Sunday, September 22, 2013

sad to see 30 day tribute to Jack Phifer expire

Our great new truck came with some extra artwork - tributes to Jack Phifer.  Unfortunately, after 30 days, they were removed.  I was told it was intended to be a 30 day tribute only.  I'm glad we paid homage, but I wish it was permanent.  I'll pose this question to the residents (the handful who read my blog): Should we do something permanent for Jack?


Safety Idea - leverage runners'/walkers' eyes and ears - call 271-4089

I offered up an idea for our large contingency of walkers, runners, cyclists to combat the crime in the Village:  share the police number (271-4089) and ask them to watch for suspicious activity.

Thanks for the ideas. We will try to get out communication asking for the help via NIXLE. I think it will be a challenge to get people out of the gyms due to hot or the upcoming cold weather, but we can always ask.
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Cortney Scheeser <> wrote:
Hi Rick,
Had a thought as you're combatting all the property theft in the Village.  We have a secret weapon in the Village - pedestrians and cyclists.  Personally, I study the neigbhorhoods I run through and notice when things are out of place.  There may be a way for pedestrians to be more intentional w info sharing.  Here's a brainstorm list of ideas:
-ask for residents to work out in the Village vs on a treadmill in Fairfax
-ask them to consider running the same route to gain familiarity
-ask residents to carry a phone
-provide residents a non 911 number (maybe the officer on duty cell number?)
-call whenever they see something out of the ordinary, including open car, trunk latch open, open garage, etc.
Obviously it's your call on how/if to leverage this, but I think pedestrians could be a help.  Holler w questions.

Mariemont Village Council

Farmers Market Idea - use West St when Lot unavailable?

I shared the following info with the Mayor.  Unfortunately, he did not reply to my request/idea.


Hi Dan,
Can you pls share the contact info?  Also, for the 2 weekends with a school conflict, could we block off the West Streeet block between Madisonville and Thorndike for the event?  This block has been shut down for 1/4 of the year anyway, and it would allow the event to go on.  Just a thought....

Mariemont Village Council

9/9 Council

I attended Council on 9/9, and here's what I saw.

Welcome to Officer Hoffman - congrats on completing the Probationary period.  We're all looking fwd to your service to the Village.

Letter to Resident re garbage complaint.  I found the letter somewhat condescending and as typical, a "blaming" tone vs a "take responsibility" tone.  We were wrong in this case- we published (publish!) incorrect info.  Regardless, we on Council are servant leaders - we take the low place and humbly serve all.  The letter didn't reflect that, in my opinion.

HAWK Pedestrian Light @ Wooster & Belmont.  As stated in another posting, I support this, even with a cost to the Village.  It's right for many reasons; risk is low.

Farmers Market.  I am glad we'll try again next year, but I am concerned we'll not meet our commitment of a Season through October.  I find it curious that this didn't go into Economic Development for discussion.  The Mayor stated the Village paid for marketing, so we're obviously involved.  We should stay out of it completely (my preference) or jump in and act.

Monthly Council meetings.  While I love the lighter load and agree it will attract more would-be Council men and women, I think we should remain 2x month, 12 months each year.  Here's why - the Village is run in a extremely unbalanced way.  The Mayor makes nearly every decision I have been shocked to learn, and Council is usually boxed out.  This less frequent cadence will further exasperate the problem.  All of us make better decisions than any one of us - Council needs to continue to exercise its authority and responsibility to run the Village.

I voted in the affirmative on all issues as all were procedural in nature, except:  Officer Hoffman full time status - Chief's endorsement is sufficient for me.  HAWK light is reasonable.  Insurance renewal is reasonable.


Safety Committee Meetings 8/13, 8/25

I attended both Committee meetings (same topic) on 8/13 and 8/25 and here's what I saw.

"HAWK" Light @ Belmont and Wooster.  I support this concept.  This is the 2nd light planned for the Village that stops vehicle traffic at a crosswalk while pedestrians cross (other will be on Plainville near the Elem).  While there is a cost to the Village, not to exceed $40K, I think it's right for a number of reasons:
-The cost includes new adjacent sidewalks and an upgraded island
-Village has $9,900 in unspent sidewalk funds in 2013
-Village didn't expand sidewalks in 2013
-$40K may cost $20K-$30K net with insourced design by our Engineer
-This is a main crossing point for the Safe Routes to School program
-The light won't cause noticeable backups

I'm supportive of trying this out.


Monday, September 9, 2013

8/12 Council

I attended Council on 8/12/2013, and here's what I saw.

Bike Thefts.  It's very sad to see the increase in thefts.  Each chips away at our quality of life.  Joe's/Rick's idea of a digital photo is a great one - take a picture in case it's ever stolen and recovered.  Also, we must remain vigilant to lock doors and close garage doors.  I don't see it ending any time soon, but most thefts are avoidable w/ a bit of precaution.

Pool attendance down.  I worry this is a symptom of dissatisfaction by our Pool Members.  It's too soon to act, considering the cool summer we had, but I would like to see us interview residents.  It's important to provide opportunities for the Village Residents to spend more of their time and more of their money in the Village.  Our goal (unattainable) should be 100% of a residents time is spent here in the Village.

Motions made in writing.  I don't doubt Council/Mayor can demand a motion delivered in writing.  If asked, it's easy to comply.  What I can infer from the discussion is that a motion in writing can be delivered and voted on immediately.  Time isn't described in the Rules of Council.  That said, it's a likely guarantee of a failed motion.

Motions in writing part 2.  I stand by my motion at the last council meeting.  I asked for a Special Meeting within 10 days.  There was no substance to this motion - it was purely a calendaring exercise.  To suggest it was somehow underhanded is incorrect.  Rather, to demand a motion like that in writing is the concern.

Motions in writing part 3.  I have significant doubts in the Mayor's willingness to entertain a Motion he doesn't support.  So I think it's fair to ask the Solicitor:  if a motion is delivered in writing to be acted on at the next Council meeting, and considering the Mayor controls the agenda of that meeting, how does a Motion ever get read?

Rail abandonment.  I support Norfolk's abandoning of the rail lines in Fairfax and the lower 80 so that trails, and hopefully someday, light rail can be built.  I fully support the Wasson Way line since they've clearly stated they won't be a barrier to light rail transit projects.

Trash discussion.  I wish more residents would take advantage of the "white glove" service we pay for rear yard pickup.  It's a waste of money to pay for such a premium program and not use it.  I would like to see us educate (ongoing) our residents.  I think education needs to be provided ongoing to the drivers and haulers as well.  There's enough turn over to warrant it.

Trash discussion part 2.  I also believe a huge Rumpke recycle bin would be inappropriate, as would requiring it be dragged to the curb.  Residents years ago impressed upon me - Mariemont is special, rear yard service helps keep us special.

I'm disappointed we didn't act sooner to properly consider the Property and Casualty insurance renewal.  I know we've paid too much in a previous Employee Health Care Pool, but I think this should be considered.  Service is great, but I'm in more of a commodity frame of mind where low cost almost invariably wins.  Given there was no time for due dilligence, though, supporting the status quo was appropriate.

Zoning extension.  I voted no on this in 2010.  It's inappropriate to grant a variance without seeing a rendering, a drawing, or any detail on a project.  I continue to oppose this even considering the great investments those in the business community have made to enhance our Village.  I'm a no until I can see a plan.

I voted in the affirmative on all votes as they were procedural in nature.  Exceptions:  Insurance - yes since we had no other choice given time constratints.  Zoning - no since no plan.


Orange paint on trees = Mayor's choice for tree removal

I learned last week the orange paint spot on seemingly healthy trees planted in the public right of way have been personally tagged by the Mayor for removal.  I find it disturbing that the Mayor continues to exercise an uneducated approach to manage our heritage trees (see the nuclear option on West St near the Elem School from Summer 2012)  I wish a committee of more than one person got to weigh in on the removal of any tree.

We continue to plant too few, remove too many; maintaining a disproportionately old tree canopy.  In so doing, we risk a devastating loss of the trees we (at least I) hold dear.  A generation from now, Mariemont residents will have only pictures of the vistas we enjoy today.
