally, our contact at Duke Energy would not recognize your authority to receive or act on any information he might provide.  If this man left himself open to taking calls from every official of every municipality, he would never get anything done other than talking on the phone.

I will keep Council informed as things progress.


Hi Dan,

Pls see images of the island's look and feel pre-accident.  Specifically, help looks like an improved signal light  (sign is great, landscape is great too).  Note a bulb has been burned out for many months, and it was unsightly.  A longer life LED for instance would be less of an eyesore for the village.  Smaller & fewer lights would maintain safety and also improve aesthetics.  Depending on who pays, there is a meaningful cost savings vs incandescents.  Finally, there might be an opportunity to enhance the street light.

I look forward to what you present back to Council.


Mariemont Village Council

Council 12/10

I attended Council on 12/10 and here's what I saw.

Redo of eastern Wooster Pike Gateway (@ Indianview).  I think we can do better than what was there before the traffic accident.  We ought to use this as an opportunity to integrate, landscaping, electrical, lighting, signage, etc to make that gateway into the Village more pleasing, and possibly safer.  The resistance to 1) a reasonable question and 2) free volunteer effort is disappointing

Easement for Dale Park.  I'm supportive of a 50/50 maintenance relationship for the paved portion of the property.  I am ok with an exclusive use easement for the area directly behind the building (near picnic table)

New Zoning Code.  I agree more can be done, and this is a logical step in the right direction.  However, I don't understand why Rules and Law took up this task in 2009 and now it's going through Zoning.  Consistency is very important - I trust it doesn't have to do with the current Chairperson of Rules & Law.

Limiting Parking.  I support this, and Dennis should be commended for the huge amount of effort, however full painting of our historic granite curbs and/or unattractive signs are problematic.  I think we need a more creative solution that delivers the same result - egress for our trucks.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes (administrative in nature) except:  Limited parking - the "What" is right, the "How" isn't acceptable.  We can do better.  I voted for the HB601 (income tax responsibility goes to State).  I don't know the particulars of this issue, but local control seems to be working well.  Easement is ok - helps Dale Park to remain a school.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Council Meeting 11/26-absent

I missed the Council meeting on 11/26 due to a family vacation, but here's my take reading the agenda + minutes.

Coyote Hunting.  I oppose this and wish I had been in the room to voice my opposition.  I am troubled by our Village's solution to nuisance like coyotes, deer, healthy trees:  eliminate them.  We've been given enough advice from the Humane Society of the US to know this won't be effective.  It only adds misery for the animals and also risk for human injury.  I believe we made the wrong decsision.

School Zone.  I think we should expand the zone around Madisonville @ West.  I am concerned though that we won't fix the Madisonville/Wooster corner (brought up by residents as dangerous), and I am hopeful designation at the 6 way stop won't interfere with Roundabout due dilligence.


Committee of the Whole 11/12/2012

I attended the COW meeting to discuss less frequest Council meetings, and here's what I saw.

While I think fewer meetings will allow the Village to better recruit willing/capabile Council candidates for future vacancies, I do not support fewer meetings because more decisions will be made without Council's input, advice, consent.  I believe we are lopsided today as it is, and this action will make it more so.  the decision of Many will always be superior to the decision of One.


Council 11/12/2012

I attended Council on 11/12 and here's what I saw.

Good work by our Police and Fire.  There were multiple examples of excellence shared.  We're lucky to have great men and women keeping us safe.

Expanded School zone.  I think the resident's idea of an expanded school zone on Madisonville Rd is a good one.  West Street can be dangerous.  I am concerned, however about expanding it all the way to the 6 way stop (well away from the building) since it will unnecessarily complicate the Roundabout discussions.  I hope this isn't being used as an excuse to reject the RAB proposal.

Forest Green bid.  I look forward to considering Thurs/Fri pickup options in future bids to save the Village money.  I think level of service is fine, but with an active education program, we ought to consider creative ideas like day of the week.

$9000 savings of Forest Green vs Rumpke in 2013 (apples to apples comparison).  I think $9000 is meaningful and wish we would consider this.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes (procedural and personnel renewal-type) except for Rumpke in 2013.  I think we should save money where we can.
