The Public Works and Services Committee met on Jan 30, 2012 to discuss road, curb, and sidewalk improvements for 2012. The Committee recommends improvements this year in the amount of $160,000 per the Engineer's recommended streets (attached) except for partial Albert Place sidewalks to be discussed later, curb ramps crossing Chestnut at Lane I, sidewalks at 3812 Settle, sidewalks at 6993 Wooster.
The Committee will meet to discuss these exceptions and may recommend additional work for 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Cortney Scheeser
Denise McCarthy
Jeff Andrews
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Council meeting 1/13/2012
I attended Council on 1/13 and here's what I saw.
2011 Final General Fund balance. With the information I have, I believe the final balance is artificically high vs where we should have landed. I believe we truly ran a deficit in the General Fund in 2011 (3 of last 4 years). Result: a false sense of security for the Village's "checking account". Again, with the information I have, it appears to be a benign situation. If evidence presents itself to the contrary, I'll followup and dig deeper.
Ed'd Sidewalk Opinion. Where Village trees have damaged sidewalks, it's on us to fix. Where they have not, we're not on the hook. The resident is. This is very clear - thx Ed for the clarification. This will come in handy as Public Works decides how to prioritize sidewalk repair in 2012.
IT/Computer consolidation. I am very excited about the progress made to our IT Infrastructure. We'll have some growing pains for sure, but this modernization is overdue and will help reduce cost and reduce risk to the Village and its data. Thx Jeff for seeing this through.
IT Purchases. I'd like to see us purchase exclusively from the State purch program for consistency and stability as well as cost.
West Street Parking. I continue to be concerned by the soundbites mentioned during Council, suggesting work is being done without Council's consent (or full awareness). This is a big enough project that every little bit needs to be done for public review and scrutiny. Further, work being done to take West St down to 15mph or even 10mph is very concerning because it essentially eliminates West as an egress street into out of District 4 (triangle bound by Murray, Madisonville and Miami). This is the primary way into and out of my neighborhood (from/to Fairfax). This will be an undue burden on the residents of District 4. Again, I would hope all work on this controversial plan will be done in public.
Pool Board expansion. Council was given verbatims from Pool Board Members requesting the expansion. I had asked for this at last Council meeting. Similar to the Parks board, supporting our volunteers trumps a sub-optimal organizational structure. So I supported it and voted for people and structure.
Scott McIntosh reappointment. As promised by the Mayor in December, I look fwd to his renomination of Scott to the pool board now that the board has been expanded. 1st reading should be next Council meeting.
Executive Session. We talked only about the 1 confidential topic: E&O Settlement.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes. All were administrative in nature except Pool Board & Parks Board changes which I support (see above).
2011 Final General Fund balance. With the information I have, I believe the final balance is artificically high vs where we should have landed. I believe we truly ran a deficit in the General Fund in 2011 (3 of last 4 years). Result: a false sense of security for the Village's "checking account". Again, with the information I have, it appears to be a benign situation. If evidence presents itself to the contrary, I'll followup and dig deeper.
Ed'd Sidewalk Opinion. Where Village trees have damaged sidewalks, it's on us to fix. Where they have not, we're not on the hook. The resident is. This is very clear - thx Ed for the clarification. This will come in handy as Public Works decides how to prioritize sidewalk repair in 2012.
IT/Computer consolidation. I am very excited about the progress made to our IT Infrastructure. We'll have some growing pains for sure, but this modernization is overdue and will help reduce cost and reduce risk to the Village and its data. Thx Jeff for seeing this through.
IT Purchases. I'd like to see us purchase exclusively from the State purch program for consistency and stability as well as cost.
West Street Parking. I continue to be concerned by the soundbites mentioned during Council, suggesting work is being done without Council's consent (or full awareness). This is a big enough project that every little bit needs to be done for public review and scrutiny. Further, work being done to take West St down to 15mph or even 10mph is very concerning because it essentially eliminates West as an egress street into out of District 4 (triangle bound by Murray, Madisonville and Miami). This is the primary way into and out of my neighborhood (from/to Fairfax). This will be an undue burden on the residents of District 4. Again, I would hope all work on this controversial plan will be done in public.
Pool Board expansion. Council was given verbatims from Pool Board Members requesting the expansion. I had asked for this at last Council meeting. Similar to the Parks board, supporting our volunteers trumps a sub-optimal organizational structure. So I supported it and voted for people and structure.
Scott McIntosh reappointment. As promised by the Mayor in December, I look fwd to his renomination of Scott to the pool board now that the board has been expanded. 1st reading should be next Council meeting.
Executive Session. We talked only about the 1 confidential topic: E&O Settlement.
I voted in the affirmative on all votes. All were administrative in nature except Pool Board & Parks Board changes which I support (see above).
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Public Works Minutes 1/30/2012
I attended the Public Works meeting to discuss curbs, curb ramps, streets, and sidewalks for 2012. Official minutes are below.
Meeting was called to order 6:30PM on Jan 30, 2012 to talk about street and sidewalk rehabilitation for 2012. Chris Ertel conducted a review (done every November) and takes resident requests for recommended curbs, streets, sidewalks, ramps.
One Street: Albert Place Lane (behind Albert Place) only reco’d street this year. Cost using square yard calculation: $22-$26/sq yard estimate. Includes grinding, replacing curbs if there (none). Jeff asked rating of Albert Place. Chris uses 4 pt scale: Poor for Albert Place.
Curbs. Mariemont Inn curbs, talked last fall. Leave steel edge in place. Cost $3500.
Emery Lane. Curb repair could cut between driveways, but reco 100% roll curb replacement. Jeff asked about who’s responsible. Chris said usually drive touching edge of curb becomes owner's responsibility. Practice done for last 8 years. Sidewalks are officially owners responsibility to maintain. Village can step in if it wants to. Jeff asked if owners asked for help. One owner called. Normally do curb with street but street in Fair condition. Jeff asked if can patch for a few more years. Chris recos entire width of driveway. Cortney said a couple driveways = 1/3 of the job so less economical.
Curb Ramp installations. Albert Place wheel chair inaccessible w lip. Regrade, then add “Detectable warnings” (Add bumps). 4 ramps. Composite fiberglass bumps bolted on. Cortney asked about longevity and Chris was satisfied so far.
Chestnut & Lane I ramps & crosswalks needed E-W, N-S. Cortney asked if we need a crosswalk towards the school when it will be decommisioned. Denise said E-W yes, N-S no. Agreed to hold off N-S until later.
Miami @ West Street. Sidewalk current ends on Miami just S of West St. Want to connect it via ramps and crosswalk to other side. Cross the street both ways.
Denny @ Pleasant. 2 ramps crossing Denny Place.
Mariemont at Pleasant. Ramps SE, SW, crossing E-W (1), N-S (1)
Wooster @ Indianview, S side. 2 Ramps E-W.
Wooster @ Park. Replace damaged ramp surface.
Madisonville @ West. Ramps E-W crossing N side of intersection. Jeff asked if in conjunction w School project? Chris said not yet in coordination. If conflicts we can wait.
Elm @ Oak ramps.
Cortney said we had a big curb bill last year on Bramble Hill, so what was full amount for 2011? Chris said $25-$30K. Cortney said with few curbs in 2012 it's the same order of magnitude vs last year. Chris confirmed few curb ramps, so cost is net less for curb ramps and curbs.
New Sidewalks.
East St @ Wooster. N-S on median on E side of Street. Jeff asked if we have data that shows crossing here vs at blinking light one block east? Cortney confirmed h asked for this last year. He uses it a lot and see others on it but has no data to show the utilization. Cortney said what he ikes is concept of connectivity of North and South for 1)parking like the study that says S of Pike parking is empty because of no easy egress 2)we do have curb ramps already built southern West and sidewalks both Northern West and Southern West encouraging people to cross. This was the motivation. Would like to petition State of Ohio to paint crosswalk. Cortney asked Chris what is process. Chris will followup with ODOT. Cortney said this will make it a continuous cross. Jeff asked if we should look at overall N-S connectivity for the Village? 2 yrs ago talk of critical few streets needed + LED in pavement. Pleasant all the way to Indianview. Cortney said he would like us to revisit LED lighting near the Square. Realize cost is a huge concern. Parking and Connectivity are big enough deals to warrant conversation. If we ever have parking on street on E bound Wooster (south side), bookending the block with crosswalks is a good thing. In conclusion this starts to address issues of Parking Study.
Miami Rd new sidewalk, E of Lytle Woods, N side of Miami (hilly portion). Extend to sidewalk up to 4009 Miami, up to house before Rex Bevis (in attendance @ Meeting). Cortney asked residents for their opinion. Mr Quiambo at 4009 Miami is supportive. Jeff: why not extend past Rex's? Rex - guard rail and sewer swail complicate the project. Chris confirmed difficulty. Cortney likes extending the reach sidewalks. Area is difficult to navigate today. Chris confirmed the location directly adjacent to swail along street. Can further extend later. Cortney: "game of inches" revisit when swail needs redone. Iterate towards a goal of connectivity. Chris: Sidewalk to extend to the Quiambo driveway.
Murray Avenue between Oak and Beech, currently asphalt sidewalk. Complete replacement of asphalt sidewalk w concrete. Denise asked why not Plainville to Beech? Chris said the sidewalk is narrow but is already concrete. Cortney said asphalt sidewalks are a mess aesthetically, probably not a safe surface either. Denise said it causes people to walk on the narrow street.
Wooster Pike south side @ East Street, heading eastbound (address 6993 Wooster Pike). Cortney said currently the corner crosses Wooster to nowhere (proposed new sidewalk along E side of East St). Chris said we could create sidewalk to first driveway. He reco's stopping there because many existing trees in the way. Cortney asked have we engaged the homeowner. Chris said not yet. Cortney said if we deem it a good thing we should contact resident. Cortney said he thinks it's a dangerous spot for pedestrians (travelling east on Wooster). Jeff said for residents of Indianview, Petoskey, Pocahontas, & East that wants to cross, would they walk on south side vs cross at Indianview blinking light? Is it our plan to line both sides of the street with sidewalks? Cortney said they're far enough apart to warrant it. New sidewalk laid last year from Municipal building to East is a great investment, inch by inch. However it's a fair question. Jeff said should we do just a small portion (East bound) vs waiting and doing majority of the block. Cortney said he considers it opportunistic and to do what you can. Jeff said he worries about deadend sidewalk as poor investment, we may be viewed as spend-easy with money. Chris suggested maybe doing only East Sidewalk between Wooster Pike E and W bound as compromise. Cortney agreed it's a good compromise. East bound Wooster Pike should be put on hold since crossing Wooster is a priority. Chris said eastbound would require jogs in sidewalk to get to Indianview. Cortney asked if lines on Wooster will be repainted to add bike lane. Chris said it's a safe routes to school project. Shared space will probably happen here because of narrow section.
Cortney said he would like to understand year ago costs for each category.
Sidewalk Replacement
Albert Place Sidewalks (made of brick). Chris said damage is extensive, reco replacement with concrete base and optional brick pavers. Cortney said it is a $17K line item. Chris said he recos complete replacement around "U". Cortney asked if this was this done originally (as part of Nolen's plan). or done after. Is it original fabric? Are there other streets made of brick (not done by Greiwe). Chris said other ares is square. Cortney wondered if evidence suggests non original. Chris recos talk to Dennis Malone. Cortney said maybe we offer to put concrete back, either as finiashed surface or a base for your (Albert residents) paver project add-on. Cortney said this may not be a good idea. If original we should pay. If not, we should share burden. Jeff said fair question in economic climate we're in. If it's original he thinks 1 thing, if not then this directly benefits only a few. Chris confirmed budget 2x vs just concrete. Jeff doesn't know legal requirements but it's appropriate to say what the village standard is, and if not historic then plan for concrete. Cortney asked if Chris can talk to Dennis M and Cortney will ask Millard R. Cortney said these little cloisters exist like Sheldon Close and Denny Place. Really old and really tight, but don't remember brick. Jeff said if he lived on Albert he'd want brick replaced; adds character. Cortney said situation is like statues at Dale Park. Can't just remove, need to repair them since original. We should withhold our reco until we get additional info from experts. Something needs done, should be high priority.
Chestnut, Plainville to Oak. Chris said 300 ft2 in two areas where trees have caused sidewalk undulation. Process is to jackhammer out old and re pour concrete. Sometimes can go over roots, sometimes cut. Denise said residents will be very happy as she's received many calls about sidewalks there.
6625 Mariemont, near Pleasant. Chris said undulating sidewalks. Cortney asked if we could you grind first one. Chris said could but not sure of thickness, could disintegrate. Plus see aggregate. Cortney agreed grinding is unsightly.
6908 Mt Vernon neaer Emery Place. Chris recos replacement.
3812 Settle, 2 areas. Chris said deterioration and damage at driveway.
Cortney offered up an additional address for later. 6948 Nolen, not needed this year. Suggest adding to next years list.
Cortney thinks this list is worthy of attention. Jeff said items in question: S side of Wooster Pike east bound from East St. for $4200. Cortney added Albert Place sidewalks. Chestnut at Lane I 2nd crosswoalk at Dale park will reduce cost. Maybe $2400 vs $3600.
Cortney said what about uneven sidewalks on Miami near Graeters paid for with Ohio Public Works Commission grant money. Chris confirmed yes. Also part of grant: Miami Rd from Wooster to Rembold resurfacing via State Matching Funds grant. Village pays $40K, Ohio pays $60K. Cortney asked if Miami Rd. needs it? Rowan Hills portion of Miami Rd. done in 2005 or 2006. Chris called lower area "Fair" condition. Chris considers it more of a sidewalk project with paving as bonus.
Cortney asked if Jeff is ok with full Emery Lane curb? Chris confirmed $10K for entire, at least width of driveway less cost: $4000. Chris asked if aesthetically would it be ok? Bramble hill did parts only and got complaints. Cortney said 5 Driveways on Emery means $5K-$6K. Could be complaints. Jeff said he's ok since such a big portion of total is driveways.
Chris said Village usually budgets $120K-$140K each year and then he checks how bids come in. If low add work, if high subtract work. Number this year is high vs typical. Possibility of help with $40K (Miami) grant from Hamilton County Municipal road fund. Would be worth $20K, won't know til March, we put up full amount now. 2011 was $139,050 reco 2/12/2011, was for 2011 expenses. In packet in April 2011. If we drew down Dale Park Jr High crosswalks -$1200 and also Wooster Pike sidewalk, total is $4200, puts it in $160K's, +$30K vs year ago. If grant money would bring it down to +$10K, Albert Place -$8K to net +$2K vs Year Ago. Still a little high. Denise confirmed this work has to be done, should be done. Cortney - none were unnecessary, investing in infrastructure is smart planning. Cortney said he's ok w/ up vs year ago.
Jeff - we could priorize curb ramps and do half this year, half next, if budget pressure in this area. Have a plan to get appropriated, options to prioritize if needed. We have liability in sidewalk issues, not sure about curb cuts and ramps. Chris said ramps risk not yet defined. Jeff - no reason to think we can't prioritize if necessary. Can quickly meet if necessary. Cortney confirmed we're in an ok place to put in front of Council.
Cortney said thank you to Chris for great research and detail. Cortney asked Chris to followup with Dennis M. on Albert, Cortney to followup w/ Millard. Chris' doc is what we need to walk into council with. Chris will follow up with State of Ohio on crosswalks across Wooster.
Cortney one additional one - Island on Wooster. If in future we added sidewalk to connect to Memorial near parking area on the square. Add crosswalk from Admin bldg to Memorial, then Memorial to corner w/ bike rack (NE Corner Miami @ Wooster). Jeff asked if redundant crosswalk. Cortney said both/and would be valuable. Brought up for future discussion only.
Meeting adjorned 7:30PM.
Meeting was called to order 6:30PM on Jan 30, 2012 to talk about street and sidewalk rehabilitation for 2012. Chris Ertel conducted a review (done every November) and takes resident requests for recommended curbs, streets, sidewalks, ramps.
One Street: Albert Place Lane (behind Albert Place) only reco’d street this year. Cost using square yard calculation: $22-$26/sq yard estimate. Includes grinding, replacing curbs if there (none). Jeff asked rating of Albert Place. Chris uses 4 pt scale: Poor for Albert Place.
Curbs. Mariemont Inn curbs, talked last fall. Leave steel edge in place. Cost $3500.
Emery Lane. Curb repair could cut between driveways, but reco 100% roll curb replacement. Jeff asked about who’s responsible. Chris said usually drive touching edge of curb becomes owner's responsibility. Practice done for last 8 years. Sidewalks are officially owners responsibility to maintain. Village can step in if it wants to. Jeff asked if owners asked for help. One owner called. Normally do curb with street but street in Fair condition. Jeff asked if can patch for a few more years. Chris recos entire width of driveway. Cortney said a couple driveways = 1/3 of the job so less economical.
Curb Ramp installations. Albert Place wheel chair inaccessible w lip. Regrade, then add “Detectable warnings” (Add bumps). 4 ramps. Composite fiberglass bumps bolted on. Cortney asked about longevity and Chris was satisfied so far.
Chestnut & Lane I ramps & crosswalks needed E-W, N-S. Cortney asked if we need a crosswalk towards the school when it will be decommisioned. Denise said E-W yes, N-S no. Agreed to hold off N-S until later.
Miami @ West Street. Sidewalk current ends on Miami just S of West St. Want to connect it via ramps and crosswalk to other side. Cross the street both ways.
Denny @ Pleasant. 2 ramps crossing Denny Place.
Mariemont at Pleasant. Ramps SE, SW, crossing E-W (1), N-S (1)
Wooster @ Indianview, S side. 2 Ramps E-W.
Wooster @ Park. Replace damaged ramp surface.
Madisonville @ West. Ramps E-W crossing N side of intersection. Jeff asked if in conjunction w School project? Chris said not yet in coordination. If conflicts we can wait.
Elm @ Oak ramps.
Cortney said we had a big curb bill last year on Bramble Hill, so what was full amount for 2011? Chris said $25-$30K. Cortney said with few curbs in 2012 it's the same order of magnitude vs last year. Chris confirmed few curb ramps, so cost is net less for curb ramps and curbs.
New Sidewalks.
East St @ Wooster. N-S on median on E side of Street. Jeff asked if we have data that shows crossing here vs at blinking light one block east? Cortney confirmed h asked for this last year. He uses it a lot and see others on it but has no data to show the utilization. Cortney said what he ikes is concept of connectivity of North and South for 1)parking like the study that says S of Pike parking is empty because of no easy egress 2)we do have curb ramps already built southern West and sidewalks both Northern West and Southern West encouraging people to cross. This was the motivation. Would like to petition State of Ohio to paint crosswalk. Cortney asked Chris what is process. Chris will followup with ODOT. Cortney said this will make it a continuous cross. Jeff asked if we should look at overall N-S connectivity for the Village? 2 yrs ago talk of critical few streets needed + LED in pavement. Pleasant all the way to Indianview. Cortney said he would like us to revisit LED lighting near the Square. Realize cost is a huge concern. Parking and Connectivity are big enough deals to warrant conversation. If we ever have parking on street on E bound Wooster (south side), bookending the block with crosswalks is a good thing. In conclusion this starts to address issues of Parking Study.
Miami Rd new sidewalk, E of Lytle Woods, N side of Miami (hilly portion). Extend to sidewalk up to 4009 Miami, up to house before Rex Bevis (in attendance @ Meeting). Cortney asked residents for their opinion. Mr Quiambo at 4009 Miami is supportive. Jeff: why not extend past Rex's? Rex - guard rail and sewer swail complicate the project. Chris confirmed difficulty. Cortney likes extending the reach sidewalks. Area is difficult to navigate today. Chris confirmed the location directly adjacent to swail along street. Can further extend later. Cortney: "game of inches" revisit when swail needs redone. Iterate towards a goal of connectivity. Chris: Sidewalk to extend to the Quiambo driveway.
Murray Avenue between Oak and Beech, currently asphalt sidewalk. Complete replacement of asphalt sidewalk w concrete. Denise asked why not Plainville to Beech? Chris said the sidewalk is narrow but is already concrete. Cortney said asphalt sidewalks are a mess aesthetically, probably not a safe surface either. Denise said it causes people to walk on the narrow street.
Wooster Pike south side @ East Street, heading eastbound (address 6993 Wooster Pike). Cortney said currently the corner crosses Wooster to nowhere (proposed new sidewalk along E side of East St). Chris said we could create sidewalk to first driveway. He reco's stopping there because many existing trees in the way. Cortney asked have we engaged the homeowner. Chris said not yet. Cortney said if we deem it a good thing we should contact resident. Cortney said he thinks it's a dangerous spot for pedestrians (travelling east on Wooster). Jeff said for residents of Indianview, Petoskey, Pocahontas, & East that wants to cross, would they walk on south side vs cross at Indianview blinking light? Is it our plan to line both sides of the street with sidewalks? Cortney said they're far enough apart to warrant it. New sidewalk laid last year from Municipal building to East is a great investment, inch by inch. However it's a fair question. Jeff said should we do just a small portion (East bound) vs waiting and doing majority of the block. Cortney said he considers it opportunistic and to do what you can. Jeff said he worries about deadend sidewalk as poor investment, we may be viewed as spend-easy with money. Chris suggested maybe doing only East Sidewalk between Wooster Pike E and W bound as compromise. Cortney agreed it's a good compromise. East bound Wooster Pike should be put on hold since crossing Wooster is a priority. Chris said eastbound would require jogs in sidewalk to get to Indianview. Cortney asked if lines on Wooster will be repainted to add bike lane. Chris said it's a safe routes to school project. Shared space will probably happen here because of narrow section.
Cortney said he would like to understand year ago costs for each category.
Sidewalk Replacement
Albert Place Sidewalks (made of brick). Chris said damage is extensive, reco replacement with concrete base and optional brick pavers. Cortney said it is a $17K line item. Chris said he recos complete replacement around "U". Cortney asked if this was this done originally (as part of Nolen's plan). or done after. Is it original fabric? Are there other streets made of brick (not done by Greiwe). Chris said other ares is square. Cortney wondered if evidence suggests non original. Chris recos talk to Dennis Malone. Cortney said maybe we offer to put concrete back, either as finiashed surface or a base for your (Albert residents) paver project add-on. Cortney said this may not be a good idea. If original we should pay. If not, we should share burden. Jeff said fair question in economic climate we're in. If it's original he thinks 1 thing, if not then this directly benefits only a few. Chris confirmed budget 2x vs just concrete. Jeff doesn't know legal requirements but it's appropriate to say what the village standard is, and if not historic then plan for concrete. Cortney asked if Chris can talk to Dennis M and Cortney will ask Millard R. Cortney said these little cloisters exist like Sheldon Close and Denny Place. Really old and really tight, but don't remember brick. Jeff said if he lived on Albert he'd want brick replaced; adds character. Cortney said situation is like statues at Dale Park. Can't just remove, need to repair them since original. We should withhold our reco until we get additional info from experts. Something needs done, should be high priority.
Chestnut, Plainville to Oak. Chris said 300 ft2 in two areas where trees have caused sidewalk undulation. Process is to jackhammer out old and re pour concrete. Sometimes can go over roots, sometimes cut. Denise said residents will be very happy as she's received many calls about sidewalks there.
6625 Mariemont, near Pleasant. Chris said undulating sidewalks. Cortney asked if we could you grind first one. Chris said could but not sure of thickness, could disintegrate. Plus see aggregate. Cortney agreed grinding is unsightly.
6908 Mt Vernon neaer Emery Place. Chris recos replacement.
3812 Settle, 2 areas. Chris said deterioration and damage at driveway.
Cortney offered up an additional address for later. 6948 Nolen, not needed this year. Suggest adding to next years list.
Cortney thinks this list is worthy of attention. Jeff said items in question: S side of Wooster Pike east bound from East St. for $4200. Cortney added Albert Place sidewalks. Chestnut at Lane I 2nd crosswoalk at Dale park will reduce cost. Maybe $2400 vs $3600.
Cortney said what about uneven sidewalks on Miami near Graeters paid for with Ohio Public Works Commission grant money. Chris confirmed yes. Also part of grant: Miami Rd from Wooster to Rembold resurfacing via State Matching Funds grant. Village pays $40K, Ohio pays $60K. Cortney asked if Miami Rd. needs it? Rowan Hills portion of Miami Rd. done in 2005 or 2006. Chris called lower area "Fair" condition. Chris considers it more of a sidewalk project with paving as bonus.
Cortney asked if Jeff is ok with full Emery Lane curb? Chris confirmed $10K for entire, at least width of driveway less cost: $4000. Chris asked if aesthetically would it be ok? Bramble hill did parts only and got complaints. Cortney said 5 Driveways on Emery means $5K-$6K. Could be complaints. Jeff said he's ok since such a big portion of total is driveways.
Chris said Village usually budgets $120K-$140K each year and then he checks how bids come in. If low add work, if high subtract work. Number this year is high vs typical. Possibility of help with $40K (Miami) grant from Hamilton County Municipal road fund. Would be worth $20K, won't know til March, we put up full amount now. 2011 was $139,050 reco 2/12/2011, was for 2011 expenses. In packet in April 2011. If we drew down Dale Park Jr High crosswalks -$1200 and also Wooster Pike sidewalk, total is $4200, puts it in $160K's, +$30K vs year ago. If grant money would bring it down to +$10K, Albert Place -$8K to net +$2K vs Year Ago. Still a little high. Denise confirmed this work has to be done, should be done. Cortney - none were unnecessary, investing in infrastructure is smart planning. Cortney said he's ok w/ up vs year ago.
Jeff - we could priorize curb ramps and do half this year, half next, if budget pressure in this area. Have a plan to get appropriated, options to prioritize if needed. We have liability in sidewalk issues, not sure about curb cuts and ramps. Chris said ramps risk not yet defined. Jeff - no reason to think we can't prioritize if necessary. Can quickly meet if necessary. Cortney confirmed we're in an ok place to put in front of Council.
Cortney said thank you to Chris for great research and detail. Cortney asked Chris to followup with Dennis M. on Albert, Cortney to followup w/ Millard. Chris' doc is what we need to walk into council with. Chris will follow up with State of Ohio on crosswalks across Wooster.
Cortney one additional one - Island on Wooster. If in future we added sidewalk to connect to Memorial near parking area on the square. Add crosswalk from Admin bldg to Memorial, then Memorial to corner w/ bike rack (NE Corner Miami @ Wooster). Jeff asked if redundant crosswalk. Cortney said both/and would be valuable. Brought up for future discussion only.
Meeting adjorned 7:30PM.
Committte of the Whole 2/1
I attended the Committee of the Whole Meeting to discuss Annual Perm Improvement Budget Appropriations, and here's what I saw.
First agenda topic, unrelated to Approp was a change to the Medical Pool we entered in in 2010. I support the change to make the entry and exit of communities more equitable. Costs are higher than I'd like, but there is reason to believe they will come down to more modest levels and this is already occurring.
Maintenance Needs. I support replacing the final severely rusted (pre garage) pickup truck. I think we need to get into the habit of a 10 year outlook on these charges. Then we have fewer, maybe no surprises. Dumptruck in yr 1, ATV yr 2, pickup truck yr 3, etc. I pushed to get an additional $17K for trees above and beyond the $23 set aside for Ash removal, however it's not included in the minutes. I will followup at the next Council meeting.
Police. I support a new car this year. I would like to see us get into a 5 year rotation for Cruisers, since the liability becomes an issue at 6-7 years. I would also like us to take a hard look at how many cruisers we need. Can we share the tahoe w Fire and go down 1-2 vehicles? Can we make that Tahoe a hybrid when its time for replacement? Instead of the ideal 4 marked and 2 unmarked, since we have no more than 2 officers patrolling at any one time (I think this is correct), can we get by with 3-4 cars + shared Tahoe (all marked)?
Fire. I support working through the turnout gear in annual chunks. While we received confirmation that we have the right number on the roster, it still feels like a lot of turnout gear. I don't have the understanding of those on Safety, but I wonder about more sharing of equip, and/or fewer on the part time roster.
Tax. I think it's premature to allocate money for the software until we learn more about it. But, conceptually, it's a great idea. And I would like to see more streamlining and automation for the annual tax process. Ideally a process that mirrors TurboTax (that is cost net-net neutral for the Village to operate)would be fantastic.
Pool. Hot Dog machine will probably pay for itself, so it's a yes for me.
Improvements to the Municipal Bldg. Windows are overdue and I support them. I think making this building more energy efficient is a worthy investment since lower fuel bills will save in the general fund. I do not and support any addition to the Muni building with the exception of a modest footprint for an elevator (ADA access). We have wasted space in old Mayor's Court that could be great space with the addition of big window wells for light & egress. Our document storage is inefficient as well. We should get it out via cheap fireproof storage offsite or digitally scan and discard. We should eliminate the dedicated Mayor's office and instead have a soundproof conference room for Tax, Mayor, Interrogation etc for confidential conversations. The days of dedicated offices are gone in many Corporations, let's reapply. I know there are difficulties in both Fire and Police, and I can't say I fully understand them. But we have to wring out inefficiencies like the above first. Our roster of Village Employees keeps going down, yet we need more space? At a macro level, it doesn't line up for me.
Using savings for the Municipal Bldg. I support drawing down this savings account to a balance for around $250K since there is no need for an addition. I do support continuing saving for the new fire truck - agree this is the right way to be ready or at least more ready for big expenses that happen infrequently.
First agenda topic, unrelated to Approp was a change to the Medical Pool we entered in in 2010. I support the change to make the entry and exit of communities more equitable. Costs are higher than I'd like, but there is reason to believe they will come down to more modest levels and this is already occurring.
Maintenance Needs. I support replacing the final severely rusted (pre garage) pickup truck. I think we need to get into the habit of a 10 year outlook on these charges. Then we have fewer, maybe no surprises. Dumptruck in yr 1, ATV yr 2, pickup truck yr 3, etc. I pushed to get an additional $17K for trees above and beyond the $23 set aside for Ash removal, however it's not included in the minutes. I will followup at the next Council meeting.
Police. I support a new car this year. I would like to see us get into a 5 year rotation for Cruisers, since the liability becomes an issue at 6-7 years. I would also like us to take a hard look at how many cruisers we need. Can we share the tahoe w Fire and go down 1-2 vehicles? Can we make that Tahoe a hybrid when its time for replacement? Instead of the ideal 4 marked and 2 unmarked, since we have no more than 2 officers patrolling at any one time (I think this is correct), can we get by with 3-4 cars + shared Tahoe (all marked)?
Fire. I support working through the turnout gear in annual chunks. While we received confirmation that we have the right number on the roster, it still feels like a lot of turnout gear. I don't have the understanding of those on Safety, but I wonder about more sharing of equip, and/or fewer on the part time roster.
Tax. I think it's premature to allocate money for the software until we learn more about it. But, conceptually, it's a great idea. And I would like to see more streamlining and automation for the annual tax process. Ideally a process that mirrors TurboTax (that is cost net-net neutral for the Village to operate)would be fantastic.
Pool. Hot Dog machine will probably pay for itself, so it's a yes for me.
Improvements to the Municipal Bldg. Windows are overdue and I support them. I think making this building more energy efficient is a worthy investment since lower fuel bills will save in the general fund. I do not and support any addition to the Muni building with the exception of a modest footprint for an elevator (ADA access). We have wasted space in old Mayor's Court that could be great space with the addition of big window wells for light & egress. Our document storage is inefficient as well. We should get it out via cheap fireproof storage offsite or digitally scan and discard. We should eliminate the dedicated Mayor's office and instead have a soundproof conference room for Tax, Mayor, Interrogation etc for confidential conversations. The days of dedicated offices are gone in many Corporations, let's reapply. I know there are difficulties in both Fire and Police, and I can't say I fully understand them. But we have to wring out inefficiencies like the above first. Our roster of Village Employees keeps going down, yet we need more space? At a macro level, it doesn't line up for me.
Using savings for the Municipal Bldg. I support drawing down this savings account to a balance for around $250K since there is no need for an addition. I do support continuing saving for the new fire truck - agree this is the right way to be ready or at least more ready for big expenses that happen infrequently.
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