Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Correspondence on reworked east Wooster Pike Sign (@ Indianview)

Pls see correspondence between Dan and me re the Wooster Pike sign & signal rebuild.  Correspondence in reverse order, oldest first.  I surely hope we don't miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity for meaningful savings & aesthetic improvements.


Hi All,

With the bad accident at the Village Sign on Wooster @ East, we have an opportunity to enhance and improve this Village "gateway".  I personally loved the sign and hope it can be rebuilt in a similar way, but might we revisit the aesthetics, lighting, state requirements for a blinking light?  Might a village architect volunteer his time to render a new plan?  For instance, since don't have a blinking light @ Homewood, could we eliminate it?  If we must keep, can we use LED technology and smaller+fewer lights?  Could we upgrade the light pole, or possibly remove it?  Other landscape opportunities?  Improved sign?

Just thinking out loud at this point, but I'd like us to take advantage of this fresh start.....

See you all tonight.


Mariemont Village Council

(minutes from Council on 12/10)

Mr. Scheeser asked if this was an opportunity to enhance and improve the area and possibly redesign the entrance.  He questioned whether we needed the street light and the blinking lights or if something else could take its place.  Mayor Policastro said we first need to get a settlement.  The area is Park Boards territory.  Mr. Scheeser said we have a blank canvass and are starting over - are we going to make the same decisions or is there room for improvement.  Mayor Policastro said he would let the Park Board do their job.  The Police Department would be in charge of the blinking lights.  We should have some type of warning at that intersection.  Mr. Scheeser asked if we could have a light there but not as big and obnoxious.   Mr. Wolter said the first thing we need to establish is who owns the lights.  If they belong to Duke Energy then we are going to have to deal with their willingness to make a change.  When they lost a street light at the corner of East and Wooster it took a year and one half before Duke fixed the problem.  Mayor Policastro said if needed he will call Marvin Blade and get action.  We will also get estimates to replace the National Historic Landmark sign.  Mr. Scheeser asked to let him know when we find out who owns the lights.  


Hi Dan,

Per our conversation last evening, I'd like to followup with your Duke contact to see what flexibility we have to rework and improve portions of the island @ East.  I would like to come back to you and Council with some options (whatever might exist).  For instance, if we paid for any overages for a device that maintained safety and required less maintenance and was more aesthetically pleasing, might we consider it?

Enhancements may not be possible, but I would like to try.  When you get a reply from your contact, could you let me know?


Mariemont Village Council



Please be assured that I am working directly with Duke Energy in conjunction with John Scherpenberg to assess the situation of lighting on the Wooster Pike island at the east entrance to the Village.

My 35 years as an insurance adjuster provides me with a unique ability to handle these types of matters in the best interest of the Village.  That experience has also taught me that “too many cooks in the kitchen” proves to complicate and slow down the process.

Since the date of the accident, several residents have made a point of telling me they want the island, the sign, and the lighting to be replaced to look as much like it originally did as possible.  They don’t want to see it changed, especially since it provided the ‘gateway’ to our historic landmark community.  They think changing it would destroy that landmark everyone is accustomed to.

This does not mean that I am not open to upgrades in the type of flashing lights that can be used, as long as the appearance is close to the original.

Whatever information I get will, of course, be shared with Council before any repair work is done.  This will give everyone the opportunity for input.

Therefore, I see no reason for you to personally follow up with our representative from Duke Energy.  Additionally, our contact at Duke Energy would not recognize your authority to receive or act on any information he might provide.  If this man left himself open to taking calls from every official of every municipality, he would never get anything done other than talking on the phone.

I will keep Council informed as things progress.


Hi Dan,

Pls see images of the island's look and feel pre-accident.  Specifically, help looks like an improved signal light  (sign is great, landscape is great too).  Note a bulb has been burned out for many months, and it was unsightly.  A longer life LED for instance would be less of an eyesore for the village.  Smaller & fewer lights would maintain safety and also improve aesthetics.  Depending on who pays, there is a meaningful cost savings vs incandescents.  Finally, there might be an opportunity to enhance the street light.

I look forward to what you present back to Council.


Mariemont Village Council

Council 12/10

I attended Council on 12/10 and here's what I saw.

Redo of eastern Wooster Pike Gateway (@ Indianview).  I think we can do better than what was there before the traffic accident.  We ought to use this as an opportunity to integrate, landscaping, electrical, lighting, signage, etc to make that gateway into the Village more pleasing, and possibly safer.  The resistance to 1) a reasonable question and 2) free volunteer effort is disappointing

Easement for Dale Park.  I'm supportive of a 50/50 maintenance relationship for the paved portion of the property.  I am ok with an exclusive use easement for the area directly behind the building (near picnic table)

New Zoning Code.  I agree more can be done, and this is a logical step in the right direction.  However, I don't understand why Rules and Law took up this task in 2009 and now it's going through Zoning.  Consistency is very important - I trust it doesn't have to do with the current Chairperson of Rules & Law.

Limiting Parking.  I support this, and Dennis should be commended for the huge amount of effort, however full painting of our historic granite curbs and/or unattractive signs are problematic.  I think we need a more creative solution that delivers the same result - egress for our trucks.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes (administrative in nature) except:  Limited parking - the "What" is right, the "How" isn't acceptable.  We can do better.  I voted for the HB601 (income tax responsibility goes to State).  I don't know the particulars of this issue, but local control seems to be working well.  Easement is ok - helps Dale Park to remain a school.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Council Meeting 11/26-absent

I missed the Council meeting on 11/26 due to a family vacation, but here's my take reading the agenda + minutes.

Coyote Hunting.  I oppose this and wish I had been in the room to voice my opposition.  I am troubled by our Village's solution to nuisance like coyotes, deer, healthy trees:  eliminate them.  We've been given enough advice from the Humane Society of the US to know this won't be effective.  It only adds misery for the animals and also risk for human injury.  I believe we made the wrong decsision.

School Zone.  I think we should expand the zone around Madisonville @ West.  I am concerned though that we won't fix the Madisonville/Wooster corner (brought up by residents as dangerous), and I am hopeful designation at the 6 way stop won't interfere with Roundabout due dilligence.


Committee of the Whole 11/12/2012

I attended the COW meeting to discuss less frequest Council meetings, and here's what I saw.

While I think fewer meetings will allow the Village to better recruit willing/capabile Council candidates for future vacancies, I do not support fewer meetings because more decisions will be made without Council's input, advice, consent.  I believe we are lopsided today as it is, and this action will make it more so.  the decision of Many will always be superior to the decision of One.


Council 11/12/2012

I attended Council on 11/12 and here's what I saw.

Good work by our Police and Fire.  There were multiple examples of excellence shared.  We're lucky to have great men and women keeping us safe.

Expanded School zone.  I think the resident's idea of an expanded school zone on Madisonville Rd is a good one.  West Street can be dangerous.  I am concerned, however about expanding it all the way to the 6 way stop (well away from the building) since it will unnecessarily complicate the Roundabout discussions.  I hope this isn't being used as an excuse to reject the RAB proposal.

Forest Green bid.  I look forward to considering Thurs/Fri pickup options in future bids to save the Village money.  I think level of service is fine, but with an active education program, we ought to consider creative ideas like day of the week.

$9000 savings of Forest Green vs Rumpke in 2013 (apples to apples comparison).  I think $9000 is meaningful and wish we would consider this.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes (procedural and personnel renewal-type) except for Rumpke in 2013.  I think we should save money where we can.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Council on 10/22

I attended Council on 10/22 and here's what I saw.

Account Balances.  It's great to see the Great Recession's impact easing in the Village.  Revenues are up.  We're holding expenses due to great work by Department and Council efforts.  I'm very pleased that balances are so rosy, however I would say we should not let off the gas and continue to fight for every dollar.

Mariemont Rec Uniforms being used for a Select Team.  Council doesn't have oversight over this group.  I'm sure, however, a resolution can be achieved.

School Zone on Madisonville.  I think this is a fantastic idea, and I fully support it.  I am hopeful the realignment of the building will help our cause.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes as they were all procedural in nature.


Health and Rec Meeting 10/25

I attended the H&R Meeting on10/25 and here's what I saw.

I was very encouraged that we have 2 bidders this year, as I thought it would create a healthy tension that could help the Village financially.  However I am disappointed in two things:  the significant rise in the Rumpke bid vs 2012, and the disqualification of Forest Green due to what we were told is an incomplete bid packet.  FG's packet had no net cost, only a per Household cost, so our Solicitor told us (via the Mayor) to not consider it.


While we made the best decision we could, I am very frustrated we didn't consider a bidder with previous Village experience.  We could have saved the village nearly $25000 yearly vs 2012 (-9%) but instead recommended Rumpke at an increase of approx $20,000 (+8%).  We're heading in the wrong direction.

While I find it helpful to see additional service options in the bid packet, I don't support front service in the Village.  I also wish to further incent recycling, but I don't think we should shoulder a big cost.  I do thing we should consider Thurs/Fri service even though it would be a major transition headache for the Village Office as well as residents.  Forest Green's Thurs/Fri option is very creative in my opinion.

Bid Packet problems
FG pointed out that our Bid packet had no reference to the number of HH's.  They also pointed out we made no reference to our Sticker program.  These are both oversights on the part of the Village.  It's not fair to blame any person, but collectively the Village didn't get it right.  We have important work to do before the next bid process.

Net net, we'll recommend status quo at a +8% rate from a known supplier.  But I think we missed out on a very worthy vendor and am frustrated we can't consider it.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Mayor doing a great job on Eastern Corridor

I think this Mayor should be commended for his handling of the encroachment of the Eastern Corridor onto Village property.  I think he's offered up the right level of challenge while still remaining engaged in their process.  I think the Village is handling it just right - thanks to the Mayor for great efforts to date.


10/8 Econ Development Committee Meeting

I attended the Economic Deve Committee meeting (I'm not a member of this Committee) and here's what I saw.

I continue to have heartburn over Annexation.  We take whatever we want and treat our neighbors badly:  conversion of Murray Ave to 1 way without engaging Col Twp, ignoring requests to meet for months to consider a proposal for a Roundabout with Col Twp are 2 examples.  I had hoped to work WITH Columbia Twp and others vs TAKE FROM.

Further, we must fully understand the revenues and the costs.  I don't believe we have any sense of costs.  Mutual Aid to the Ace Hardware is one thing - we come if we can.  Having to respond as the primary responder will add costs.  I would expect this will eventually become a request to add employees and/or vehicles.  Add on the huge costs Newtown has incurred during it's Annexation process, and I'm not sure of a payout.

I continue to wait on the compelling piece of evidence that suggests this is a good idea.


10/8 Council

I attended Council on 10/8/2012 and here's what I saw.

Mayor/Chief Shanks.  His commitment to the Village was huge, and the Village is what it is today in part because of his service.  Thank you Chief Shanks.

Plat of Annexation.  This is the first I've heard anything on this topic.  And it's concerning, since once again, full Council been left in the dark.  The idea is questionable at best, so the lack of communication is all the more troubling.

Landslide.  While I'm glad we're addressing part of the problem, we have a huge issue of fallen trees damming the creek.  The erosion problem will continue without a big intervention.

New Theater.  I'm glad the expansion is happening.  The Theater is one of 2 symbolic businesses on the Square, and I am glad the theater's expansion is moving forward.

Backwards parking in the Village.  A resident brought this up and I agree with him.  Backwards parking is unsafe and unsightly.  We should remedy this.

Parking restrictions due to Fire Truck egress.  This is important work, and I hope we're sensitive to resident's input and to the historic granite curbs.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes, as all were procedural in nature except:  Tax levy certification which is normal and happens every year.  Public Works money for the erosion issue - it's smart to use State/Fed money if we can.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Public Works Committee 9/24

I attended the Public Works meeting on 9/24 and here's what I saw.  Report, Minutes and Contract attached below.


The Public Works Committee recommends the Village not renew the 2012 Mowing Contract with 4 Seasons and instead go out to soft bid for 2013 (since bid is expected to be below $50,000).  Text of proposed Contract is attached.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cortney Scheeser

Jeff Andrews

Denise McCarthy


The Public Works Committee met on 9/24 to discuss the Mowing contract for 2013.

The meeting was called to order at 6:45, attending were Cortney Scheeser, Jeff Andrews, Denise McCarthy and John Scherpenberg.

John recommended not renewing the existing contract based on performance.  He said he believed the vendor got more contracts than it expected and labor became an issue.  Cortney asked if the Committee was supportive, Denise and Jeff agreed to not renew.

John said the new contract can be "soft" bid since possibly under $50,000 (new State limit).  He recommends us applying lowest and best.  He recommends up to 2 renewals at a max 2% before going back out to soft bid.  This allows the vendor to walk away too.  Cortney to followup with Ed to see legality of the contract as is and see if additional wording is needed to protect the Village for non-performance.

The Committee was supportive of the new contract with Ed's blessing.  The meeting adjourned 7:15PM


                        THE VILLAGE OF MARIEMONT



The State of Ohio requires that any local government proposing to enter into an agreement for services, the cost of which would exceed a specified minimum amount, must advertise for bids and make bid documents available to all who request them.  In recent years, the State of Ohio increased that minimum amount to $50,000.


For the past few years, bids for providing mowing and trimming service for parcels throughout the Village of Mariemont were below the new state minimum.  Therefore, the Village of Mariemont will be requesting from several contractors, “soft bids” for the 2013 mowing and trimming of parcels throughout the Village. 


If all bids exceed the State of Ohio’s minimum bid amount, the Village will proceed to post a legal ad for sealed bids.


It should be noted that the contract for the 2013 season includes many changes from the 2012 contract.  It should also be noted that the Village of Mariemont reserves the right to accept that bid which is lowest and best for the interest of the Village of Mariemont, and also reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


This request for “soft bids” is by direction of Council of the Village of Mariemont, Ohio.

























Contract documents and specifications for the mowing and trimming of various

Parcels throughout the village for 2013.



            The Village of Mariemont is presently taking soft bids for the grass and trimming maintenance for the year 2013 season for certain village properties hereafter identified.  The season starts on Monday, March 25, 2013 and continues to Friday, November 29, 2013.  The bids must be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Village of Mariemont at 6907 Wooster Pike, Before ______________________________2013.


            All bidders must have $ 1,000,000.00 worth of liability insurance as well as proof of current and paid workers compensation insurance covering all employees.  The successful bidder is responsible for withholding all Village taxes on all the employees working within this contract and submitting on a timely basis.


The successful contractor must register their company and employees with the Village of Mariemont Tax Office.   3814 West St. Mariemont, Ohio 45227 or call (513) 271- 1606 .  The company must submit a list of employee’s name and social security numbers who are working under this contract.  Failure to register the information before the contract begins will result in the Village of Mariemont holding any payment due.

The successful contractor must update any changes in employees to the Tax Office.


 All bidders shall be properly insured while working for the Village of Mariemont.  The Village of Mariemont shall have no liability whatsoever for those employees while working for said bidding company performing this work under this contract The successful contrator must submit current insurance and workers compensation during this contract. Any changes/renews must be sent to the Village of Mariemont, 6907 Wooster Pike, Mariemont, Ohio 45227. The Village office can be contacted by calling (513) 271- 3246. Failure to keep current liability and workers compensation current will result in holding any monies due. A payment schedule can be set up through the Village Offices.


All contractors or persons performing work under this contract must be 18 years of age or older.  All bidders shall provide specified services using their own mowing and safety equipment, transportation and personnel.  All equipment shall be in good working condition and order.  All work must be performed between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. No Mowing on Sundays. (exception of the village needing special cuts).


The Village shall have the option of extending this contract for two 1 additional years, ( 2013, 2014).  The extension of terms remains the same terms and conditions contained herein except that any changes are mutually agreed upon for that additional year.  The extension term provided that the increase for the extension year shall not be more than two percent (2%) over the previous initial term.  Notice of such extension shall be given in writing to the Village sixty (60) days or more prior to the expiration of the initial term.

All areas listed below shall be mowed one time per week.* (Except Bell Tower Park).   If mowing is not needed the first week, we ask that all-proper edging be done on the curbs and sidewalks.  In late July or August when there maybe little rain, there maybe no mowing needed in areas that do not have a sprinkler system.  (Contact the Superintendent to discuss which parcels should be mowed).   The week of May 20, 2013 the following areas are to be mowed on Thursday or Friday.  Parcel # 09,11, 23-26, 30, 33-36, 38, 39.  This ensures the village is cleaned up for the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27, 2013.


Wooster Pike Islands shall be bagged (even if using mulching eguipment) at each mowing and the contractor shall remove the clippings.  *The Bell Tower park and fields shall be mowed twice per week from March through November, once on Monday and then on Thursday. ( Friday morning if bad weather exists).  The grass shall be cut at the height no less than three inches and no more than three and half inches.  Mowers must be sharpened frequently to insure a good clean cut.  Grass should be mowed when its dry, however mowing should not be delayed for long periods of time in the event the grass is wet.  Under no circumstances shall grass be clumped together and left piled up on the turf area.  The successful bidder shall remove clumped piles.


All litter shall be picked up before mowing by the contractor and disposed of by the contractor.  All fallen limbs, twigs & branches, shall be picked up and stacked near the curb or tree, in the area where such debris exists.  The Village Service Department will pick up the debris.


All other areas shall be cut using professional mulching equipment which includes blades and shields.  This is to ensure the Village’s commitment to recycling.  All trees, poles, signs, fire hydrants, shrubs and street sides of curbs shall be trimmed using stick trimmers on a weekly basis (see figure A).  All curbs and sidewalks areas shall be trimmed using edge trimmers on a BI-weekly basis (see figure B).  When mowing and trimming around any Village tree, extra care shall be taken not to damage the tree trunks or roots of the tree.  If an employee does come in contact with any tree they must notify the village ASAP.  All cuttings shall be accomplished in such a manner to prevent clippings from being blown onto the streets, sidewalks and storm drains.  All sidewalks, streets, sewer drains, flowerbeds shall be blown free from all grass clippings and debris. Any question or concerns Contact the Superintendent  (the numbers will be provided to the successful contractor) to discuss which parcels should be trimmed.  


During the fall season when leaves fall to the ground and become very heavy, and it is to much to mulch, all leaves shall be blown towards the wooded areas when at all possible.  In the non wooded areas, the leaves shall be blown or mulched and placed at the curb but NOT IN THE STREET for leave pick up by the Village Service

Department.  (please call for pick up). During leaf season, when mowing Wooster Pike Island between Homewood and West St. please dump leaves on Oak St. for the Village to pickup.   All areas shall be mowed using the mulching kits including blades and shields.



Safety is very important and all company employees shall wear safety vest when working near or in the village right of way. Employees shall wear proper atire when working under this contract. (i.e., company shirts, pants, work boots and safety equipment).  No smoking shall be allowed while on the job site. 




The following are the parcels to be mowed and trimmed throughout the Village.


01)    Isabella Hopkins Park**       (Irrigated area)

02)    CG&E median from Pocahontas to Indianview and from Plainville to Belmont

03)    Indianview Islands

04)    Miami Hill side

05)    Miami Island**/Trolley Connector

06)    Point*

07)    Emery Park**

08)    Tennis Court outside** (and inside gate hilside)

09)    Community Gardens/Patriot Lane

10)    Park Lane High

11)    Bicycle Turnpike

12)    Lower Meadows

13)    Tot Lot*

14)    Bell Tower*  (Also inside gate)      (Irrigated area)

15)    Denny Pl., Island

16)    Mariemont Ave., from Pleasant to 6610 Mariemont Ave.,

17)    Midden Way Island

18)    Livingood Memorial**

19)    Center St. Island

20)    Mt. Vernon Islands

21)    Jordan Park

22)    Forsythia**

23)      Wooster Pk., Islands**

24)      Wooster Pike Triangle*

25)      Beech Grove *

26)      Emery Memorial**

27)      Backschrieder Island

28)      Albert Pl., Island**

29)      Sheldon Close Island

30)      Chestnut, Plainville, W/B Wooster Pk., Northside planting strip**

31)      Miami Bluff

32)      Madisonville Site (need to trim behind wooden fence)

33)      Statuary Park*        (Irrigated area)

34)      Dale Park Green

35)      Dale Park Dip

36)      Church Yard

37)      Ann Buntin Becker**

38)      Village Square *       (Irrigated area)

39)      Old Town Square **   (Irrigated area)

40)      Concourse Park **       ( Irrigated area)

41)      Settle Road  and Island **

42)      Mariemont Pool outside **  (Inside gate,*  need to be done in early a.m.)  cut behind fence/hillside

43)   6500 Mariemont, left side and rear of lot

*    Curbs or Sidewalks

**  Curbs and Sidewalks

Weeds that grow in the street next to curbs must be trimmed down.


Parcel # 34/35 Dale Park areas will are not ready to be mowed at this time but come Spring or June may be ready to be mowed in 2013.



Any questions, please call (513) 272 – 5741 or cell (513) 615 - 7749, ask for Superintendent John Scherpenberg




                                         LAWN MAINTENANCE 2013

                                                     BID SHEET




Contractor:    _________________________________________


Address:         ________________________________________





Contact Person: ________________________________________


Business Phone: _________________________________________


Fax Number: ___________________________________________





Bid price for the seasons 2013 $ ________________________







If you have any questions, please contact  Superintendent John Scherpenberg

Office  (513) 272 5741  or  Cell (513)  615 7749.









John Scherpenberg







To:   All Bidders



The following are the bids for previous years for mowing and trimming.  The bids very year to year, because the # of parcels and contract has changed every year.


1999                Lawnscapers               $70,000                      


2000                Neltner                                    $ 48,000                     


2001/2002       Swisher                       $ 106,980                   

01)     $ 52,600

02)     $ 54,380


2003/2004       Lawnscapers               $  96,899                    

03)      $ 47,949.50

04)      $ 48, 949.50


2005                Swisher                       $  56,600     increase renewal less than 1% declined             

2006/2007       Lawnscapers               $ 127,970

            06)    $ 63,150.00                   

            07)    $ 64,820.00


2008                Lawnscapers               $   69,480


2009                Lawnscapers               $  71,564.40   3% increase renewed


2010                Grass Cor                    $ 49,500


2011                Grass Cor                    $ 48,100


2012                4 Seasons                    $ 43,338

9/24 Council

I attended Council on 9/24 and here's what I saw

Frequency of Council Meetings.  I support Joe S's idea.  I think we can do longer meetings less frequently and save the Village money (less transcribing, less billable hours), as well as improve the job description for would-be Council persons.

Miami Hill sidewalks.  I look forward to continuing to extend the sidewalk up the hill.  The work looks great and I'm glad a resident on that street is encouraging further expansion.

Banners.  We should be smart about finances, but I would love to see Village banners flying on light poles on the square.  I would assume high quality materials would resist UV and wind for multiple years.

Cincy Bell savings.  While I'd like to see further savings achieved by a longer contract term, this is a nice savings oppty for the Village.  I support a 36 mo contract.

Coyotes.  I think education is absolutely the right first step.  From what I have researched, and from what the Humane Society of the US has informed Council, education is ALL that is needed.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes as all were procedural in nature.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Absent from 9/10 Council Meeting

I missed the 9/10 Council Meeting, but after reviewing the packet and minutes, here are some comments.

UC Anthropologist research.  I think this is great evidence to the sensitivity of the Lower 80 Acres, and I look fwd to his findings.  I feel the Eastern Corridor is bad for the Village if it tracks anywhere near the Little Miami River (will be Seen, Heard).

Best Recycling Rate.  This is awesome - I'm very proud of our Community's focus on this.  I would like to see us set a stretching objective of 50% within 2 years of the new garbage contract where we plan to further incent recycling by offering larger containers at cost.  One followup - this number may or may not include brush pickup.  We should get clear on how it's measured.

Theatre Tax abatement on improvements.  I fully support this - the Theatre is the heart of our Village and disproportionate investment (with conditions) is right.

Process for Tax abatement.  Once again, Council has been completely left out of the process.  72 hours notice for review is wholly inappropriate.  One person should not be steering the ship.  In all cases, the Group will make a better decision than the Group's smartest Person.  (per the book "Wisdom of Crowds").  This issue is easy to get behind, but it illuminates the dysfunction of Council/Mayor.  I am sure the founders of our Village's Government did not mean to install an Autocrat.

Andy Black vote.  I am glad that per the Solicitor, we conducted the vote legally.  While I'm not the expert, I still question this and don't understand how we can vote to fill a vacancy when there is in fact no vacancy.  I believe this fails the logic test.  Again, glad there is legal justification for our actions, but this doesn't make sense to me.

Waste Contract.  This contract has options I am not interested in pursuing, like front yard service.  I am fine to collect data on theoretical savings, but I am uncomfortable losing this important service in the Village.  I am excited to see the bids come back from this process - we may see 2 Companies bid which I believe will save the Village money.


letter to resident re questions from Council 8/24

I sent this note to the resident as followup to his comments in Council on 8/27

referenced Audio is clip from ICRCTV.COM
(fast forward to minute 30:49 and listen for about 30 seconds)



Thx for the comments tonight. Couple thoughts. I don't recall the pay as you go component in the last contract. We discussed but not sure it made it in. I recall we were worried about wet summers like 2011 and going way over when discussed in 2010.  We were more comfortable with "even billing".  Your memory might be better than mine however.  Regardless pub works should be held accountable and to a lesser extent full council.

Second, here are Ed's comments (audio) and guidance to andy to not vote. This is only a small portion so it's more nuanced for sure.  While our actions fail the logic test (voting to fill a vacancy before there is one), if we were legal then ill be relieved. Looking fwd to Eds analysis.

8/27 Council

I attended Council on 8/27 and here's what I saw.

Historical Expert's comments re Eastern Corridor.  I applaud his research and investigation, and I think this is the most compelling defense the Village has against the Eastern Corridor cutting through our South 80 acres.  The Eastern Corridor's path will negatively affect the quality of life for our Residents - we must work to find an alternative.

Resident's comments re mowing.  I think we chose "even billing" because of the dry years balanced vs wet ones.  I for one am no "futures" predictor of the rainfall, so I think even billing is appropriate.

Resident's concern of my fear of an illegal vote by Council (Andy Black voting for his replacement).  I don't see how Andy could possibly have voted.  The vote happens when there is a vacancy.  We had no vacancy at that Council meeting.  The Solicitor even said he assumed Andy wouldn't vote (before changing his mind).  It fails all logic and reason.

Pls see separate post to the resident on mowing and legality of Andy Black voting for his replacement.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes except accepting Minutes in which I abstained since I was absent from the previous meeting.  All were procedural in nature.


Finance Committee Meeting 9/20/2012

I attended the Finance Committee on 9/20/2012 and here's what I saw.

Radios for Maint dept.  Their current radios become obselete in Jan 2013, so this request makes sense.  Further, new ones are mobile vs vehicle mounted, so we can expect better response times in case of emergency.  I support new radios for the Maint dpt.  I would like us to revisit cell phones and the standards in which we deploy them.  I think we should factor in these new radios as we analyze cell usage and need.

Land Line telephone contract with Cincinnati Bell.  While I support 60 month contracts to maximize savings, the group converged on 36 months which is still a nice savings.  The group felt like flexibility in changing suppliers on month 37 was desirable if necessary.  While I'd rather save more, I'm ok with this.  I would like to see Joe S's reco to revisit phone hardware (and maybe cell service too) in 2013 or 2014.

Utility Aggregation.  The group continues to support Opt In (less discount, more autonomy to the resident) vs Opt Out.  Again, I would rather save more, but this should result in substantial energy savings for the Village and those who choose to take advantage.  We're reaching out to Anderson, Terrace Park and Newtown to see if further scale/bundling might be possible.  More work needs to be done on Aggregation before a Council reco.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

7/18 Planning Commission: West St sidewalk removal

I attended the Planning Commission (as a resident) on 7/18 and here's what I saw.

Removing sidewalks on West Street between Wooster and Madisonville Rd (opposite the school) is a bad idea.  I'm concerned it's even still under consideration.  We are a walking community who is trying to extend sidewalks (up Miami's hill, on East across Wooster, etc), not remove them.  Less sidewalks unravels what we've been praised for:  New Urbanism, an alternative to suburban sprawl's driving community model.  We should kindly thank the applicant for his offer to landscape but reject this regressive idea.

I will be watching closely as the PC reconsiders this application after school convenes.  If it again comes up, I will work hard to preserve those important West St sidewalks.


Health and Rec 8/6

I attended the H&R 8/6 and here's what I saw.

Trash contract.  I do not support front yard service changes, but I do support adding these options to the contract big proposal so that we may obtain data on cost premiums for comparison sake only.  I think we should preserve this tradition of rear yard service in the Village.

We are at 65% of our waste going to the landfill, currently best in Hamilton County. I would like to see it at only 50% - 1/2 gets recycled!  To that end, I would like to see us offer a large can option for recyling.  Studies show more volume in the container increases the amount recycled.  I would be ok to subsidize the cost so that the homeowner would be on the hook for less that full cost.

After bigger can = more recyling, another benefit of large can is less mess as animals and wind often spread recyclables throughout the yard.  Finally, more recycling (a profit stream for Rumpke) will lower our costs and may help negotiation in future contracts.


Ridiculous loss of Trees on West Street

I am dismayed by the reckless removal of street trees on West.  We now have only 1 stree tree remaining.  It is an embarrassment for a Tree City USA Village to operate in such a shameful way.  Here's a view of life (with shade) before Jun 2012:,-84.377141&spn=0.001105,0.002411&sll=41.455293,-82.702129&sspn=0.136632,0.308647&hnear=West+St,+Mariemont,+Hamilton,+Ohio+45227&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=39.145867,-84.377141&panoid=QdOUURMidgqWvMIBUWpPYw&cbp=12,359.08,,0,-1.3

Huge, prolific, beautiful tree canopy is a Mariemont asset very few communities can claim.  It is a main reason for the graceful and inviting atmosphere in the Village.  We take this for granted and do not act in such a way to preserve this for the long term.

There are those that say trees with nuisance fruit are ok to remove.  (See August Mayor's Bulletin Parking Lot Article)  What about those with nuisance limbs?  Nuisance leaves? Where does it stop?  That answer is easy - the Mayor.  He uniquely and solely controls all planting and removing.  This should instead be managed by a Committee with different viewpoints.  Something has to change.

Sweetgum trees like those removed do have problematic fruit, no question.  I wouldn't plant them near a sidewalk, but they lived happily there for 50+ years, all the while next to a school.  So the logic of all must come down in the span of 2 months is flawed.  I disagree they need to be removed, but if the consensus is to remove, then strike them down over 5, 7, or even 10 years.  Why all at once?  It's obvious we have no plan, and the Village suffers because of this.  Pls see below note to Dennis Wolter on the need for a program/process.

I had hoped to make a meaningful impact on trees in the Village when I ran for Council, and I have been unsuccessful.  I am sorry to the residents for this failure.  I commit to continuing to push for their care, appropriate removal and generous planting as long as I serve on Council.


Hi Dennis,
One thought I didn't share - we can disagree about which tree when, and that's ok. But I think you'd agree that a comprehensive plan for old, sick & nuisance trees could have for instance left 2/3 the old trees on West in 2010, 1/3 of old trees in 2012, and 0/3 in 2014. With a staggered, structured plan, you give the new trees a chance to mature a bit before all the old canopy is gone. This softens the stark Mason-like conditions we see now.
What I would like to see is a published plan of diverse Nolen-approved tree species. What, where, when. I don't think we have this rigor today. Would appreciate your thoughts on the value of a plan like this and how to advance the idea.
Mariemont Village Council