Sunday, March 11, 2012

Finance Committee Meeting 3/6

I attended the Finance Committee Meeting (my first one) on 3/6 and here’s what I saw.

New Cruiser. This will replace an 8 year old car and limits our liability as a Village. I support purchasing a new Charger to replace the discontinued Ford Crown Victoria. In the future, I would like us to consider the Ford Taurus Interceptor as it becomes available.

Repurchase process & Stable of 6 vehicles. Right now we maintain 1 unmarked car for the Chief, one marked Tahoe for patrol and criminal investigation, 3 marked cars for patrol, and 1 unmarked retired patrol car for miscellaneous. While this number seems high on the surface, our inventory is in line with our peer departments. I would like to see us publish a program of replacement, potentially a 2 tier patrol vs non patrol program based on mileage. I would like us to consider high efficiency vehicles for non patrol and more standard vehicles for patrol. I would also like to see Total Cost of Ownership comparisons of keeping cars for 50K miles vs 75K+. If residuals are high enough as Newtown has experienced, it may make financial sense to sell cars after only 2-4 years. At the end of the day, it’s about cost of vehicle + equip + gas + repair + maintenance less resale less reusing equipment.

Ohio Consultants doing an efficiency audit. I think this is a great idea. As part-time leaders, and without a Village Administrator, we don’t know where we could be saving considerable money. I disagree wholeheartedly with the Mayor’s opinion that they can not help us. A closed-minded attitude & assuming you know all the answers is very dangerous. We will miss out on so many opportunities.

Case in point: we pay $650/month for local phone service. This number is offensively high, yet we don’t have anyone willing to chase down cost savings. Why do we pay so much? It’s because we paid that much last month, and the month before. This is likely the result of a well meaning decision a generation ago when different technology was available. What about today? For my part I will look into this painful charge.

This is but one example of autopilot "inertia" leading to waste. Where are others? Which might be executed without affecting morale, affecting employees & services? Which might be executed with minor impact on employees & services? I'm confident there are many across the Village.


Council Meeting 2/27

I attended the Council meeting on 2/27 and here’s what I saw

Porsche Rallye. This is a great idea and shows off the Village and at the same time generates some excitement. We should do more of these type of events.

Eastern Corridor. I am worried about the effects of the proposed project on residents of Miami Bluff. Today’s view of a peaceful valley will transform into a view bisected by a busy roadway. And over time this busy roadway will morph into an Interstate 74 heading east (eventually). It will be seen, heard, and air quality will be affected. If I were living on Miami Bluff I would be concerned. I am personally unaffected by this where I live, but I don’t think we can dismiss this as ok yet. The Mayor is incorrect: the study area is in fact 1500 feet of homes (west side) on the Bluff. 1500 feet puts the far corner of the soy bean field IN THE STUDY AREA. Could this change? Sure. But as the proponents’ marketing documents exist today, we’re at approx 1500 feet away. I plan to reach out to the Residents on the Bluff and gauge their concern. If they’re ok with the plan (benefits and risks), then I’ll happily let it go and move on to other concerns. There are many.

Parking on East Center Street. While this process was executed poorly (unilateral decision making, no community involvement, painting of granite curbs, and later mean spirited & disrespectful discourse with residents), and the result is a less efficient parking “yield”, I have to trust Tim Feichtner’s expert opinion that the current configuration is best.

Public Works Streets and Sidewalks for 2012. We appropriated a number that is higher than I’m comfortable spending. But to get the bids out at a more attractive price quickly(before seasonal works begins), we recommended the higher number. This higher number doesn’t require us to spend this. My hope is 2 things happen: Hamilton County help for Miami Road portion in the amount of $20K and “hungry” contractors yielding more competitive bids vs our estimates. This will allow less money to go further.

Albert Place Brick Sidewalks. Work needs to be done to fix buckling from tree roots and general wear and aging. Since brick sidewalks are atypical and are more expensive vs poured concreted, I plan to send the residents a letter to get their opinions on how we best support them in a way that is cost effective.

School Parking. I am encouraged by smart people coming up with alternatives to a radical redo of West Street. As a parent of MM Elem children, I have questions on what additional paving will look like vs pre construction Modulars green space. I look forward to a full report.

Hugo moving in. I’m excited for this important vacancy filled and am looking fwd to trying Hugo’s new menu. We need to support them with parking close to the Square (a couple block radius). I am ready to go public with a rough, very optimistic parking plan that can yield to +/- 200 spaces vs what are being used today (not including off street opportunities). Approx ½ of these are within easy walking of Hugo (and other valued Square businesses). I have shared elements of this casually with others on Council but haven’t gotten much feedback. I’ll introduce more formally in the coming weeks.

Scott McIntosh on the Pool Board. I’m glad the Mayor resubmitted his name for consideration. Scott did a great job, and it’ll be great to have him back.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes as all were procedural in nature except: mowing – this saves the Village approx $4K yearly vs existing contract (don’t have the exact number handy as I’m typing this).
